My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2701: Vulcan Arm

The complex scriptures shuttled around Su Jin, densely spread into a net, the degree of gorgeousness is dizzying to see——

With more than 90,000 fire basins drifting, Zhou Tian shook as if it were about to collapse. When each fire basin drifted away, there was a faint figure wearing a linen robe, leaving only From the back, the stalwart figure is revealed in it.

Like seeing a ghost, Wanggu Super Turtle screamed at the back of that linen robe: "I have seen you! You..."

Ma Pao walked towards Su Jin step by step from the back, as if he hadn't heard the words of the ancient **** tortoise, but even though it was only the back, it seemed indelible in everyone's eyes.

"This, this night emperor's avenue of Vulcan, unexpectedly caused Suiren's vision!" Many powerful abilities hidden in the dark, even exclaimed unbelievably.

"The Nine Paths of Cultivation are going to be against the sky! There was only one longevity before, and now the Vulcan Dao is faintly breakthrough, and it must reach the point of two longevity, otherwise how to explain that the original burial person was instantly evaporated?

"Wang Gu Divine Tortoise once saw Sui, this old tortoise is really strong, I don't know if the two immortal Ye Di can deal with—"

"Let's take a look first, I guess it was the Ye Emperor who threatened Qin Tiangang. Then Qin Tiangang must make a choice between Ye Emperor and Wanggu Divine Tortoise. At present, he obviously chose the former!"

"Fantastic longevity monk? Wouldn't it be too bold to do this?"


When the arguing was endless, Su Jin's Flintlock vision caused apparently horrified people who didn't know it.

The more Guitianqi King looked at it, the more he wanted to laugh, he didn't know why he had a chance, and he received such an enchanting disciple, maybe it was fate!

Sui Ren doesn't know the true or false, and Wanggu the turtle is worried that it is the true body, but at present, the chance of the true body is extremely small——

Afterwards, Su Jin sat cross-eyed and closed his eyes, as if he felt a dark shadow standing in front of him, and his arm was raised unconsciously, so Suiying seemed to have used a method on his right arm. Pain appeared on the skin of the arm.

Su Jin wanted to open his eyes, he wanted to see the true face of the ancestor of the Sui Man, but no matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to open his eyes, even with frowned eyebrows.


Different from other people's voices, that voice was slightly old, and Su Jin was shocked. When he opened his eyes, he hurriedly scanned around, seeing that Sui figure, and went west—

Why did the ancestor of the Sui people sigh?

Is he dead or alive in the heavens? Su Jin can't be said to be unexcited, the head of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, that sigh, it seems that countless years of vicissitudes have been spent.

Correct! Arm--

Su Jin only reacted at this time. On the surface of his right arm, there was an ancient **** pattern imprinted on it, which faintly looked like a fire pattern. It was hard to comprehend the meaning of that kind of **** pattern. He felt calm and knew that it was not an illusion ! Just now, the flintlock figure indeed grabbed his arm and imprinted this string of fire lines.

Qin Tiangang had long been stunned on the spot----

In fact, Qin Tiangang just had a hard time making a decision. If he had not secretly helped Su Jin and beheaded Song Patriarch Song Pingzhang, he would definitely not put the bet on Ye Di!

But that Sui silhouette really scared the hall master of the Tiangang Sword Hall! Just now when Vulcan was born, Sui figure raised Ye Di's arm, leaving a mark, everyone saw it!

"Could it be the inheritance of Sui people?" Qin Tiangang had a terrible thought.

It's not just Qin Tiangang who thinks so!

Everyone present who saw this scene was more or less a little surprised--

"Suiren has long since passed away, and your expectation is ridiculous! But it's really interesting, what virtue and ability do you have as the emperor, can you have the inheritance of the Suiren!" The head, three eyes like blood basins, staring at Su Jin, his eyes seemed to bring infinite murderous intent.

"The ancestor of the Sui people was born in my hometown. Like you old tortoise-grandson, how can I judge whether I can inherit the will of the Sui people?"

Su Jin's left hand gently stroked that string of fire color marks, and said lightly.

When he was stroked by his fingers, the fire **** pattern gradually glowed brightly, and Su Jin was shocked in his heart. Although I don't know what these **** patterns are called, since it is branded, call it the fire **** arm——

The Wanggu Turtle doesn't know where Su Jin's hometown is, but it is impossible for Su Jin to leave today!


Thirty-six Tianluo flags turned into various beasts and animals, all of them raised their heads and roared at Su Jin!

"Tianluo is thirty-six fierce, they can tear you to pieces just by themselves!" Wang Gu said with a harsh tone, and continued: "As long as I give an order, you will..."

Su Jin dug his ears, "It's so noisy—"

Not only was Wangguozhuo very noisy, but even the thirty-six Celestial Beasts that roared to the sky were harsh. With a light wave of Su Jin, Donghuang Zhongdi began to spin...

The quaint purple-and-yellow treasure clock drifted higher and higher, and the more than 90,000 fire Ji basins gradually dimmed and disappeared when the charm of the scriptures left.

The Eastern Emperor Bell dazzled the sky with great power, and the fierce beasts in thirty-six directions in all directions began to resist, and some running beasts retreated step by step! The Donghuang Bell seems to have infinite suction, and it is about to **** them all away!

Whoosh whoosh——

The divine bird with blue eyes, flapping wings, struggling in the opposite direction, the panicked bird crying more and more quickly, but in a blink of an eye it was sucked away by the Eastern Emperor Bell and sucked into the bell!




The last thirty-six Tianluo ferocious beasts were all sucked away, and they disappeared!

All of the audience suddenly gasped with air-conditioning--

The fallen disciple began to despair!

"The ancestor's Tianluo flag, even the Ghost Tianqi King and the immortal dragon can't break it, this night emperor is so enchanting, he even controlled the Eastern Emperor Bell and sucked them all away!" Some of the fallen demon disciples looked sad, But the pressure of speech couldn't restrain fear.

"Tianluo Banner can't be attacked outside, but it's much easier inside. It doesn't necessarily mean that he is the emperor of the night! Don't raise his morale to destroy your prestige!" There are fallen demon disciples who believe in the ancestors from beginning to end. It is invincible, and there is still great hope to this day, hoping that the ancestor will kill the emperor.

"Buddha and Taoist eternal life, Vulcan also asked about eternal life! The key is that Yedi is also very likely to obtain the Sui Ren inheritance, his current fierce power can no longer be stopped, although I also think that the ancestor can completely defeat him..."

"I'm very upset inside—"


The three eyes of Wanggu Divine Tortoise gradually became more solemn, and Tianluo's thirty-six fierce beasts were so easily taken away, which it had never expected.

Su Jin is full of anger, how strong is he now? Wanggu Divine Tortoise has no bottom. After all, when he was only a Buddhist and Taoist, his combat power greatly increased, but at that time he still failed to break his defense.


Su Jin suddenly clenched his right fist, and the entire right arm seemed to be ignited with a flame of vain quality, and the fiery **** pattern, like blood, was breeding a domineering aura. This arm will be extraordinary!

"Eat my fire **** arm! Let me see if your defense is strong, or the king's fist is invincible!" Su Jin's whole person instinctively rose up, rising faster and faster.

Wang Gu's turtle suddenly showed a tenfold increase in pressure-

This night emperor is far more aggressive than before! Could it be that these two longevities are already so powerful! Wang Gu's turtle didn't believe it, and at the same time the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, he roared at Su Jin!

High in the sky, in the raging flames, Su Jin brazenly transformed into a rainbow! That right fist seemed to ignite the blood of his whole body and rushed down directly——

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