My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2709: Xuanhuang Godhead


The six-character Daming Curse was faintly resisted. Su Jin was a little surprised, but he couldn't be distracted at this moment. It seemed that after he came back, some existence was already known.

Guiying Kuanglan was holding a hunting **** bow, watching the nine mud bodhisattvas slowly turning on the nine-eyed yellow spring, his eyes kept staring behind Su Jin, and behind the nine-eyed yellow spring, the sea of ​​blood began to glow——

"Not good!" Guiying Kuanglan was shocked, looking at the boundary wall that appeared in the sea of ​​blood, she immediately knew that there was a world hidden in it.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

A strange sound appeared on the boundary wall, and in the eyes of Guiying Kuanglan, a circular ripple appeared on the boundary wall, and suddenly there was an extremely terrifying fairy light, which came straight in a column!

There is no fairy light!

Although Guiying Kuanglan is very powerful, he doesn't want to be illuminated by this kind of fairy, otherwise this fairy light won't be called'Jiwuxianguang'. It can only be played by gathering the gods of heaven and earth and gathering on a special formation. Powerful.

Almost without even thinking about it, Gui Yan violently put away the hunting **** bow, rounded his hand in front of him, and a magical piece of tortoise shell appeared in his hand. Her tortoise shell was a treasure that was refined a long time ago, although only People are tall, but there should be no problem blocking it——

A beam of fairy light hit the tortoise shell fiercely!


Guiying Kuanglan's face changed abruptly. According to her strength, this immortal could not illuminate her, and could easily dodge, or even easily destroy the formation disc that emits celestial light when avoiding, but now she is blocking behind Su Jin, she doesn't dare go away.

"Retreat." Su Jin said softly.

"What did you say, Lord Ye Di?" Guiying Kuanglan thought he had heard it wrong.

"Get away." Su Jin raised his voice.

Guiying Kuanglan hesitated in his heart, and soon disappeared, and when he appeared not far away, he looked nervously at the pillar of Jing Wu Xianguang——

In the whole area, there is a great power who wants to see if the mud girl can come alive. He has reverted this scene earlier, but he never thought that the unknown world would suddenly get into trouble at this moment. The moving Su Tianzi shot!

However, in the next scene, no one believes his eyes!

Except for Su Jin's closed arms, the other condensed six arms had only one hand, which directly caught the beam of fairy light!

Eight arms are connected to one of the Buddha's arms, the Buddha palm is magnificent, and that pillar of fairy light hits it like a splash of water, overflowing with snow-white fairy flowers! And the immortal light of Ji Jiu was held in the palm of his hand by Emperor Su, and he couldn't even shake his deity!

The ghost was so silly, as if scared, stupefied in place——

"Wow!" Five domains erupted into a sensational cry.

"What kind of power is Tianzi Su? He directly received Jiwu's fairy light with his bare hands. If that beam of fairy light swept our city, the entire city would be turned into Jiwu and disappear completely."

"That is Su Tianzi's Avenue of Kings and Buddhas! Eight-armed! Eight-armed King Buddha!"

"No! My master just looked through the ancient Buddha's records. This is an eight-armed Buddha in ancient legends. It's too powerful. Tianzi Su really made us proud—"

"In the Nine Nether Blood Sea, there is a boundary wall of an unknown world. It is rumored that before the ancient Heavenly Court was crushed by the palm of Emperor Huangquan, immortals descended to the earth, and the Three-eyed God Sovereign and others walked into that world and disappeared without a trace."

"Look! Su Tianzi's other Buddha arm moved!"

With a loud exclamation, Su Jin condensed the six Buddha arms, one arm was bare-handed to catch the light of Jiji Wuxian, and the other arm shook gently, directly without obstruction, as if slapped the boundary wall, constantly Seeing the rise, he dived deeply into the unknown world.

In the boundless wasteland, the vast Juesha compass in the center, the fairy light is shining, there are many mysterious people gathered not far from the compass, and they are waiting, but when they look up and see a huge golden Buddha palm, their horrified eyes gradually Turned into fear--

boom! !

When the palm of the Buddha was pressed into the air, centering on the wasteland, a palm print of more than a thousand miles was directly exposed! Bottomless! That Juesha Compass instantly turned into a fan in this hit!

When breaking through the boundary wall, when many great powers condensed the mysterious wasteland into the void around the Five Realms, their faces were all shocked and dumbfounded.

be quiet.

The entire five domains, as if this moment is the quietest——

Like a okay person, Su Jin concentrated on chanting the "Death Sutra", and then his deity gently separated his arms and held up the puddle of mud.

The Buddha's words were golden and bright, lingering in the mud in the palm and blending into it. Strangely speaking, the lifeless mud seemed to squirm.

Pieces of earthen awns float up from the ground~~~

Guiying was shocked by the violent storm, especially the mud that was previously unformed, when it wriggled, it gradually began to take on a human form! And in the center of the mud, there was a faintly bright faint loess block, which became stronger and stronger.



Guiying Kuanglan is now almost like seeing a ghost, staring at the dim loess block, she knows exactly what it means, that's a god! Yedi was just chanting for that mud girl, even if he reunited in figure, he shouldn't have a godhead!

That is the true Godhead of Xuanhuang! For the entire hunting gods, only two great hunting gods have been born in eternal years, and the quality is not too pure.

why? why! Guiying raging can't figure it out——

Gradually, the mud became active, and the surrounding earth was a little bit obstructing the road. This vision lasted for a quarter of an hour before the earth was converging, and a mud girl with a pair of horns and a pair of horns appeared. laughter.

The King Shan Jia Jing was excited like sifting chaff, tears gushing--

"Baboo yeah..." A familiar voice appeared, and the mud girl stuck her tongue out at Su Jin, making a grimace. She opened her two small hands, and the King Shan Jia hurriedly turned into an afterimage, and roared as if Still choking.

The familiar scene reappears! The mud girl turned over and rode on the top of the mountain, as if waking up. I don’t know why the top of the mountain was so sad, she whispered, her voice was much weaker, and her little hand gently stroked the body of the top of the mountain, which healed soon. The wound seemed to remember something.

The Buddha yellow faded from Su Jin's body and stood up gently——

"Mrs. Ye Di." Guiying dared not make any trouble, Su Jin came back this time, he was stronger than before, and she felt fear from the heart.

"Follow me." Su Jin said lightly.

Guiying Kuanglan didn't ask where he was going, followed Su Jin's side, stepped directly across the sea of ​​blood, and entered the boundary of that unknown world!

As soon as it appeared, Su Jin's mind was filled with a dizzy, sky-filled voice that swept across like a tsunami.

"See King Chu!"

"See King Chu!"

"See King Chu——"

Guiying Kuanglan looked to the west of the boundary wall, and she took a step back.

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