My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2690: Tremble

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was obviously surprised--

The combination of Shendao lotus and nine into one, this technique is far stronger than Su Jin’s previous blow in the battle of life and death. Then, the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect directly crushed the heart of his hand without thinking about it. Fire Red Jade Talisman!


A magic light curtain wall, directly like a scroll, rolled up the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect under the explosion of the fiery red jade amulet. Although Nine Daolian is strong, in the eyes of the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, it may not be able to break her current defense!

"Blast!" Su Jin yelled softly.

Rumbling rumbling--

Terrible waves of death appeared around the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect. The magic light curtain wall was like a page of paper floating, but under Su Jin's blow, fine cracks began to spread on the magic light curtain wall!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect's face suddenly paled, and his cold eyes looked at Su Jin's place! She didn't expect that in such a short period of time, this Ye Di would grow to such a terrifying level!

Su Jin was surprised!

According to Su Jin's estimation, the Shendao Lotus emerged from the Nine Dao Unity. Although it is difficult to kill the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, it can definitely be done by wounding it.

What is that fiery red jade charm...

Su Jin could not have expected such a sharp blow to save the Lord of the Fallen Demon from the pain of injury.

"I want to see, you still have a few of these jade charms." Su Jin said lightly.

The Lord of the Fallen Sect took a deep breath, she was gone! But Su Jin wanted to kill her, and she was still a little tender. The entire Demon Sect's background was afraid that even the Ghost Heaven Palace could not be compared. I don't know how many treasures are in her hands, and the consumption can squeeze the Ye Emperor out——

"You can try it. When you are exhausted, it will be a good opportunity for me to cut you off." The Lord of the Fallen Demon hummed lightly, gently gripped his palm, and a staff appeared in his hand.

The whole body of the staff is intertwined with the color of green and gold, and the top part is the shape of a crescent. When the entire staff appears, the more people look at it, the more frightening people become. The void in the crescent is faintly condensed with secret light, and one eye is opening. This magic weapon was born Baotong!

"Moyue Mingyu, this staff once appeared in a Jedi, why did it fall into the treasure house of the Fallen Demon Sect?" King Guitianqi was surprised in his heart, as if talking to himself.

The ancestor of Shenlong at his feet was trembling uneasy, as if he was very taboo about that staff. Even Xing Tianyang had heard the legend of the magic moon and the magic staff——

The day was obscured by magic light, and four blood-red moons rose up in the emptiness. The moon seemed to be as red as blood. The terrifying blood light seemed to turn the surrounding three million miles into a magical place. .

Girl Deer took a deep breath and said slowly: "I heard that this staff was once buried in the magic soil, and it has not been born for a long time. The former magic soil buried 8 million terrible demons. There are so many spirits in it, we must not underestimate it."

"It's fine if the younger sister is here. She didn't take her in a hurry when she came. She knows Brother Ye best, and I don't know if Brother Ye can deal with it." Xing Tianyang became worried and thought of Qin painting.


Below, the Demon Gate is boiling--

I don’t know how many monks are cheering. The power of this magic moon magic wand is definitely a treasure that is beyond sight for them. It is rumored that the treasure of the town gate that once fell into the magic gate has returned. Think now that the master of the door will use it.

"Shit Ye Di, I fell into the Demon Gate, is it you want to provoke, if you want to provoke it? Isn't it relying on the ghost heaven, if it were not for the face of the chess king and the old dragon, the sect owner would have killed it long ago It's him!" The monk of the Fallen Demon Sect said with disdain.

"The dragon woke up 30,000 years ago. Don’t forget. In the Demon Stream behind the Demon Gate, there is a stone turtle that hasn’t awakened. That’s the number one turtle in the world. If it were born, why not Fear of his ghost heaven!"

"The emperor of the night has come to an end, the gatekeeper casts the Demon Moon Enlightenment, reciting the sacrificial pattern on it, and then drops a million demon souls, performs a peerless blow, and completely destroys him!"

"Arrogant, look at how arrogant you Ye Di is!"

"Emperor Ye is nothing more than this--"


The Fallen Demon Sect was boiling and applauded. For people like Su Jin who specialize in looking for things, every disciple in the Sect was willing to see him, wishing him to die!

Su Jin's eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth twitched, ignoring the gazes of others, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I don't know if anything else can be compared, but if it's better than the magical treasure, even if you fall into the devil door, even if you have all you can do, Really can't compare—"

Say it.

The world is in an uproar!

Arrogant! It was too arrogant and arrogant, the Supreme Treasure Moyue Mingyu had appeared, and the emperor of the night had not yet come up with a decent treasure, so he dared to speak so boldly!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect ignored Su Jin’s madness, her beautiful lips moved slightly, and a trace of weird fluctuations appeared from the staff in her hand, and the **** moon in all directions seemed to ripple out with it——



The earth trembles! In the four blood moons, two blood wings appeared faintly in each blood moon. There were two small eyes shooting blood in the center. Four squeaking blood-colored bats opened their claws and turned into the sky. The red shadow appears!

Su Jin smiled disdainfully!

Turning his hand from the waist, the Eastern Emperor Bell floated out, and the word ‘Taiyi’ suddenly burst out from the front of the bell, which was dazzling!

Only the Eastern Emperor Bell, the entire Demon Gate is not as valuable as it! This is Dan's value, this bell is the supreme treasure!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was shocked. Could this be the Eastern Emperor Bell that was guarded in the legend? The defensive ones are too similar, and there is a special charm revealed.

Moreover, the Eastern Emperor Bell did not rush towards the four blood bats that had descended at this moment, but chose to face the Lord of the Fallen Demon——

This is too big!

"Look at my magic wand, knock on your guarded Eastern Emperor's Divine Bell!" The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect is sure that it is a guarded Eastern Emperor's Bell. After all, the true bell has long been lost and never reappeared.

The magic wand was reversed by the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect. She did not retreat but moved forward, taking a leap forward, holding the magic moon magic wand in both hands, and directly ‘sweeping a thousand troops’, and swept towards the East Emperor Bell that ran across...


The Eastern Emperor's Bell trembled twice, and the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was stunned. Looking at the "Devil Moon Encyclical" in his hand, the tip of the crescent at the top...knocked off a piece!

Meat pain!

Why is this happening!

Moyue Mingyu is damaged, this heartache is no less than a stab in the heart of the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, that feeling is too uncomfortable, like a flawless treasure with irreparable flaws——

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, looked at the blood-colored bat shadows floating in all directions, suddenly shouted: "This king is deep in the avenue of mad demons. I am the devil, and all demons will tremble in front of this king!"

A drop of demon blood was gently swept off by Su Jin, who was like a king!


A lavish, **** "magic" character, rushing out~~~

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