My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2710: Kaitian Protoss

King of Chu?

When Su Jin heard the word ‘King of Chu’, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind. He felt too familiar when he heard it. He was not without fluctuations in his heart, and looked west.

To the west of the wasteland, hundreds of thousands of hussars lifted up tens of meters of dust and rolled in. Among them, only a few people were wearing armor, and most of them were riding black wolves with a vicious face.

"Ye Di, who are they calling?" Gui Ying Kuanglan was slightly shocked. These people looked like the sturdy existence that has been battle-tested. The killing aura of the whole body lasts for a long time, and they can be taken so far away. She felt it real.

"Maybe it's me--" Su Jin could only respond with maybe two words.


King of Chu.

King of Chu, Su Jin looked helpless, and the situation was intricate. To him, he had no favors right now. On the contrary, he even wanted to destroy this unknown world.

"Where will Ye Di go next?" Guiying Kuanglan asked in a curious tone.

"Don't you feel strange? The Nine Eyes Huangquan moved, and the mud bodhisattva was all staring at me, and this unknown world launched the Absolute Compass, trying to obliterate me with Jiwuxianguang." Su Jin said lightly.

"You mean, that Jiuyan Huangquan has something to do with here?"

"It's not clear yet." Su Jin's eyebrows in Mohe Town Prison opened sharply, and the imaginary could appear directly. He knew that the king of Chu passed through here and walked into the Jiuyou Jedi, and he would definitely be able to come out of him. , He wants to go back to the past——

Mysterious fluctuations manifested in the vast wasteland, scenes of scenes of the year reflected in Su Jin's mind.

At that time, this place was still an oasis, and the clear river was passing by. There was a horse-horse girl who was chasing cranes and galloping on the oasis with a whip, but on that day, a young man floated down from the upper reaches of the river. Wang's blood stained Qinghe, and the horse horse girl saved the king. She got along for ten days, but she died!

The King of Humans got angry, ignited the energy of heaven and earth, burned the earth, and left the boundary wall——

Time flies, Baiju has passed the gap, here is no longer the same.

Su Jin traced back the path that the king of Chu had walked, but soon, a hazy obscuration from the heavens made his vision unable to move forward, and he was suddenly surprised.

Where...Where is it?

"Human King! Why does the King ignore my abandoned clan——" A monk riding a wild wolf worshipped with tears on the ground, but felt that Su Jin was indifferent, and he couldn't help but let out a burst of sorrow.

"Can King Chu hear our call? All his people were killed by those Kaitian **** races. Who would dare to be called a person outside? Under countless years of suppression, who would know that before the King of Humans left. , The despair of his people?"

"Wake up the king! Wake up!"


Su Jin's face was calm, he closed the eyes of Maha Town, and walked towards the hundreds of thousands of hussars with different clothes. When he arrived, he asked, "Why did you know that I am here today?"

"The old man Jitian stole the secret. Yesterday he watched the stars at night, and the king star reappeared in this starry sky. I waited until night to gather from the hidden part—" A middle-aged man riding a black wolf king saw Su Jin was talking to them, and immediately said very excited.

Su Jin suddenly.

There are some things, although I haven't seen it, but I can't help but believe it. If people say there is a king star, then there will be a chant, anyway, it is a fact that I have arrived.

"What is the situation of the Kaitian God Race that you just mentioned?" Su Jin felt that this point still needs to be clarified.

"Kaitian God Clan is what those immortal slaves call themselves. Where is the Kaitian God Clan? When will the King of the People rise up? I will wait to die and follow—" the middle-aged man shouted.

Su Jin frowned.

He is really not interested here, and he has no feelings at all, but these people are really too enthusiastic. Su Jin thought slightly, waved his hand to condense the place where the avenue was just covered, and asked: "Here, where do you know?"

"Ah? King Chu is not in a hurry to go to the territory of the Kaitian Divine Clan! We Jitian elders can find you back. They are afraid that they would have noticed and prepared for it long ago. Wasn't that immortal light aimed at King Chu?" The middle-aged man shouted enthusiastically.

Su Jin nodded, "Yes."

"Oh my God! The King of Humans did not fall under the attack of Ji Wuxian Light. The King of Humans is too powerful. Long live the King of Humans--"

The passionate shouts of hundreds of thousands of people were still quite loud, especially at such a close distance, Su Jin was a little embarrassed. The Great Hunter looked at him with icy eyes, showing that he was also helpless.

"I have wiped out the Kaitian Protoss, you don't need to follow, you can watch the battle--" Su Jin felt that this place was in the Jiuyou Jedi, and it was a bit like a light on his back, such as a knuckle in his throat.

"No! The battle between King King and them lasted for a long time. If King King really wanted this, I would like to go together, but I feel that there is almost no chance of winning. It is better to fix it for a few days and go back to arrange some tactics. There may be some confidence." The middle-aged man said tremblingly.

Su Jin smiled.

Why is it necessary to arrange?

If these people followed, the stronger existence would be swept to death with one slap. Under absolute power, smart would become clever, and would also be defeated. How could Su Jin waste time?

"Kuanlang, let's go--" Su Jin opened a void passage and went directly to the place covered by the avenue. Then he'pacified' the hundreds of thousands of horsemen and let them watch the battle. Then he brought the ghosts into the storm. Walked into the void passage.

At this moment, the atmosphere is very strange.

When Su Jin and Guiying Kuanglan walked out of the other side of the void passage, a water-colored rippling city wall cut off the distance of thousands of miles away. When viewed from a close up, the fairy gas transpired and the fairy city was scattered, but there were also figures that moved from time to time.

Has it been discovered?

Su Jin saw more than a million people gathering! And it was even more strange to him. There were some auras mixed in it. According to the aura of those people, it should not look like a local cultivation. Every aura is extremely magnificent and well-trained.

"Kill in?" Guiying was eager to try, with a strong excitement on his face.

Su Jin shook his head calmly, and his palm gently shook out a giant arm, pressing directly on the wall of the water curtain covered by the avenue!


The water curtain wall began to sway, and it only lasted for two seconds before it was directly shattered by one arm, turned into drops of water and disappeared.

At the moment when the water curtain wall was shattered, the Great Hunting God and Su Jin only felt a fighting spirit that they had never felt before, rushing toward their faces, that aura could affect Tranquil Dao Heart!




"I Kaitian Protoss is willing to be the vanguard. Today, I will act for the sky and punish the Emperor against the sky! Kill, kill, kill!" The astonishing murderous aura seemed to be condensed from the body of the millionaires. Those murderous auras seemed to be solidified. The sharp wind turned into wind, rolling out one after another!

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