My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2699: Tian Luo Zhen

Great Day Golden Crow!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise looked straight at both eyes, shook his long neck directly, and said in a tone of disbelief and surprise: "The Da Ri Golden Crow still survived before the East Emperor Bell was lost. Since the East Emperor Bell was lost, Dong The emperor has become a legend, how could you—"

Hearing that, each has complexity.

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect was even more stunned. She was hit by Su Jin's precious bell before the Supreme Treasure Demon Moon of the Fallen Sect. She had always thought that it was the Eastern Emperor's bell that was verbal control, but—

But since it's a defense, why did the Great Sun Golden Crow manifest itself!

Could it be that the bell is the real ‘East Emperor’s Bell’!

Su Jin's heart was calm, the eternal ice just now, with the power of his current **** of fire, was not enough to melt away, but the Eastern Emperor Bell was different, the real Great Sun Golden Crow Spirit contained it!

"Coincidentally, this clock fell into the hands of this king." Su Jin raised his arm and waved his palm. The Donghuang bell turned out, rolling red sun lava, tumbling behind him, but he couldn't hurt him at all.

The purple and yellow treasure clock is floating in Su Jin's hand at this moment, but it is only half a meter long, but the mighty fire does not seem to be fake at all, and the word'Tai Yi' written vertically in front is extremely clear.

Chaos in the audience

Who would have thought that when Su Jin played against the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, the treasure clock he used was the "East Emperor Bell" of the famous moving world!

There is the Great Sun Golden Crow, which is engraved with ‘Tai One’, who dares to say false! What's more, during that round of Red Sun, the ice seal of the Yuan Burialists was broken, and only the might of the Great Sun Golden Crow could do it!

"Ye Di Doubao, I said before that the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect can't compare any heavy treasure with his. I didn't believe it at the time. Now... I'm serving it! I'm really serving it!" Someone sighed.

"Holding the Eastern Emperor Bell, the power of the Yuan burialist will be suppressed by the Great Sun Golden Crow. This fire will defeat the ice, even the eternal ice will not work—"

"If this battle makes Ye Di steadily leave, unless he steps into the heavens and never looks back, otherwise he will become the enemy's eternal nightmare with the word'Ye Di'!"

"Nine Ways, Eastern Emperor Bell, a longevity battle nebula! Alas—" Someone sighed again and again, and there really was no time to be so convinced.

In the distance, the most excited people were the Jiuzhen princesses, even the deer girl had joy in their eyes.

Helian Jiuzhen and Dongfang Goose were extremely excited. When they saw the big sun golden crow, they were even more able to foresee the vast future of this man!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise stared in a daze, no one could guess its thoughts, it still had many methods, but this kid seemed like an unkillable Xiaoqiang, who could always use an unexpected method of shock.

"Yuan Burial, retreat!" Wanggu Divine Tortoise suddenly shouted when he saw the three six-eyed ice spiders.

But the Yuan burial person turned into an ice shadow, as if losing his mind, rushing towards Su Jin——

The astonishing cold made Su Jin extremely awake. He felt that if he hit the Yuan burial with his palm, he was afraid that the whole person would turn into ice!

In the round red sun, the fire was tumbling, Su Jin stretched out his finger and pointed at the Yuan burial person, a calm voice rang in everyone's ears: "Ding——"


The Yuan burialist was frozen in an instant, Su Jin was leaping on the red sun, bathed in sacred fire, and didn’t even want to draw out the giant **** sword. The power of the Vulcan Dao poured the divine sword, and slashed at the Yuan burialist. !

Qiang Qiang!

The Juque Sword slashed on the half-man and half-spider of the Primordial Burial, and cut out sparks. The ice color was too hard. Su Jin cut out one after another on its body, and the deepest sword mark was nothing. Three fingers wide--

Su Jin stepped on his footwork, surrounded by Yuan Burial, flashing a phantom figure, every time he appeared was a heavy blow!

This calming magic has fixed the time of three breaths of Yuan Burial! If someone else was replaced, Su Jin had long been hacked to death, but this ice body seemed to be immortal!


