My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2696: Golden Buddha Buddha!

Everything in Su Jin seemed to be leaving with the blank. Before his thinking stopped working, he clung to something with his right palm, which was the damaged jade pig dragon——

Originally, when he realized that it was not good, the line of Ming and Qing he kept tightly in his heart made him silently recite "Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaotian Broken Real Volume" in the deepest part of his heart, but all of this seemed useless.

He seems to be no longer him.

Like the air, Wang and Buddha seemed to have no soul in his body, like a rock, like a meteor, like a tree with withered stone and rotting roots——

Xing Tianyang's smile gradually faded. As a person of the ghost heaven, he and Su Jin really had a good relationship. Naturally, he didn't want him to have an accident, but now... even Master can hardly help him.

There is no trace of ruddy on Miss Lu's proud little face. It is because of her skin that she is seduce and her skin is thickened. Otherwise, at this moment of worry, I am afraid that people can really see that there is something wrong with her.

"Wang the ancient tortoise is too strong." Princess Jiuzhen felt distressed, leaving the extreme realm of the underworld, she still had a look at the outside world in the future, but the leader was about to let go-

"This supernatural tortoise has a fierce reputation. Yedi is young and vigorous and provokes it." Dongfang Yan clenched Jiujin's little hands tightly, and both of them were extremely nervous.

"Oh." King Guitianqi shook his head and sighed again and again, without looking at the whirlpool, he knew that he was powerless to return to the sky, and Su Jin's energy was exhausted.

The cheers of the disciples of the fallen devil are like waves soaring to the sky, and one wave is higher than the other!

Yedi was punished by Wanggu Divine Tortoise, and Wanggu Divine Tortoise was the ‘old ancestor’ of the fallen demon! The future of the Fallen Demon Sect will ring through the sky, who dares not obey the orders of the Fallen Demon Sect?

"Strong! The ancestor is too strong! The injury of fifty thousand years ago is already intact to it. Fortunately, the ghost king dared to say something with this, and wanted to scare the ancestor away!" A fallen demon disciple exclaimed.

"Is he dead? It seems that Yedi's soul has been deprived under this peerless magical technique of the ancestors--"

"Turn the universe upside down, do all the great art, it is reasonable to say that when the universe is turned upside down, the emperor of the night should be involved in the whirlpool and torn to pieces, but why is his golden body still in the whirlpool?"

"It's okay! Nothing can escape the ancestor's calculations!"


At this moment, on the forehead of Wanggu Divine Tortoise, the scales rubbed against each other, and a vertical eye was mostly white in color. The vertical eye was only a little scarlet, and it was strange, so I immediately used the "Wang Gu Tian Tong" to look at it. past--

It doesn't matter at this look!

"Good evildoer!" Wanggu Divine Tortoise suddenly shouted, and immediately frightened everyone. It was as quiet as a chill, and tens of thousands of people did not dare to make a sound.

Under the gaze of the ‘Wang Gu Tian Tong’, this old turtle saw a scene that no one else could see!

The upper half of Su Jin's body is full of green Buddha bones. This is nothing. The key is that his bones below the lumbar spine are being filled with blue at a terrifying speed!

In the whirlpool, Su Jin did not move at all, there was no sound, as if everything was selfless, but he was not torn to pieces, and he was not obliterated. On the contrary, in the whirlpool, the Buddha caves were manifested and carried. Buddha's finger, the Buddha's head looks to the sky!

Thousand Buddhas in the sky!

A scene of dazzling Buddha light adorns the vortex with incomparable beauty. The Buddhist Sanskrit sings deep into the soul, and the sound of ten thousand Buddhas: "The world of Sao Po, and other territories, there are countless billions of dragons, ghosts and gods, and they are also gathered in the empty space. ."

"Wherever you are, if you are all sentient beings, love and parting, resentment and hatred will meet."

"Anywhere, if all sentient beings disobey each other, slander each other--"

"If you live in the land of the Buddhas, if you enter the building of contemplation and victory, you will have concentration, and if you live in the land of the Buddhas, if you have enough compassion, you will have concentration."

