My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2703: Wanggubei!

The black light mixed with the thunder and lightning in the sky, Su Jin's face changed wildly, his whole person seemed to feel the power of a million, and he was controlling the void!

Su Jin himself is very good at suppressing the law, his sky bridge is a suppression of the great fairy! But his bridge to the sky, even if he uses it now, is far less than the pressure that this stone monument brings to him——

The entire void seems to have evolved into a gravitational field, in which he is like a mortal with a huge boulder carrying a thousand pounds on his feet, the whole person cannot struggle!

"This old tortoise is really crazy! I don't hesitate to destroy the Demon Gate and kill my disciple!" King Guitianqi's eyes widened, and his tone began to tremble.

"That monument, could it be a legend..." Xing Tianyang suddenly suffocated in his heart, not sure when he said it.

"Yes, this is the Wanggu stele, the one that was carried on the piggyback when the Wanggu turtle was born! At the earliest, there was a saying of'Wanggu stele in front of the Years Lake', and later this stone stele was condensed from heaven and earth, I don't know why it fell off its back and disappeared, but the record is still there." King Guitianqi said in an extremely solemn tone.

"Unexpectedly, Wanggu Divine Tortoise would bury it in the ground of the Fallen Demon Gate. This is in trouble--" Girl Lu was confused, and she felt very uncomfortable looking at it but couldn't help.

It can be said that the nine true princesses and Dongfang Goose have already gained great knowledge as soon as they walked out of the extreme real world! The strong here are really strong!

On the other side, after the thirty-six fierce beasts were taken away by Su Jindong's emperor clock, Qin Tiangang had already put oil on the soles of his feet and appeared directly next to Qin Wanluo, taking her far away, lest he look to the ancient gods. Turtle troubled him.

"Father, how could that monument fall into the devil's door?" The girl Qin Wanluo asked curiously, watching the excitement not too much, with Shui Lingling's big eyes open.

"That is the Wanggu Stele, the Wanggu Stele in front of the Years Lake, this time I will take you away, the Tiangang Sword Hall will be completely gone, and it will be difficult to hide--" Qin Tiangang sighed.

"Why?" Qin Wanluo was surprised and looked at her father.

"It would be okay if Ye Di can live, after all, I have cut off the Lord of the Fallen Demon Sect, he can no longer embarrass us Tiangang Sword Hall! The key is that he can't survive, this hope that the ancient monument will shatter him alive..." Qin Tiangang's face Qinghong uncertain.

"What if he can live?"

"How to live? Alas, your little child doesn't understand. I will kill the fallen demon sect master in front of the Wanggu Divine Tortoise. It will kill the night emperor. The first one will go to our Tiangang sword hall and take us to the sword! Right, you don't need to watch it in the end." Qin Tiangang needs to rush back so he can leave early.

"Wait anymore, don't be in a hurry--" Qin Wanluo wanted to see how that guy would do if she was willing to leave at this time.

"Before Nawanggubei Town, we have to leave!"


Su Jin's pressure is unprecedented.

The surrounding thunder and lightning were a trivial matter, and the sky full of lightning flashes on him, and it was innocent. The most frightening thing was the gravity field generated when the Wanggu Stele was unearthed. He felt that his whole body was restricted.

This is just the power just unearthed from the Wanggu Stele!

Su Jin gritted his teeth fiercely, no matter what, he gave up struggling, at least during this time, struggling is useless, he can only recover his strength, the faster he recovers, the better!

Wanggu Divine Tortoise, with words in its mouth, standing in front of the 100,000-meter-high "Wanggu Stele", as if turned into a stone sculpture of human height, as it recites the divine words, all mysteries seem to follow The monument spread out.


The one hundred thousand feet high "Wang Gu Stele", the bottom of the stele gradually left the ground, and the entire black giant stele began to float!

A circle of nebula rings, glowing with countless divine light, brighter than ever before, illuminating the Zhoutian Void——

The tense atmosphere is still spreading, and it has become the consensus of most people to kill Ye Di. This kind of powerhouse, even if it is out of jealousy, has to be removed, all of them have to visit the ancient turtle for this blow.

And this method of Wanggu Divine Tortoise is so tyrannical that it makes people look at it. The uplifted Wanggu stele, towering into the deep space above the clouds, is so big that one can only see the darkness when one looks up. The bottom of the stele.

"If you run wild in other places, I might really be defeated by you when you meet me, but this is the place where I was born. On the back of my armour, the ancient monument that has been shed, declares that it is not weaker than your Donghuang bell! Rest in peace! Right--" Wanggu Divine Tortoise's faint voice came out.

When Su Jin recovered with all his strength, he raised his head and looked, there were faint traces of mottled on the bottom of the dark stele.

There are fist marks, sword marks, even eye-catching marks at the bottom of the stele, as well as a trace of a human-shaped groove. What kind of powerful existence is it that makes this Wanggu stele produce traces?

Just like this, the pressure Su Jin felt is beyond imagination!

Su Jin was silent and did not respond.

Wanggu Divine Tortoise continued to faintly said: "Listen, under Wanggu stele, there is still a desperate roar that still persists. Those big monsters who were once extremely cruel, and even those who were not under me, were shocked to death. Under my Wanggu monument--"

Sure enough, when I listened carefully, there was an unwilling roar of despair, lingering under the monument, Su Jin's face was solemn, and finally sneered and said: "Don't tell this king, no matter how powerful the monument you shed, it will not be able to suppress this. king!"

"In fifty thousand years, you are the first person to dare to say this kind of thing..." Wanggu the **** turtle said indifferently, and slowly turned around, his claws glowed, as if he was holding the Wanggu stele.

Su Jin clenched his fists, and said nothing again——

At the bottom of the black Wanggu stele, it gradually descended high above the sky. If you look straight, the place where it fell is just high above Su Jin's head!

Click, click.

Every time the Wanggu monument drops ten meters, Su Jin feels that his Buddha bone will make a faint sound. He is a complete Buddha bone! He has never felt the power of suppression!

The process of falling did not slow down, Su Jin seemed to be unable to do anything in the ever-increasing gravity field.


Su Jin's stature shook, and the situation that made the Dongfang Yan people worry occurred, he opened his mouth and squirted blood.

Near, near!

Before the Wanggu monument was completely suppressed, Su Jin had already suffered a severe setback, coughing up blood again and again. If it were not for him to be a complete Buddha bone, he had just begun to condense the golden body of the king and Buddha, he was afraid that he would have been shaken to ashes by the power of suppression!

King Guitianqi turned his face, closed his eyes, and slowly shook his head——

There is always a scene, when people can't bear to see that Xing Tianyang has gritted his teeth, wishing to have the strength to fight the Wanggu divine turtle.

But everything is empty talk before there is no strength!

Girl Lu lowered her head, while Princess Jiuzhen and Dongfang Yan were still staring at them!

But in just five breaths, looking at the huge shadow of the ancient monument, it is already no more than two meters above Su Jin's head!

Su Jin's hair was fluttering frantically, and he was hunting in blood. Although he was crushed and frustrated, his spine was not bent by half an inch!

Lift your palms, lift your palms in the trembling trembling of the void! Su Jin's eyes are full of rich blood blue--

Boom, in the trembling void, Su Jin's palms were firmly attached to the bottom of the Wanggu stele!

Will he be killed by Wanggubei Town? This thought appeared in everyone's hearts——

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