The effect of the calming spell disappeared!

The forelegs of the Eight Spider Lances, with a sharp and sharp ice color, pierced towards Su Jin's eyebrows. The moment of coldness made him unable to escape!

Su Jin had to use his eight arms to pass through the other condensed six arms of the Buddha, and fiercely grab the spider spear——


The huge Big Sun Golden Crow suddenly swept its wings and swooped down. Three legs sharply grasped the three heads of the Yuan burial person. The cold ice patterns rose up. It was just the remaining Golden Crow spirit. If it were in full bloom, How could it be possible that those three heads could not be broken with one claw!

"Roar! In the heavens, someone wants you to die, even if I pay any price, I will have to make you die..." Yuan Burialist spoke for the first time, and three heads spoke at the same time. The three-legged crow just grabbed its head, but But it couldn't be broken, and the scene was deadlocked for a time.

Su Jin was braving all over his body, even if it was the arm that was condensed from the Eight-Armed Buddha, grabbing the spider spear, the original cold energy of those Yuan burialists also passed away.

That kind of cold, there was a feeling of freezing Sujin Bodhicitta in a flash, and the whole Taoist soul seemed to freeze--

"If I don't kill you today, I'm not Ye Di!" Su Jin's voice spread all over the world.

Wanggu Divine Turtle blessed the Deity Lake of the Years and Moon and kept the ice-colored Ladder unabated. Seeing this, it suddenly shouted at the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect and Qin Tiangang: "Not yet!"

"Uncle's! Who dares!" King Guitianqi immediately followed.

The ancestors of Shenlong are eager to try in the distance, and the dragons are bursting, seemingly in line with the words of the King of Ghosts——

Qin Tiangang is suffering!

Feeling bitter.

"Old Ancestor..." The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect looked embarrassed. The Old Ancestor asked her to take the opportunity to kill Ye Di. In case of failure, she would be in danger, and from the current situation, Ye Di was obviously not so easy to kill. of!

"Hurry up! I'll put down the'Tianluo flag' and issue an order, and you two are enough to kill him! The ghost king and the immortal dragon can't cross the sky and Luo flag!" Wanggu Divine Turtle opened his mouth fiercely and sprayed from his mouth. Thirty-six flags of different colors were released.

Every big flag, no more, no less, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet high, stands in thirty-six positions in the void! The flag was woven with divine materials and embroidered with divine animals and beasts, each with different looks--


The thirty-six ‘Tianluo Flag’, except for the flagpole, all the flags turned into thirty-six regiments of flames. Among those flames, strange beasts roared to the sky, as if they were alive, in all directions.

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect shook his face, nodded, and then shouted: "Qin Tiangang, follow me into the heavenly array! Go--"

Qin Tiangang sighed in his heart, nodded slowly, and stepped into the battle immediately.

The King of Guitian Chess flicked his sleeves fiercely, turning this empty space into a virtual chessboard, and scoring the stars into chess, but the sacred beast and bird that the 36-shot Tianluo flag turned into did not move at all.

That Fang Tian seemed to be imprisoned, and the strength of the method made the King of Guitian directly discolored! The immortal dragon, on the other hand, did not believe in evil, and the huge dragon tail swept the nearest beast fiercely. The sky was shaken, but there was no damage!

Want to break, but it became impossible in a short time!

This is really troublesome! Xing Tianyang, Princess Jiuzhen and others were a little flustered——

Originally, the King of Ghosts and the Immortal Dragon could hold Qin Tiangang, even if it was one-on-one, it was not a problem, but now that the Luo Qi formation was laid down that day, it made several people a little desperate.

Su Jin was cold all over, he didn't need to look back, he naturally paid attention to the movements of the two Qin Tiangang!

At this moment, the scene is deadlocked. Da Ri Jin Crow clutched the head of Yuan Burial with three legs. The terrible power made Yuan Burial uncomfortable. Su Jin couldn't move anymore.

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect and Qin Tiangang have already been killed!

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