My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2695: Suffocating

Just now beside Xing Tianyang, the sword light shot up into the sky, and a few people in Miss Lu knew it was bad. According to Su Jin's temper, how could she endure such bullying?

"Shit tortoise, Ye Di Xiaoye cut your body for thousands of miles today, charcoal grill your tortoise grandson——" Su Jin held up the giant fault sword, the giant fault is so wide and the mountain pattern on it is dazzling, it is so tyrannical!

The Lord of the Fallen Sect trembled in his heart.

It is hoped that the ancient **** tortoise is here, and the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect is naturally not afraid of this Ye Di, but this Ye Di knows how to live, and even curses the ancestor. This kid is not dead in vain. It is really annoying enough—

"Charcoal-grilled turtle grandson... I really dare to speak this night!" Some people are scared to cry, isn't it clear what happened? It is better to recover some strength there than asking for verbal cheapness.

"The emperor is really done this night, just one curse will bring him into a situation where he will never recover. Madness is really crazy, but he has to pay for his curses."

"Wang Gu Divine Tortoise, can he scold him? It's charcoal grilled...I'm..."


Many people appreciate Su Jin’s strength. After all, this is a kind of courage, and not everyone can have it——

Especially the King of Guitianqi, who was scolded by Su Jin laughed in surprise, and then he also said boldly: "Have you heard? You old tortoise, today I am afraid it will be the last time you unearthed it!"

"You, you..." Wanggu Divine Turtle Qi's body of thousands of miles was trembling, where the tremors, the void broke, and they couldn't be together for a long time, and the terrifying strength was quite predictable.

Qin Tiangang stared blankly at--

This ghost king is cunning by nature and loves to protect the calf the most, but this is the first time I have seen him so mad! Sure enough, he complied with that sentence, those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near Mo are black! Affected by his arrogant disciple!

"Master, let go!" Su Jin roared violently, and King Guitianqi was forced to retreat, and he approached Xing Tianyang and paid close attention to--

Juque sword, this sword was held high by Su Jin, and the terrifying Sword God Avenue blessed the Divine Sword. With just one sword, it seemed to cut out a void occasion!

The huge sword edge even smashed the palace gate in the Fallen Demon Mountain!

However, that blow was still heavy on the Ancient Watching Turtle!


Su Jin's expression changed, and with this blow, he felt like a fake! He had just mobilized his strength and slashed on the thousand-mile tortoise shell. He didn't even leave a trace, and didn't damage the Wanggu turtle at all.

So strong? !

"You little guy, your strength is pretty good, but when Grandpa Turtle once wandered through the heavens, you didn't know where you were. You wanted to kill me with just one sword?" Wang Gu stared at Su Jin with this sword. It could have collapsed in the void, but it didn't move a single inch after cutting it...

Not even a pain!

There must be a flaw!

Su Jin didn't retreat but moved forward, stepping into the void in one step, standing proudly not far from the long neck, is that scar its weakness? It should not work. Although it is a scar, it has been healed long ago. Only the scar is there.

Seeing that Su Jin was so big, Wanggu Divine Tortoise saw that the scales on his neck began to move, and the scales that could cut the void tremble, turning into a strangling wind mark, and strangling towards Su Jin——

Qiang Qiang!

Su Jin resisted the Juque Sword in front of him, and the power of each wind blade was very ingenious. Although it struck the Juque Sword, the slightest counter shock could break through his body's defenses. For a short time, he All were slightly injured!

The surface of the body is blood-stained!

That does not work!

King Buddha golden body! Su Jin's body quickly filled with the yellow color of Buddha, and the six-character Buddha bones on the spine were working at full force. His upper body was all Buddha bones, but he felt that it was a little difficult to block it because of the golden body of the king and Buddha.

The power of the nine realms, all condensed into the Buddha power, blessing the golden body of the king and Buddha! Su Jin kept the Giant Que sword dance airtight, and soon those terrifying wind marks rolled him into a ball——

"Jiyuan Tianquan!" Su Jin became more and more angry. He knew that this was the Dao Mark of the Wanggu Divine Tortoise, but this Dao Mark was like a sticky sugar. A little bit of inattention would cause him to suffer severe injuries, even death. may.

The four characters of "Era Tianquan" were roared out by Su Jin. Everyone at the scene lowered their heads and stared at the back of their hands. Everyone was practicing boxing on the backs of their hands. They were very strange.


Su Jin swung his sword with his right hand, and his left and right shoulders each had a few deep bone scars. You know, this is in the state of the golden body of the Shinto King Buddha!

If it was normal, it would have been cut into thin slices, and it would have shaken him into powder!

Immediately, Su Jin raised his left arm, and the mysterious fist marks around him gathered into light, shining and dazzling. When visible to the naked eye, his left arm was directly smashed...

After the terrible noise, those wind marks were directly swept away by the might of the sky fist!


Su Jin was slightly panting. The power consumption of Jiyuan Tianquan cost him 60% of his work. Although he could recover in a short period of time, a strong opponent of this level would definitely not give him any chance to recover.

"What kind of punch is this? I have never seen it before." Wanggu Divine Tortoise was a little surprised, but soon it returned to its normal tone, "Yes, not bad, this punch can dissolve my skill--"

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect also retreated when King Guitianqi retreated. Now, seeing the punch shown by Su Jin, his face is slightly paler. If she received this punch before, it is estimated that the end will be even worse than King Kong. .

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and circles of Buddha's light turned into Buddha wheels, condensing behind his head. This ancient tortoise was definitely the strongest person he had encountered in his life.

Strongly screaming--

Even the unsatisfactory "Era Tianquan" can only resolve the opponent's ordinary blow. If the opponent possesses magic skills, can he contend?

Su Jin felt weak in his heart, but his confidence was still there! In any case, he must persevere!

"There are so many things you haven't seen before, watch it carefully, close your eyes when that time, and you will never see it again!" Su Jin calmed his mind and glanced at the other party.

"The little guy is crazy enough, but no matter how crazy you are, you should never lose sight of me. Next, I have a trick, you can't take it. This trick is called Reverse the Universe. Are you ready?" Calm down.

"Come here!" Su Jin condensed in his heart, ready to deal with it.

The terrifying black sky and the four blood moons in all directions seemed to be spinning. This was not a blood moon spinning, but a monstrous magical technique of the ancient **** turtle!

The world is shocked by this technique!

Many spectators, no matter who they are, dare not look at the battlefield of Su Jin and Wanggu Divine Tortoise again. When they take a glance, they feel like they are overwhelmed by the river, almost wanting to vomit——

It seems that the sky is no longer the square sky, and the earth seems to be spinning, and many people stand still to be shaken!

Su Jin’s feelings are far different from those of others. He feels that his soul is being drawn by that inverted magical power. The entire spiritual sea is boiling, and even the power of the gods is completely affected.

Countless scenes, like the faint light in the vortex, are constantly rotating and turning upside down, the vitality of Su Jin's body is being swept away!

How to break this technique!

Although Su Jin has a ray of ‘Heaven’s Way of Nature’ and keeps the Ming and Qing in his heart, there is no other way at this time, and there is no way to break it!

His ‘None’, Tian Mi, could not be displayed even when the universe was turned upside down. This was the first time Su Jin had run Tian Mi, and he failed!

too frightening.

Su Jin was faltering in the void. Looking left and right, he suddenly felt a trace of blood on his face, a drop of Buddha blood drifted along his gaze, and his eyes gradually darkened, and his brain's thinking seemed to be difficult to function again——

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