My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2700: Vulcan asks Changsheng

"Father, come on!"

Qin Wanluo was extremely excited in the distance. Although Ye Di was handsome and talented, if his father could successfully cut off Ye Di's head and annihilate him, the momentum of the Tiangang sword hall would be unstoppable.

She is naturally towards her father-

Qin Tiangang's face became cold. At least from the current point of view, Su Jin has not shaken out what he helped him. The consequences of that shake out are too serious. He only needs to destroy Su Jin and make him unable to tell. The truth is always covered up.

"Palace Master Qin, now I'll give you two choices..." When the two jumped into the Tianluo flag array, Su Jin began to speak.

"Do you want to tell the truth?" Qin Tiangang felt a twitch.

"No, you helped me in the battlefield of life and death. Although there is a purpose, one size fits the same size. I also did not find you Tiangang Sword Hall. After all, the matter was all caused by your Tiangang Sword Hall." Su Jin said lightly. stand up.

"What then? If you don't tell the truth that I killed Brother Song, it is you who died, and I will not be merciful." Qin Tiangang's whole body shone with Taotao sword patterns, and his voice was transmitted in a cold voice.

"I dare to bet with you, if you dare to attack me, you will die. Now I want you to kill the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect——" Su Jin quickly communicated.

"What power do you have to drive me, I can't kill the demon master!" Qin Tiangang was shocked, feeling that Su Jin's request was extremely excessive, but the other party seemed to have a way to kill him?

Su Jin lazily communicated with him again, and then only said eight words again lightly...

It was these eight words that directly caused Qin Tiangang's eyes to be deeply jealous! He hesitated for a while, this bet was too big, it was about the survival of Tiangang Sword Hall.

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect turned her head and looked at the annoyed look of King Guitianqi, her face was extremely proud, and she walked towards the battlefield that was in a stalemate. The only thing she was afraid of was the Eastern Emperor Bell, but Su Jin could not move, so naturally it would be difficult to play. The supernatural power of the East Emperor Bell.

"Boy, I didn't expect it!" The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect smiled and leaned forward and backward, "Fighting with the old lady, you are still far away!"

At this moment, Su Jin heard it, and without concealing it, the voice was heard by the Lord of the Fallen Sect and others. He said indifferently: "Lord of the Fallen Sect, I will give you a chance."

"Opportunity? You deserve it too?" The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect didn't understand Su Jin's meaning.

"I will ask you to walk from my master now to my front again, kowtow one step at a time, and disarm everything. I will let you reincarnate with a ray of remnant soul and rebuild." Su Jin said in an extremely calm voice.

Thousands of people are shocked!

This is too domineering--

Su Jin is now at a terrible disadvantage. The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect entered the Tianluo flag formation and cut him off. Now he dares to say such a thing, and this sentence is not what the Lord of the Fallen Demon asked him before?

"Arrogant! Dreaming! You are already difficult to move, and many magical techniques are difficult to use. I can kill you with one palm now!" Fallen Demon Sect's body trembled like a flower branch.

All the fallen demon disciples are very angry--

"Ye Di is going to die soon, and he still has to scare our sect master before he dies. Are we really frightened by the Fallen Sect?" Some of the Fallen Sect disciples said in disgust.

"Yeah! We have ancestors, and ancestors are invincible as long as they wake up. Where is the self-confidence of the emperor of the night, dare to let our master kneel on him?

"The master cut him off! See if he can say such arrogant words!"

"Kill this madman, and raise me to the power of the devil!"


The beautiful woman fell into the demon sect master, she looked up to the sky and laughed, as if she was crazy, she seemed to have heard a big joke, a big joke, but she still had to do things that the ancestors had told her, and she just wanted to restrain her smile, and then she was charming The body shook--

She gradually froze with her smiling face, slowly lowered her head, looked at the point of the sword at her heart, opened her mouth, and the blood flowed down.

"Qin Tiangang! You..." The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect tremblingly turned his head, and the strength of her body began to leave her, and her whole body was filled with infinite life.

The Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect never dreamed that Qin Tiangang would actually kill her, and she hadn’t defended her at all just now. With Qin Tiangang’s stronger strength than her, she naturally succeeded—

And this scene, the fallen devil goddess will never forget, when she collapsed and cried, she looked at Qin Tiangang with hatred on her face, why? !

Why would Qin Tiangang assassinate his mother!

This question shocked everyone!

Guitianqi King puzzled.

King Kong, who was healed in the concealed void far to the south, was puzzled! Even Wang Ancient Turtle trembles with anger--

"Sorry, I can't offend Ye Di from Tiangang Sword Hall!" Qin Tiangang slaughtered his face, and his sword hand was severely twisted. The Lord of the Fallen Demon instantly turned into a rain of blood, and the soul was crushed!

What does it mean to be offended?

No one does not doubt!

The disciples of the fallen demon gate are all angry!

"Tiangang sword hall, my fallen demon gate is not at odds with you! Immortal endlessly!" The whole family roared and moved.

"In front of the ancestors, kill my sect master, you Qin Tiangang are so brave!"

"The ancestor! The ancestor is going to be the master of our sect——" The wailing sound finally turned into a single sound, all of which were the voices of the fallen demon disciples begging the ancestor to show off and kill Qin Tiangang.

There was a chaos in the audience, and although no one understood why Qin Tiangang did that, after all, it was a fact that the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect had been killed!

Su Jin’s stiff body began to rise in waves of water mist, and a round of red sun behind him, fire flames swarmed, and this terrible scene suddenly made everyone quiet and looked straight. Where is the night emperor——

what is that?

The distant eight directions of the sky gradually lit up one place after another, that was a brazier, the fire glowing from the brazier, like a fishing fire at night, eye-catching to the extreme.


A hundred.


Ten thousand!

No one can count them down, but a rough estimate is that there are at least 90,000 braziers in all directions!

These are all virtual fire basins! Su Jin’s eight-armed Buddha golden body is gradually fading, replaced by fiery red skin and fiery red hair!

Although the eight-armed Buddha image disappeared, the Eight Spider Lance of the Yuan Burialist would never fall down again!

A drop of water fell on the ice-colored spider spear, and the eight spider spears of the Yuan burial were rapidly melting, and the Da Ri Golden Crow seemed to be gaining power. With a scream, the three heads were severely pulled from the Yuan burial. !


The entire Yuan burialist began to turn into ice water and raindrops, slowly falling down.

Qin Tiangang watched the ancient **** tortoise vigilantly, but after seeing a very strange brazier floating in all directions, he couldn't help but think of the secret sound transmission between Su Jin and him. The last eight characters, he was afraid it would be forever. hard to forget.

"My Vulcan Way is going to live forever."

It was these eight words that made Qin Tiangang only obey Su Jin's words, committing a risk with his own body, and risking the anger of the God-Wang Gu, and cut off the Lord of the Fallen Demon!

With all the faces of the void, I saw a total of more than 90,000 ‘Fire Basins’, as if taking the void as a swim in the sea, floating slowly, the lights were extremely beautiful, like lotus lanterns——

The Yuan burialists were all evaporated in an instant! Su Jin sat down on the spot, a trace of profound meaning flowed out of those ‘Fire Ji Basin’, and some scriptures could even be seen faintly lingering around——

With the flaming red color, after Su Jinpan sat down, hundreds of thousands of twinkling scriptures wrapped around him, and the scene was beyond shock!

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