My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2708: Yellow Spring Blood Light

The breeze blew, the tender voice dissipated in the memory, and the Buddha seedling under the starry sky gave off a faint Buddha's glory, as if it was spreading bursts of sadness.

With tears, the King Shan Jia Jing walked to the Buddha Miao's side, stood up at the Su Jin people, joined his two front paws, and then kowtow one after another.

Su Jin naturally knew what it wanted.

"You don't need to kneel on me. I will save her because of my feelings and reason. You go away." Su Jin slowly nodded, watching the Shan Jia Jing Wang retreat to the place, his eyes with deep anticipation.


On the west side of the void, the Great Hunting God appeared in a leather armor suit. The moment Su Jin appeared, she directly felt the aura. Her tracking secrets were super first-class, and she was able to track Su when she was in the tomb. gold.

It really is the emperor of the night! Da Lie Shen's expression was intensely excited, Su Jin's return was very secretive, and it seemed that only he knew about it at the moment, Guiying Kuanglan was a little proud.

"A Dou is healed?" Su Jin knew that Guiying Kuanglan had returned earlier, and she had returned from the Holy Land of Light to the outside world, naturally knowing the situation before herself.

"That monkey... I heard that it returned to its heyday the next day, and even had a small breakthrough. Its fighting'Demon King Buddha Body' is too powerful. If it weren't for you, I couldn't believe this demon king who was only an emperor. , Can be so powerful." Guiying Kuanglan felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge when he came to this outside China.

Su Jin nodded and said, "You protect the law for me, pay attention to the surroundings, especially the nine-eyed yellow spring, and don't let anyone disturb me."

Nine-eyed yellow spring?

Nine mud bodhisattvas?

Guiying Kuanglan's face showed a solemn expression. She knew something about the situation. There was a **** of heaven and earth called mud doll, whose soul was broken up, and only a cup of mud was buried under the buddha seedling. Su Jin's purpose of this trip, naturally It's to save her, but... it's really difficult, unless Ye Di's cultivation base is towering, it will be difficult!

Su Jin had no expression on his face, sitting cross-legged in front of the Buddha Miao, his hands raised, the ink hair fluttering in the wind, his hands slowly joined together!


A piece of Buddha light seemed to spread quickly on the ground, and the surface began to glow with bright Buddha yellow! Su Jin's lips moved slightly. With his hands folded, three arms appeared symmetrically on the left and right sides of his upper body!

Eight arms to Buddha!

On the starry sky, dense Buddha clouds gathered and obscured the starlight. Buddhist caves were opened in the Buddha clouds. A big Buddha stepped out of the cave and landed in the Jiuyou Jedi.

"Death Sutra" turned into a heavenly brahma, magnificent and moving, smelling the heart as if washing away the evil thoughts, and the heart is full of moving, a large piece of ground began to float with a trace of golden light, the golden light seemed to overflow into a Buddha There are countless Taoist scriptures floating around Su Jin and millions of Buddha statues.

"Dodiye, Ami."

"Dupobi, Ami, Sitanpobi."

"Ami, Emperor Pijaran."

"Ami, Pijalando."

"Gami greasy, Gagana."

"Zhuduo Jiahao, Suo Po He--"

The big hunting **** Guiying raged, her expression dulled, she knew that Su Jin's Buddha Avenue was very strong, but when she separated from the Holy Land of Light and Ye Di, Ye Di was far less powerful than she is now!

Could it be--

Guiying Kuanglan's face was frantic, and when she felt it carefully, she noticed that it was the breath of longevity!

Damn! The ghost is so scared that I just want to call my mother!

The magnificent golden light turns into golden Buddha characters, as if forming a golden Buddha wall that is completely empty. Each Buddhist scripture is different, and the scene you see is more than the word “Grand”!

This scene was naturally noticed.

Although it was night outside the territory, the monks outside the territory, or in groups of three or five, or the whole city floating in the void, saw this scene that people will always be indelible in the heart——

In the Netherworld, the cliff on the edge of the Jiuyou Jedi, the Ksitigarbha King clinging to the scriptures, standing on the cliff, looking at the scene in the distance, his face was calm and he could not see the joy or anger. On the other side, Meng Girl was overjoyed. Miss Meng knew about the mud girl under the Buddha Miao.

Not long ago, the Emperor Shaoman, Siming Daozi and others came to ask the Ksitigarbha for help. Ksitigarbha did not refuse. It demonstrated my Buddha’s compassionate demeanor. It is difficult to cultivate and overcome hardships. Sit for two days, but failed--

"Tianzi Su! It's Tianzi Su!" I don't know how many cities are boiling outside the territory. The boiling can heat human blood. Maybe some unknowing outsiders don't know why the three words Su Tianzi are so popular!

"A clay doll has fallen. Nine days ago, Sheng Ji Shiyao proposed to bury it in the place of the Buddha seedlings. In recent days, it has achieved miraculous effects. Wait until the arrival of Emperor Su!"

"If it weren't for Su Tianzi, the outside world would have been turned upside down by foreign enemies! Only with him can we sit back and relax!"

"I heard from a well-informed friend that Ye Di is now a fellow practitioner of the Nine Dao, the evildoer is extremely evil, I don't know if the clay doll can reproduce the world—"


The Buddhist scriptures are vast, and everyone is looking forward to it. The ghosts on the scene are even more frightening, like the kind of mud girl who is fortunate in the world, and even she is helpless and unable to save it. This was originally a means by nature. Special avenues can do it.

For example, Guan Zizai, such as some Niubi Taoist masters who have great Taoism, of course, whether Su Jin's longevity king Buddha can do it, the great hunting **** himself is not clear and cannot give opinions arbitrarily.

The buddha seedlings grew up, and each leaf showed a golden thread. The mud hadn't moved yet, but these buddha seedlings were growing up crazy--

Su Jin concentrated his attention and was not affected at all. After sitting like this, it took a long time.

Before dawn, on the nine-eyed yellow spring, every mud bodhisattva looked at Su Jin with weird eyes, and a trace of unique blood quickly spread from the nine-eyed yellow spring.

That river of blood also began to shine! Scarlet light——


Su Jin sat there, like a city wall beaten with iron. When the blood wafted around, the Great Hunter had not taken any action. The six-character Daming curse behind him was shocked, and every Daming curse was dazzling. Guanghua, Shengsheng blocked that piece of blood!

The King Shan Jia Jing was a little anxious. It watched the buddha seedling grow into a buddha tree, but the mud underneath still did not move, and the nine-eyed yellow spring in the north had another movement.

Guiying Kuanglan took down the hunting **** bow, without looking back, walked towards the **** light, a **** arrow condensed brilliance on the **** bow, directly turned into a long rainbow, nailed to the body of a mud bodhisattva——


The mud bodhisattva with the middle arrow was not shattered unexpectedly. On the contrary, the divine arrow condensed by the power of the hunting **** was stained with weird mud, directly submerged in the mud, and lost contact with the big hunting god.

This! The hunting god's face became solemn--

Such a strange situation, she had never seen it before! Looking back quietly, Guiying Kuanglan took a deep breath, and she felt that the mud girl was afraid it would be difficult to resurrect forever.

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