My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2723: King of the Birds

Who would have thought that Ye Di was so difficult to kill?

Ai Feiya didn't think about it, and the old man of the sky demon didn't think about it. She was afraid that the heavenly demon Python Yanqing who died unjustly and gave benefits would not accept this result from beginning to end.

Nirvana, translated by Buddha: All manifestations are not troubles, they are in harmony with the pure virtues of Nirvana. All dharma in the world has a phase of birth and death, but there is only one dharma that is complete and silent, so there will never be all the troubles, pains, austerities, and rebirth in life in Nirvana.

"Is it Nirvana? The most mysterious state in Buddhism. It is rumored that this state can reverse life and death and force life to continue!" From time to time, surprised voices heard from that fairy city.

"How can it be Nirvana! This state has been circulated in legends throughout the ages. It is definitely not. I think he is carrying some kind of secret technique and forcing him to live!"

"He is the King of Humans, the King of Longevity and the Nebula! What else can't happen to him? Isn't a golden body also very rare? Why does he have a golden body!"

"Don't be Nirvana, this state is horrible—"


The shepherd Ephea woke up from her dazed state, and according to her strength, she was already convinced that Su Jin was in Nirvana!

From a small look to the heaven-shaking abilities demonstrated by Changsheng, Ephia is also regarded as an eye-opener. Yedi’s Tian Secret, his Era Tianquan, his Nine Paths of Cultivation, all kinds of things, are not as good as this'Nirvana' state. It's scary!

The face of the old man of the demon was a little sordid, and he was full of mighty and powerful magic lights, and roared up to the sky: "Nine ways of cultivating against the heavens, why did God allow him to exist? He has already lived forever, and he should have died in the ancestral realm. Why! Why is that? !"


The dark dark clouds are vast and mighty in the distance. The dark clouds are so thick that they are more than a hundred meters thick! When the black is pressed, it gives people a feeling of inexplicable pressure!

Strong winds and showers fell with thunder and lightning.

Many people were shocked and suspicious, and even looked at Guiying Kuanglan in amazement. They all saw clearly that Su Jin's complexion was improving, from pale to faint ruddy——

It's just this heavy rain, why does it fall at this time? Is it because of Su Jin's state of Nirvana? Is it because of the question of the old man of the demon?

At this moment, Su Jin seemed to be floating on a phantom Buddha stand. The Buddha's light was like a light, and the lotus with entwined branches condensed around the Buddha stand, and the Buddha lotus bloomed.


As if God was angering, over the Buddha's platform, a barrel-like thickness of dark lightning struck down, and there was not only a flash of thunder, but hundreds of them all over the void!

The entire Nirvana station seems to have been disturbed by thunder and lightning. More accurately, it seems that someone is preventing Sujin Nirvana from succeeding! Want to interrupt the process of this mysterious state!

"I don't care who you were or who you are now! Against the sky, there is no future. The sky does not accept you, I accept you! How about Nirvana? Look at the power of my godhead and magical technique "The Disintegration of Heavenly Demons"!" Position, a soft close together.

A scarlet godhead appeared, this one was an earth-level godhead! Don't forget, this old man of the devil is the best in the nebula, the predecessors of Affiya and Yan Qing, how easy it is!

Hu Hu Hu-

The demon roars low, and in the dark and pouring rain, the old man of the devil swayed, and in a blink of an eye, nine clones of the gods appeared. At the same time, there were billions of phantoms behind him, far away in the deep sky. in!

Chi Chi -

The old man of the sky demon flicked the sleeves of his long robe, his body leaned back, and the whole person rose up. Each of the nine body clones possessed 10% of their own power!

"Ah -" The old man of the sky demon has scarlet eyes and one hand. The red earth-level godhead seems to float on his hand, and the sky full of lightning turns red!

"Senior Tianma is too strong! Is this the legendary godhead? This godhead can change fate against the sky and bring calamity to others! Moreover, it seems that his words have angered God, as if there are rules interrupting the process of Yedi's Nirvana! "Many of the spectators of the Kaitian Protoss are very worried.

"Let’s step back. I’m afraid the aftermath of this old man’s blow will spread to us—"

"Retreat! Retreat! Yedi, the enchanting evildoer, really can't give him time to breathe, even Senior Demon said in person, this is the real Nirvana!"

"Damn night emperor!"

"Look at it quickly, there is an action by the predecessor of the demon, and God forbids him to redeem Nirvana, his Nirvana Buddha platform seems to be in a situation!" Someone was overjoyed after seeing it!

Guiying Kuanglan can't be happy anymore--

As many people have seen, on the condensed Buddha stage, a series of fine cracks are appearing. There are already countless Buddhist flowers overflowing. At the time of Nirvana, any interference in any situation is likely to cause major changes. Obviously there is no help. Su Jin, it is almost impossible to succeed in Nirvana at this time!

The entire Buddhist platform was trembling, and Su Jin lay on the void, forcibly not allowing the Nine Paths to be resolved. The violent storm seemed to have turned the scene into an ancient evil world, and this crisis is in space.


The old man of the sky demon rose up, his hands fell fiercely, and the visible cracks in the void were instantly swept into pieces, turning into speckled fragments, and the Buddha's flowers overflowed from the Buddha stand faster and faster.

For the manifested Buddhas, the Sanskrit singing began to become quieter and quieter, and in the end it seemed that ten thousand Buddhas were crying, and the golden brilliance of the Buddha's tears was particularly eye-catching in the wind and rain.

"Failed, Nirvana was unsuccessful, it was just a struggle just now—" Ephia didn't know why, she should be happy.

That kind of weird feeling, perhaps more from regret--



Defying the sky requires courage and strength, as well as the enchanting talents of the world, but how difficult is it to also defend the sky? ! The so-called no rules can't make a circle, the rules set by God, if you don't comply, there will be only one end! The end of death!

Unable to witness Yedi’s future achievements, Ephia sighed heavily in her heart. This battle was originally disproportionate and not equal, don’t say anything about the same level of crushing——

Even if Ye Di was breaking two or three longevities, it would be difficult for the old man to escape from here. Ye Di really gave her Ephea a great experience!

"Still...can't it..." Guiying Kuanglan silently took off the God Hunting Bow, thinking silently in his heart.

Numerous phantoms of the Buddha no longer sang Sanskrit, Su Jin on the Buddha stage, the signs of Nirvana became less and less obvious, and the more serious ones are still behind, the Buddha stage began to disintegrate——

The divine power of Guiying Kuanglan was boiling, she pulled the God Hunting Bow, looked at the devil old man that day with firm eyes, and the arrow pointed to the Nebula!

at this time!

Within the scope of the week, there was a loud bird cry!

"The king of the sacred bird! How can there be a king of the sacred bird here!" The old man of the demon cried out in disbelief.

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