My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2689: Fusion of the nine gods

"Are you a man or a ghost!"

Although the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was unharmed in this confrontation, he didn't even regress, but Su Jin didn't have it either, and he seemed to be able to do well. This is simply impossible—

"Speaking of which, don’t you not confess yourself? It’s so cruel, you want me to die in exile, even if I don’t die by the means of you and King Kong, according to your thinking, I fall into the extreme The real world is definitely difficult to live," Su Jin said lightly.

Indeed, do not confess!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was also anxious just now. He didn’t think about this level. Now he is heard by everyone, especially the King of Ghosts. This old man came with his own Shenlong ancestor——

Regardless of!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon sect immediately shouted: "With the power you showed in the battle of life and death, it is impossible to be alive under the blow just now, who are you! Why do you want to pretend to be the emperor of the night!"

The next second behind the words——

The audience suddenly exclaimed!

Su Jin knew that this fallen demon sect master was confusing, why should he impersonate the emperor! Immediately, the power of the whole body shook out!

One flower.

Three flowers.

Seven flowers.

In the end, nine lotus flowers of different colors appeared on the top of the head in shock! Yedi may be fake, but Jiu Daoxiu...unique!


Su Jin's body was filled with Buddha's yellow, and the Buddha's golden lotus among the nine divine lotuses rushed to his feet in a flash, expanding, and then expanding! Wrapped the golden body of his Buddha, Taoist King Buddha in the center, and the eight-armed form of the Buddha also appeared at this moment, and each arm received a bright lotus!

Whoosh whoosh——

Nine colors of Shinto chains pierce through the void, cruising around the sky like a divine snake. At this moment, who can think of it!

"Nine divine lotus, this, this..." Miss Lu was excited, and she and Xing Tianyang knew exactly what this meant, this was a divine way! The Nine Gate Avenue has entered the divine realm!

"Oh my God, what did Brother Ye go through? Even the great path of cultivation has achieved the Divine Dao Realm. This is great, but you need to be careful. The master of the Fallen Demon Sect is powerful, unless the master can win the victory——" Xing Tianyang Sigh.

Qin Wanluo's side, Qin Tiangang looked terrified! Not long ago, when he was in the battlefield of life and death, he helped Su Jin and borrowed Su Jin's hand to get rid of Song Pingzhang. It was just an opportunity that was hard to miss. He didn't expect this guy to be so scary now!

King Guitianqi couldn’t help but nod. Originally, he wanted to guide Su Jin, but he didn’t expect that this little disciple who accidentally received it would make people so worry-free.

"It is indeed the nine-door divine realm." King Guitianqi said to the two deer girls.

At this moment, the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect had put away his contempt, and his hands were like willow branches, gently brushing.

Zhou Tian changed its color instantly!

The magic light in the sky attracts Thunder, and every electric light is as thick and thin as a bucket, deafening appearing all around——


The spreading thunder and lightning in the shape of a tree crown hit Su Jin Wang Fujin without even a spark. The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was really sinister. In the terrible magic light around, there were pink brilliance quietly floating.

Su Jin's pupils seemed to have a touch of pink, this is a kind of confusing mind skill, after the trick, looking at the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, it is really charming, but unfortunately, this trick is too pediatric!

If you change to someone else, you may get caught up in it, but Su Jin will not!

Su Jin's method of heaven is natural. Even if he loses his reason, he can keep the line of Ming and Qing in his heart. How can he be deceived by this magic technique?

Chi Chi -

Pieces of pink light were completely removed by Su Jin, his expressionless face, eight arms raised, eight **** lotuses of different colors began to merge with each other.


A trace of dying fluctuations appeared with the terrifying breath of the **** lotus, and the buddha lotus blooming underneath the body was also shrinking rapidly, flying up, and beginning the final fusion!

"Majesty King Kong! Hall Master Tiangang! If you two don't make any move, I am afraid that I will be moved to the ground by him. If I make a mistake, he will also find you! Don't forget what he said. !" The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect had a solemn face, looking at the fused **** lotus, the **** lotus was still surrounded by circles of the gods!

This lotus put great pressure on the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect!

King Kong Master poked his head out of the void, his body is extremely old, but if it is to say the defense power, it is called second here, absolutely no one dares to be the first!

"Who dare!" King Guitianqi burst out immediately, and immediately Xing Tianyang and Miss Lu stepped back from the Shenlong ancestor.

"King of chess, you still have to protect him, a heaven-defender! You know, leaving him with endless disasters!" King Kong's voice was like thunder, and his words were naturally addressed to King Guitian.

"Fart! You think I'm easy to provoke, right? The new hatred and the old hatred are counted together, come, come, you two will fight me and the Shenlong ancestor, we will pick it up with you——" Guitianqi Wang said domineeringly.

Qin Tiangang's face is ugly--

In fact, it is also depressed. If you don't help the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, you will probably be criticized by outsiders. By then, Patriarch Song will have to doubt his Qin family's rise.

Although Su Jin didn't name him Qin Tiangang before being exiled, his words were indeed insidious. The biggest problem was not being named. If he was shaken out by the night emperor, the reputation of Tiangang sword hall would be damaged.

But what if you help?

Although there is only one person in the Guitianqi King, there is a more terrifying ancestor of the dragon!

"Chess King! I'll fight you—" Qin Tiangang's face was not red, and his heart was not beating, so he rushed to the Guitian Chess King!

This move almost angered King Kongo...

"Brother Qin is enough to fight him. I will wait and see first, and then give the emperor a fatal blow!" How dare King Kong be willing to deal with the dragon ancestor alone, he didn't plan to make a move immediately.

In this case, Qin Tiangang stopped his body and said to the king of Guitianqi: "This way, let's take a look first--"

The beard of King Guitianqi is almost up to the sky, he is not afraid of anyone, these two people can be shocked, the other party will never intervene in the battle between Su Jin and the Lord of the Fallen Demon!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect cursed King Guitianqi in his heart. There was no way at this moment. He turned his hand and held a fiery red jade talisman, staring coldly at the divine lotus that gradually began to blend together...


The more I look, the more scared!

The Nine True Princesses and the Dongfang Goose, the fallen devil goddess of life, have moved farther away, even if the other party does not want to, they can only do this, otherwise Ye Di will continue to attack, and I don't know how big the scope is!

Chi Chi Chi Chi, strands of Shinto chains, intertwined with electric lights, made a small sound on that colorful **** lotus. At that moment, the **** lotus seemed to become unstable--

Su Jin squinted his eyes, brushed his arms across the Buddha lightly, and said lightly: "Go~~~"

The nine divine lotus floated in a mysterious trajectory, and in the blink of an eye, they floated in front of the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect.

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