The sound of the Buddha filled the sky, and the sound of the Buddha was endless, and the clouds of the Buddha manifested the Buddha's traces, as if a Buddha kingdom had evolved on the sky, that is, the manifestation of the strength of the sky!

Dongfang Yan's face was hot, and she gradually lowered her head. Her right palm was glowing with a cyan Buddha light, and there were strands of peculiar scriptures that were circling her fingers——

"Sister Yan..." Princess Jiuzhen looked at the dazzling cyan brilliance in shock, and then at the small face of Dongfang Goose, she was beyond shock.

"He, he..." Dongfang Yan found that he could not speak anymore.

"You want to anxiously kill me, how is he?" Princess Jiuzhen felt that it was not a coincidence, and asked again and again.

"I once used this right hand to copy and recite Buddhist scriptures. I felt and felt a long-lasting breath..." Dongfang Yan didn't know that what she said was accurate, and she couldn't say it.


Su Jin was first led by Buddhism and Daoism, and now the strongest one is also the Dao of the King of Life and Death. When the Nine Gods and Daoism were in the same case before, the Buddhism and Dao had already walked ahead. Going further!

Xing Tianyang and Senior Sister Lu, the cold minds just now, seemed to heat up and become hot!

Longevity! Damn--

Upon hearing the words, King Guitianqi quickly looked at it, and at that glance, he also found it unusual! After all, he could be surprised by the sound of Wanggu Divine Tortoise, how could he not look carefully.

"It's really a long-lasting breath, but only a few threads, it seems that it is the critical moment of the breakthrough." The King of Ghosts looked nervous, he did not know how Su Jin did it, but these are not important!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect and Qin Tiangang, their expressions changed, everyone was very nervous, even the dying King Kong Master paid attention to this when he was meditating and healing.

They don't want Su Jin to live--

I really don't want it!

But the reality is often very cruel. The one who knows the situation best at the scene is that Wanggu Divine Tortoise, that "Wang Gu Tiantong" is unique, and can actually see through Su Jin's Taoist body.

The golden Buddha blood in his body was surging and boiling, and those meridians glowed like golden threads——

What's more terrifying is that as the weird cyan color spread to Su Jin's knees, the long-lasting breath became more and more intense!

Scalp tingling!

Of course, if the ancient **** turtle really has a scalp, I am afraid it will be so! It looked coldly, except that it could see Su Jin's Buddha bones, it didn't think Su Jin could live.


In the whirlpool of the void, Su Jin didn't move half an inch, but when a hum appeared, a golden lotus tip appeared in the huge whirlpool——

A piece of golden lotus leaf swayed and unfolded after the lotus tip grew. On the golden lotus branch, there were imaginary scriptures.


Two pieces.

Four pieces.

Six pieces-

In the end, nine pieces of golden lotus leaves that seemed to be substantial, treated the vortex void as the sea, and then, as the last half inch of Su Jin’s ankle turned into a blue Buddha bone, a gorgeous green rose around Su Jin Yellow round wheel!

It looks like a rainbow, but only blue and yellow!

And outside of Su Jin's deity's body, there was a trace of golden light that appeared like needles. The surface of the golden body seemed to be in harmony with the Tao, and a very mysterious Buddha power was growing.

It can be said that looking at Su Jin's golden body of King Buddha, he will definitely see a circle of phantom surrounding him, and he will stand in it!

A piece of lotus root stuck in the vortex void, actually drawing the power from the void, that is the Buddha root——

"This! It's impossible!" Many of the people who watched were noisy.

There are screamers, who have more or less studied the Buddhism, and know what Su Jin is currently in! Even the Dongfang Goose looked at its delicate body trembling, with strong unbelief in its eyes.

"Golden embryo buddha root! It's golden embryo buddha root!"

"My God, in this previous life of the emperor of the night, could it be that the Supreme Buddha could be reincarnated? Why did the golden birth Buddha root be born——"

"Fake, it must be dreaming! I read it wrong! How could such a unique Buddha image appear in him!"

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