My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2683: Surprise

For some reason, when Su Jin saw the Buddha's head, he felt sincerely admired. The Buddha's head fell to the sky on the west bank of the Milky Way for an unknown number of years. The breath of the vicissitudes of time can be seen at a glance.

With the waves of the galaxy, looking up at the starry sky, Su Jin gently folded his hands and pointed at the Buddha's head to show respect——


Quiet, the waves still sound.

There were patches of blue light on the galaxy. At first it was only a short burst, floating like mist, but the gathering speed was getting faster and faster. In a short period of more than twenty breaths, a star bridge that could cross the galaxy Condensed.

This bridge——

Naturally, it condensed in order to attract Su Jin to enter, and now he is the only one stepping over.

The three women looked at Su Jin together, naturally envied in their hearts. After all, with the strength of Su Jin's Divine Dao Realm, this step can be achieved, let alone ordinary people dare not think, I am afraid that no matter how enchanting power is, they will be surprised.

The ink is lightly raised, and the robe is still hunting!

As the bridge of the galaxy is condensed, the sceneries on the west bank of the galaxy seem to be unpredictable! To the south of the Buddha's head, to the west of the distant sky, faintly looking, there are nine nebula vortexes, manifested——

The nine nebula vortexes seemed to be absorbing the power of the stars. Su Jin noticed it, and his eyes shrank sharply. In the nebula vortex, there were two faint palms floating in it that he had never dared to think about. The palms looked like Dry, but as capable as stainless steel.

It can be seen so far away, you can imagine how big the palm of your hand should be!

Another place is different, also on the far west bank of the Galaxy, where the step towards the heavens is located. To tell the truth, it is already different from the human world. At this moment, the blood-stained Shen Ting, lingering for a long time, red light seems to be shining in it, and when people look at it, they seem to have been bombarded by the panic-stricken Thunder——

The three women quickly closed their gazes, and just looked at them, and the three women's faces were as pale as paper for a moment! Almost hit hard!

The Star River Bridge is completely condensed and formed.

And on the east bank of the Galaxy, where Su Jin’s four stand, a black crystal array rises from the bank of the Galaxy, and bright spots light up one after another.

This is the way out of the extreme realm!

"How does Ye Di choose?" Dongfang Yan couldn't help asking.

"It's easy to take that step. From now on, I will not only go in, but also come out at any time. It's not anxious to move towards the heavens. When my alliance of the traitors grows up, it won't be difficult to conquer the heavens." Su Jin looked at the galaxy. The bridge, without nostalgia, took a step sideways and walked towards the black crystal array——


The Nine True Princesses, the Eastern Wild Goose, and the Fallen Devil Goddess were not surprised by Su Jin’s words, but not everyone can have such a great spirit. After all, crossing this galaxy bridge and reaching the other shore is a great achievement, and the attraction is beyond. Any, but Yedi doesn't care!

At least, everyone in the three women is weighing it in their hearts. If they change to be themselves, can they resist this attraction? The answer is no!

Without time to think any more, the three women followed Su Jin closely, and almost at the same time stepped onto the black crystal array——

The breath of time is flooded in the God Formation. This God Formation that floats up from under the galaxy is very old. The bright spots above are lighting up, densely packed.

"Fallen Devil, you find the location. It's best to find the exact location of Ghost Heaven Palace——" Su Jin said lightly.

"I'll try, every star here, I'm afraid it represents a star field, it is too difficult to find the Ghost Palace, I guess it is not bad to find our realm." said the fallen devil.

"Actually, it's not that difficult—" Princess Jiuzhen pointed to the stone plate with complicated patterns on the **** array, and said: "As long as you drop your blood on it, the **** array can transmit us to where your bloodline is. ."

"So easy?" Su Jin suddenly.

"Yin-Yang-Tong Pass, I have crossed three in ten thousand years. One of them was unable to part with his family and chose to give up to go to the other side of the galaxy. This divine formation was recorded by him, otherwise the monks in the extreme real world would not know that they have passed through nine. The situation that you can go out after closing." Princess Jiuzhen said.

It turned out to be like this...

The fallen demon goddess will be suspicious, slightly bending her fingers, forcing a ray of crystal clear blood, and falling on the stone disk the size of a millstone——


The entire **** array trembled fiercely.

The fallen devil goddess looked happy. Although Dongfang Yan and Princess Jiuzhen did not laugh, they were also happy for Su Jin. After all, they were leaving their homes and couldn't laugh. As the exiled, Su Jin could leave alive. It is not too scary. ——

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold sharp edge appeared in the corner of his eyes. With the passing of three breaths, the entire starlight screen disappeared, and above it was the scene of the hometown where the blood of the fallen devil was appeared, but!

But here comes the problem!

Over time, why hasn't it been sent away? !

The smile froze, and the three women peeked at each other, all of them were in a silly comparison~~~ The fallen demon goddess thought that tremor was a sign of teleportation, but now she is strange.

Ten breaths.

Twenty breaths.

Fifty breaths.

The entire **** array seems to be stuck-

"Something's wrong." Princess Jiuzhen couldn't help being surprised.

"What's the accident? Hasn't the Divine Formation been activated? Why didn't we send us away?" Dongfang Yan looked at Su Jin, and then looked around vigilantly.

The galaxy waves seemed to be a lot bigger. This was originally the east bank of the galaxy. The divine formation rose from the water, and the waves became more and more rapid, and the waves rose a lot.


The starry sky was obscured by a thick dark cloud. In the entire galaxy, the tide was surging, and terrible sounds appeared from nowhere. The dark cloud covered all the stars, the scream of wind, a raindrop the size of a broad bean poured down——

The galaxy is full of violent storms--

On the other side of the west, on the sacred and magnificent Buddha's head, the rain was even more urgent. The water flowed on the Buddha's head like a spring, like a big Buddha crying. Su Jin opened his eyebrows and gently opened his face, his face was already extremely solemn.

The violent storm seemed to faintly transform this place into an aura, the original tranquil bursts of stars, but at this moment, there are vortexes condensing, disappearing, condensing, disappearing...

Su Jin watched closely, he even observed the capital of the Buddha on the other side very carefully, and found no abnormalities.

"Ye Di -" Dongfang Yan shouted, pointing his feet.

Su Jin's pupils shrank sharply.

The entire galaxy water surface seems to be rising! He immediately noticed it and looked directly at the north of the galaxy!

There was a huge galaxy wave of 40,000 feet high, dark and heavy, it was still turning high, the huge wave seemed to be destroying everything, and it was madly rushing towards this place——

The three women followed Su Jin's gaze, and all of their faces suddenly turned into dull expressions!

Despair, unwillingness, fear! All kinds of emotions were pale and weak when the 40,000-zhang high galaxy wave appeared in front of him——

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