My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2722: Longevity lamp

In an instant, Su Jin spit out the blood of the Buddha, and the state of the golden body of the Buddha directly disappeared——

His face is pale and bloodless!

The onlookers all let out a cry of exclamation, the expression of Guiying Kuanglan's face was not much better than Su Jin's. At the position of Su Jin's heart, a blood hole was dyeing his robe red, and a black breath of death began to flow around his body——

"Haha! The king is dead!" After exclaiming, 90% of the monks were excited, and everyone's face was full of red light. What's more, their whole body was shaking with excitement.

"The emperor's sacrifice to the sky, the emperor's sword that the emperor's way has led down is the beheading of the king! The elders of the demon are still much more powerful, so beating the king to death will surely be passed down through the ages in our Kaitian God Race!

"Hey, even if you are the Nine Dao Xiu, the King of Heaven Defying Man, you have to die in the hands of Senior! The old demon is worthy of being a Nebula powerhouse, so he easily killed the King of Man——"

"Those lingering human remnants, I'm afraid they will cry bitterly--"


Su Jin's eyes gradually became dim, he felt his head dizzy, and the whole world was turning black.

In the distance, the old demon faintly showed a smug grinning expression--

Instinctively shook his head, Su Jin tried hard to get rid of the trembling feeling. He slowly folded his hands, but on the back of his hands, the imprints of the Buddhist beads only faintly flickered and returned to normal.


Su Jin used to have a time when the mountains and rivers were exhausted, but every time the Buddha and Dao were able to cross him in peace, this time even the golden body was difficult to exhibit. He felt that there was no Buddha power in his body——

He knew that it was because the bodhicitta was stabbed.

The world is silent, Su Jin can't hear any sound, even the storm that the void has not closed, it is as calm as a pool of stagnant water, the whole world is dark, instead he sees the buddhas floating from himself .

Among the buddhas, strands of vain Buddhist scriptures are swimming out of their bodies——

The King of Life and Death, Buddhism, do you want soldiers to solve?

Su Jin was helpless. With the shining Buddha blossoms and clusters of flames of different colors, he knew very well in his heart that Bodhicitta was his key point. Once this happened, let alone the Buddha of life and death, the other nine All kinds of roads must be solved by soldiers!

The strong are lonely--

The whole world, the land of sentient beings, will never allow him to Su Jin! Su Jin has a strange feeling. All the scenes in the past seem to have been passed through in his mind. There is only a trace in his heart. As a person who often licks blood on the edge of the knife, he cannot give her happiness. This day, early It can be foreseen.

Shepherd Efeya, her heart was extremely calm. She had just taken a great risk and took the risk to remind Su Jin that he didn't expect that he would not even have the ability to use the gods.

Immediately, Ai Feiya turned her head and left. She didn't plan to see the result anymore, because there would only be one result. This night the emperor would be decapitated by the old man of the demon and taken back to complete the agreement with the Wanggu turtle.

Because the emperor is dead, floating on the void--

Guiying Kuanglan clenched her fists tightly. She gritted her teeth and turned her head away. She is very complicated...

Yedi is dead, but she doesn't even have the ability to **** a corpse!

Who would have thought that accidents would happen so quickly? After all, the sword power of Emperor Qi Huang was bestowed by God. Su Jin was able to resist it just now, and it was very difficult to dissolve the pictures of mountains and rivers.

"Ren King! Go well~~~" I don't know how many so-called human lusts, walking out of the hidden place, kneeling down, and the scene reflected in the void, as if a wailing wailing, was particularly desolate.

"The King of Humanity cut a Nebula power today! An impossible legend has been achieved. I am waiting to continue the Will of the King of Humans and continue to fight the Kaitian God Race. Everyone believes that this life is not the end of the King of Humans, and he will come back. !"

"That's right! When the King of Humanity returns, destroy the God Clan! We can wait and survive, even if there is only one soldier left, we have to wait!"


Soon, the shepherd Efeya seemed to have been stung by a scorpion, and hurriedly walked back, her eyes widened and round, staring at the silent Su Jin--

Obviously out of breath! The soldiers are solved! Why did the Ghost King Curse still not dissipate on her!

Just now Ephia stepped a thousand miles away, and immediately retreated back. A red curse was on her face. Fortunately, she retreated in time, otherwise it would be over!

Was it Ye Di bluffing her, and the Ghost King Curse would not dissipate because of his death, or was Ye Di not dead!

But how is it possible to not die! Now his nine divine clouds were still dissipating, and the black death breath almost covered the engulfing nine divine clouds, and there was no trace of spirit aura, and the heart was no longer beating!


what's the situation? !

"Did he die?" The face of the old man of the sky demon changed sharply. He didn't understand Su Jin's current situation. In his feelings, Su Jin was like a piece of rotten wood. Shenxia stays there?

Time passes by one breath and one breath--

Gradually, Guiying Kuangli felt a bit unusual, she suddenly turned her head, and hope rose in her eyes!

"Mrs. Ye Di..." Guiying Kuanglan found that her own blood seemed to be hot. She had never been so excited before. She didn't talk about her own judgment, just looked at the face of the demon old man that day and knew Ye Di's current status. The situation is a bit weird!

In the billowing black dead air, a group of flames condensed in the black air, and the group of flames turned into a lamp holder. The flames above were like beans, and they did not dissipate in the gust of wind!

Immediately afterwards, another flame turned into a lamp holder, and the strange one lit up!

"Vulcan Road Eternal Lamp! The legendary extremely terrible longevity statue, I have always felt strange, Yedi has long lived, why the longevity statue does not show one! Is this Yedi dead or not?" I don't know who it is, he roars , His tone was full of disbelief.

"Ninety-nine longevity lamps, look at the dead lamp beans!"

"Ah! That's...Why do night emperor's phantom souls appear on the lamp?"

"Hurry up, listen, there is a very misty Buddha song that seems to be singing!"


The misty Buddha songs are extremely small, and it’s hard to hear if you don’t listen carefully, but as the sacred Buddha songs appear, among the nine gods and gods in the sky, the traces of the Buddha’s origin and economy, which have been solved by the soldiers, are madly chaotic. With Su Jin's body lying horizontally in the void as the center, it was emitting a blazing light!

The golden buddha roots, the vision of the pure lotus flower, deeply rooted around Su Jin, and in a blink of an eye, a Buddha stand condensed by the light of the Buddha appeared very strangely——

The ghost raged wildly and wiped his tears. When the old man of the devil and Efeya stared, everyone's heart appeared incredibly scary:

"Does he want Nirvana!"

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