My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2697: Jing Shi Lian Hua

With the little watery eyes of King Guitianqi, when he saw the golden fetal Buddha root vision, his eyes were almost shocked. He was sluggish for more than a dozen breaths!

The Oriental Goose has a beautiful body like a green willow, still trembling, with a trembling voice saying: "Indeed, it is indeed the golden buddha root--"

Seeing this, the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect really wanted someone to slap her on the face and wake her up completely. How could this evildoer be like this--

The audience is boiling!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise stared coldly, and said lightly: "Even if you have Buddha's blood surging throughout your body, what about the Buddha's longevity? What about the Buddha bones condensed all over? What about the real golden body! I, you can't win!"


There can be no fakes in the words of Wanggu Divine Tortoise!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect is very uncomfortable, and her face is a little sordid. This is a woman of her family, and it is obvious that she is afraid of Su Jin in her heart——

Ordinary people think that a golden body is the most difficult existence for a Buddhist cultivator. Generally, a golden body is just the appearance of the skin, but who knows that the real golden body is the color of the Buddha? Even blood is like this. What's more mysterious is that this golden body will have a great improvement in the future——

"Nine Ways, Buddhism and Dao live forever!" King Guitianqi reacted, with great praise in his tone.

Longevity is difficult, as difficult as the sky!

Longevity is not immortality. Longevity is endless, but unless you are willing to be ordinary, longevity in many places is just a beginning. Killing the monks in the longevity state is like a starry sky, more than tens of millions!

But even so, who would dare to say now that he would be able to sanction Ye Emperor completely?

Buddhism and Taoism are long-lived-

This means that the emperor is not dead! At the juncture of the battle, he won the first line of longevity!


Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, what kind of eyes were they, deep, like the distant deep space, as if there is an infinite mystery, when he opened his eyes, a circle of Buddha rainbow was shrinking, turning into patches around him Rotating golden lotus slices——

This is a golden lotus embryo!

The roots of the Buddha were planted deep in the void, and the rotating lotus pieces were silent on the scene!

One, a hundred, a thousand, and finally a hundred thousand people looked at Su Jin and knelt down slowly.

"Why do I kneel? I am a demon repairer—"

"I'm the inner disciple of the Fallen Demon Sect, how could I kneel to him Ye Di, no, it seemed like a Buddha's voice was calling me just now!"

"My Buddha is merciful!"


The sound of crying appeared in pieces, Su Jin was unconscious, his heart was extremely quiet, watching the turbulent vortex that upside down the universe, and thinking carefully—

Then, Su Jin held his hands empty, and the entire golden body began to rise, and the light of Buddha like needles radiated from the golden buddha roots, and the needles seemed to penetrate the heart!

boom! !

Su Jin took a step in the vortex for the first time after his golden body ascended. That step, Wang Gu's magic to reverse the universe, disappeared under the burst of that vortex!

One step, crush!

"You, easily broke my magic!" Wang Gu, the supernatural turtle seemed to have read it wrong, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Buddha's longevity, purification of the lotus flower. When the key to my ten thousand Buddhas is to break the illusory real scroll, I complete my entire Buddha bone, and this purification of the lotus flower is just the evolution of the Buddha's power of the golden embryo. Tortoise-sun, I think you have lived for too long, and you must have lived enough. At present, I will eliminate your sins and completely transform you. Su Jin is covered with golden light, walking from the void to Wanggu God turtle.

"You are acting against the heavens, and the nine reversals merge into one. Helping the Buddha break through is against the heavens. Even if I don't kill you, you will be troubled frequently in recent days. Someone who specializes in killing the son of heaven will punish you..." Wang Gu said quietly.

"I don't care who comes, it's enough to kill you now!" As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, the whole person was golden and bright, as if faster and faster, the whole person turned into a human-shaped golden changhong, rushing towards the ancient **** turtle!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise had no time to respond, and the golden rainbow rushed directly!

"Kill!" Wanggu Divine Turtle's long neck spread fiercely, and the whole long neck swayed. That day, the pupil sprayed with terrible divine light, and even the long neck was greeted!


The golden Changhong that Su Jin transformed into left a trace on the neck of Wanggu Divine Turtle——

Defense? So scary?

Su Jin was very surprised!

He still underestimated the tortoise's power. Originally, he expected that this blow could even damage it, but he only cut out a non-shallow stone mark and no blood was seen!

It's ok!

Su Jin is now full of confidence, and his speed is getting faster and faster. He is only alone. When that speed reaches the extreme, the sky is full of his golden rainbow light trail!

Qiang Qiang--

As sharp as a divine sword, Su Jin would use it to leave horrifying stone marks on the supernatural tortoise Wanggu every moment. Although the more frightened after the war, the supernatural tortoise Wang was anxious!

The body of a thousand miles trembles majesticly, and on the back of the armor at the center of a thousand miles, it is like the purest place in the world. It is the "years and moon lake" that the King of Ghosts said before, and it is incomparable!

"I look to the ancient tortoise, and today I will act on behalf of the heavens to punish and kill the son of the emperor! The years and moons are filled with my **** body! The blood **** transforms into a forbidden sky! Kill!"

In just a short period of time, the supernatural tortoise had three hundred more stone marks on its body. Although it did not hurt it, if things go on like this, the injury is definitely inevitable!

At this moment, when Wanggu Divine Tortoise was slowly uttering the words, the traces of the armor block behind it seemed to form a tributary of a long river, and its divine blood poured out of the body and poured into the traces on the side of the armor block——

The most central "Shentan of Years and Moon", glowing with mysterious brilliance, like a pearl, I don't know what magical power it has!

Su Jin frowned, and this ancient tortoise was really terrifying. In just these three breaths, he became stronger by as much as 50%. Originally, he still had a bottom in his heart, but now...

Now I can only give it a try!


On the traces of Wenluo that formed the armour, the blood of the gods rushed like a river of blood, and a very complicated blood-colored array pattern gradually began to form on it. Among them, there were nine hundred and ninety-nine spots, condensing a standing blood man.

Those **** people are God's blood. They have no face or hair. They can only distinguish the head and limbs. This is afraid that they are condensed for the display of the ‘Forbidden Heaven’s Formation’——

"All evil thoughts are flashy."

"All demons are clouds of smoke."

Su Jin put his hands together gently, his upper body condensed six arms very symmetrically, and the entire golden embryo's buddha roots trembled in the buddha rainbow, and the sky's "clean world lotus" floated down like a lotus core— —

Those blood people were stabbed by Jingshi Lianhua, and they started to melt.

The lotus core filled the sky, submerged into the ground, and the ground began to glow with precious light, which lasted for a long time.

Thousands of people, kneel down more than half! Vicious clutches, demon thoughts, purified by the precious light of the lotus flower, Su Jin has no sorrow or joy, like a king and Buddha who is pursuing all living beings, dissipating all evils and driving away from the sky——

Of course, this only affects the ordinary strong!

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect and others became more and more frightened. The nearly thousand blood people in the Forbidden Sky Jue Formation were unformed, but the power of the Years and Moon Shentan was far more than that!


The bright and pure sacred pool in the center rushed straight out of a bright and sacred water brilliance. The water was very special. When it came out of the pool, it began to be frozen quickly and turned into a ladder. Every time a ladder is condensed, it will become Ice!

Looking at the ice-colored ladder that reached Xiaohan, Su Jin's expression became more and more solemn--

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