My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2684: Shadow mourner

When the three oriental geese were stunned--

Suddenly, there was an extremely handsome figure in front of him! This back is...

Ye Di!

Su Jin held his left hand behind him, did not choose any other way, and walked against the 40,000-foot-high huge wave. People who watched every step were frightened. You must know that this place is different from the ordinary place, and the opposite side of the galaxy can walk. Into the mysterious heavens, in this galaxy, there is very likely a monstrous and terrifying existence——


Shuai is a little more handsome, but the pressure of the three women is extremely high. People in the giant city of Tongguan say that Su Jin has the ability to step into the heavens. The bridge of galaxy has also proved that, but the mysterious heavens appear at will A great power of, I am afraid that Ye Di is difficult to resist.

Su Jin quickly filled with Buddha's yellow.

The huge golden body of the king and Buddha appeared, and a circle of Buddha wheels exuded the light of Buddha, illuminating the void, and the entire golden body turned into a golden existence——

"Now we can only rely on the night emperor. If this huge wave is rolled, we will all be submerged in the galaxy." Princess Jiuzhen smiled bitterly.

"Why did the huge waves roll up at this time? It's a coincidence too! I have a feeling, it feels as if someone doesn't want us to leave--" Dongfang Yan whispered.

"We all have to believe him, even Tongguan can pass. This galaxy wave shouldn't be a difficult thing for him." The Fallen Devil Tianmai said slowly.

Because she is not familiar with Princess Jiuzhen and Dongfang Goose, the Fallen Devil Goddess knows how difficult it is for Su Jin to walk all the way, at least he is still standing now and has not been defeated!

Dongfang Yan and Princess Jiuzhen stared at the huge golden back. For a while, their hearts were filled with a very special feeling——

That's right!

Su Jin's golden body of the Shinto King Buddha is still expanding. His King Buddha body is like a golden city wall, trying to stop the huge galaxy wave!


A circle of Buddha wheels shone dazzling golden light, and when the 40,000-foot-high huge wave hit, Su Jin instantly withstood dozens of times the pressure, his face expressionless, his arms slowly raised, his palms folded together.


Another six arms condensed.

"I, I actually feel like I want to worship him." Princess Jiuzhen blushed and said. She knew that she would never reach the height of Ye Emperor in her life. At least for now, she and Ye The gap between the emperors is almost as long and wide as this galaxy, which is incomparable.

"Me too. Once I was in great pain and meditated for three years. By copying the Buddhist scriptures, I got out of that sad period. Later, in order to practice again, I erased that memory. The Buddhist scriptures have long been forgotten, but- "Dongfang Yan didn't finish her last words, she stretched out her hand, and a group of green Buddha's brilliance actually condensed on the middle finger.

The fallen devil is dumb--

The waves were surging, and the three women were tightly behind King Su Jin Buddha, and the terrifying huge waves diverged on both sides.

And the emperor...

It will stand tall!

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The deep ice-colored galaxy water rolled up on the Buddha wheel behind Su Jin’s head, the Buddha wheel swirling and flowing, and the distance is still deep——

Su Jin looked at him coldly, he always believed in a word, something abnormal must be a demon! It was not an unreasonable coincidence that this galaxy had a huge wave. After layering on top of each other and the water gradually subsided, he looked to the north of the galaxy!

On the rippling waves, two snow-white bone wings are still making waves! The head faintly raised its head under the bone wings, it looked like a human skull, with nine blood holes opened in it, and nine eyes were on the skull!

"Be careful—" Seeing this scene behind the shoulders of the Buddha, the three women quickly reminded the Princess Nine True with fear.

"Do you know this evil beast?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"This is the shadow burial. Because of the special location in Tongguan city, those who successfully pass through the nine levels can be taken to the heavens. This shadow burial is recorded in the earliest documents. The record still exists in my home. It is extremely terrifying. "Princess Jiuzhen said in a shocked tone.

The Eastern Goose also changed his complexion, and then said: "Yes! "The source of the heavens" records in the aliens, the shadow burialists are mostly bull-shaped, can make waves, protect water, and love collecting **** bones, but shadow burialists Not too strong. Of course, this is for the strong who really took that step. What's really terrifying is that it mostly has a master—"

the host?

Su Jin took a closer look. Under the terrifying skull, there was a faint circle of black and red chains with cotton-like bloodshot eyes in the chains. I don't know what grade of material it is, and the chains are not in a vertical or straightened state. It should be. Broke, let this evil beast escape——

The entire Shadow Burial has finally revealed its true body on the stormy sea!

The figure of this shadow burial person was actually a monkey, with nine holes on the skull and two bone wings! There is also a white bone whiptail behind it, and a necklace made of more than a dozen gods and human bones hangs on its neck!

The huge body is almost comparable to Su Jin's entire golden body of King and Buddha——

"Naughty animal, whose dog's chain is not fastened, he wants to murder the most handsome night emperor in the world?" When Su Jin said, the magnificent Buddha's palm lifted the water in the far north, and wanted to bury this shadow. The person caught it all in life-


The size of the shadow burialist did not affect its speed. When it jumped straight out of the water, thousands of waterspouts were lifted up on the surface of the galaxy. The power of each waterspout was extremely terrifying, and the speed of rotation was torn apart. Pieces of void!

The eternal evil world seems to appear in that instability. Fortunately, this is the closest place to take that step. Otherwise, if it is placed in the mortal world, this power is enough to overwhelm the void and destroy a territory!

"You mortal cultivator, you have a half-singular Buddha bone! This **** is missing a Buddha bone that looks like yours. It's a pity, only half of it, but it's good to be polished into Buddha bone beads--" The person grinned open, the blood-black sharp teeth were very awe-inspiring, his nine-hole eyes stared at Su Jin, murderously.


Su Jin's upper body was completely condensed into a blue Buddha bone. Only he himself knew the secret. Unexpectedly, this evil beast was capable, so he could directly see through his secret.

"Hehe, today this king will take care of you for your master. Well, you have a good pair of bone wings. I want to tear it off and leave it as a treasure. It may be of great use in the future--" Su Jin slowly said.

"What did you say?" The Shadow Burial's voice became unstable.


As the ugliest galaxy bully, the shadow burial can only rob others. Now someone has been staring at the bone wing, wanting to tear it down for treasure?

Also, the most intolerable one was threatened by a mortal cultivator!

"Why don't you have any numbness in my heart? Forget it, I remembered, I conquered a giant bone snake, and I am still waiting for me to return. I have prepared a pure golden dragon corpse for it. It hasn't swallowed yet, now with your pair of wings, it is estimated that it can fly faster."

Su Jin was full of seriousness. His Syllabus Giant Bone Snake was still in the Nanli Shrine without carrying it. The more you look now, the more pleasing the pair of bone wings will be. If you put wings on the Giant Bone Snake——

Gee, that speed is incredible!

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