My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2702: Strong collision!

God of Fire!

Thousands of people held their heads up and witnessed the highlight moment of Su Jin. In front of the fire-colored rainbow, the power of the Vulcan arm was completely catalyzed, and the long neck of the ancient tortoise was shining brightly, protecting the easily destroyed weakness— —

not good!

Wang Gu screamed secretly!

The terrible Vulcan arm, it was not its long neck and head that it hit, but directly between the electric light and flint, and it slammed on the top of the gods of the age!

The ice-colored ladder that connected the depths of the sky was directly hit into powder, and even the particles were not able to be left. And in the middle of the turtle's back, there seemed to be three cracks of different depths.


Wanggu the Great Turtle really felt the pain, red eyes twisting the huge turtle's back crazily.

"I want to kill you! Kill you completely, refining you into pulp, and I want to pump out your tendons!" The time and moon Shentan on the back of Wanggu Divine Turtle is too important to it. .

No one dares to destroy the inborn ages of the Shentan! Even if it is walking the heavens, no one wants to fight the idea of ​​the Years and Moon Shentan, let alone damage the Shentan. This kind of pain is no less than the vengeance of murdering parents!

After Wanggu Divine Tortoise uttered the vicious words, the body of the Thousand Miles tortoise shrank quickly and continuously in the eyes of everyone!

The tortoise’s feet lightly probed and turned into lime-grey claws. Wanggu’s supernatural tortoise has turned into a human-sized person, and directly culled Xiang Su Jin——

From this it can be seen that it has hatred unparalleled for Ye Di!

"Good coming!" Su Jin's heart was already very ecstatic. Just now, when the Vulcan arm came out, although a single blow could not smash this ancient tortoise, even its small power greatly exceeded his expectations, but why did he ecstasy?

The Vulcan Arm hardly lost his power! It is all the power of the fire pattern on that arm. If he uses the other eight ways to bless the Vulcan Avenue and infuse the Vulcan arm, that power, he can really completely contend this ancient turtle!

Su Jin is now full of enthusiasm, and he deeply feels his own strength, even when he sees the ancient **** tortoise culling, he is full of ecstasy, he will not retreat but advance!


The gray tortoise claws abruptly grabbed the void, and it seemed to be shot from the other end. Su Jin's body shook, moved two steps away, and once again punched the Wanggu turtle!


The gray tortoise claws pinched, and brazenly confronted Su Jin!

Both have almost taken ten steps back each-

"Impossible! How could Changsheng be so strong! Not to mention that you are a Nine Dao Xiu, even if a hundred Dao Dao Xiu can not catch my blow, who are you, you!" Wanggu Divine Turtle is going crazy, this night The horror of the emperor, it only realized it now, after all, it despised this young man very much before, and did not put him in its eyes at all!

Su Jin stood still, and a circle of halos rose from his feet to the upper body position. A total of nine halos were combined. If he wanted to beat him, he would beat this ancient **** of hope to death!

"Sen Luo Dao, Ghost King Dao, Crazy Demon Dao, Candle Dragon Dao..." Su Jin began to roar excitedly in turn, "Eight Dao blessing my longevity fire **** arm!"

Instant time——

Nine brilliances are constantly shining out, in the eyes of thousands of monks watching the battle, the fire pattern on Su Jin's right arm seems to be alive, and the sky is full of mysterious fire **** pattern Luo!

Who dares to underestimate!

After all, this was the flaming figure imprinted on Su Jin's right arm, a terrifying existence he called the Vulcan Arm!

Su Jin felt very real now, feeling the power of his whole body, all rushing to his right arm, at that moment, a humble person like him felt that he was too strong!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise opened his mouth, and violently sprayed out a burst of blue aura, which turned into patches of armor and condensed on the whole body.

Ten floors, one hundred floors——

Finally, Wanggu Divine Turtle used its original essence to condense three hundred and sixty layers of defense all over his body. You must know that it is the main defensive avenue. Attacks and kills are not as strong as defenses. Su Jin was so strong before, it did not cause him any substantial The damage can't break its armor.

Su Jin's right arm was shining, and his wrist seemed to be condensed into a circular flint with fire lines and corners. At that moment, he couldn't help screaming, and his step was shaken on the spot, and the whole person raised his right arm. , Entrapped by the flint, rushed to the ancient turtle again!

This is definitely an amazing fight!

This fight will not be forgotten in the next million years!

Around the Wanggu Divine Tortoise, the pieces of blue qi condensed into an oval-shaped tortoise shell, the tortoise shell has 360 layers of original essence defense, it really doesn’t believe it, it doesn’t believe that the night emperor can break through--


The fire broke out when the blow collided, and the cyan and fire formed distinct polarities!


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the virtual tortoise shell in front of Wanggu Divine Tortoise was directly exploded. That was the 360 ​​layers of defense that his original essence had transformed!

Yu Wei will look at the ancient tortoise flying away, and its tortoise shell is cracked in hundreds of places, the blood is spilled, and the scarlet is dazzling——

Su Jin almost emptied all the strength in his body, and the brand on the Vulcan arm on his right arm also dimmed, panting slightly and staring at the ancient tortoise, the other party hadn't been beaten to death?

Just suffered a serious injury!

Su Jin naturally knew how strong he was in the attack just now, but the ancient **** tortoise was a bit too powerful, and his defense was simply superb. This was the first time he had encountered such a strong defense.

Countless people watching the game fell into a moment of silence--

There was no sound.

"Injured, the ancestor is injured!" After just two breaths, I don't know which of the fallen demon disciples actually screamed in fear, pulling everyone back to reality.

"The invincible ancestor, the ancestor who can cruise through the heavens! Why was he injured, why! And that Yedi, why would that Yedi be safe and sound, without a trace of frustration--" Crazy, mostly crazy expressions.

"The emperor of the night, his previous life is definitely a great power, otherwise there will be such a foundation in a single life, I don't believe it when he is killed! He inherited the power of the previous life, so surely!"

"The ancestor is not yet defeated! Get up, ancestors get up!" And the fallen demon disciples are almost crying, this battle is about the survival of the fallen demon gate, their survival!


The high-altitude thundercloud gathered, and the electric light stretched out from the dense cloud layer, faintly shining continuously, Su Jin felt a drop of rain.

The rain with a fishy smell.

Su Jin wiped his face, the drop of rain turned out to be blood-red, and the ancient tortoise, trembling in the void at this moment, was actually standing up, as if worshipping something...

The icy radiance gathered in the cracked Years Lake in the center behind it, as if it could arouse the might of the sky and gather the storm and lightning.

The **** divine blood is still flowing continuously on the Wanggu turtle. The divine blood is very strange and does not fall to the ground. After it stands up, the divine blood floats and gathers like silk.


The fallen demon disciples suddenly screamed again and again, the ground palace was constantly collapsing, and the ground was cracking.

A black stele, a ray of vicissitudes of life appeared, pushed out from the ground under the gate of the fallen demon——

In an instant, a full 100,000 lightning bolts connected to the top of the stone tablet, and the air was filled with anxiety. The disciples of the Fallen Demon were fleeing as long as they were not dead. The disciples who were accidentally killed when the black stone tablet was born were suddenly bloody. It trickled backwards, and flowed to the black stone monument that had been unearthed one hundred thousand feet high.

At the scene, this Fang Tian didn't seem to be this Fang Tian anymore, as if returning to the prehistoric years. Around the black stele, a lightning nebula began to become a whirlpool, covering the entire stele——

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