My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2727: Immortal feather

The strong nebula, the old man of the devil has fallen!

The moment it was scratched, the aftermath seemed to spread to the other side of the galaxy, and that other side is the heavens, and in the place called Heishan, the boat lights are unique, the boat body is swaying, and the dim people turn their heads slightly, seeming to see what--

"It's him again!" Heishan Old Demon's pale and bloodless face was a bit shocked, his youth appearance, but the shock came from that strange primordial phantom.

"The guy who left palm prints before, with the breath of flintlocks all over—" There is an 18-inch ginseng, turning his body, jumping out of the black mountain, unable to distinguish between men and women, but it was also the one who observed that palm print before. One of a dozen people.

"The last time I chased and killed the Wanggu Divine Tortoise was unsuccessful. In a short time, he actually killed off the old man of the Sky Demon!" The old Black Mountain demon was shocked to his death. Is the mortal cultivation so powerful now?

Since it's amazing, why don't the heavens come?

On the boat, the misty girl raised her head and slowly said: "I remember, he was the one who broke away the bone wings of my Shadow Burial. I didn't care about it at the time and never put him in my eyes—"

The old Black Mountain demon grunted and swallowed. Fortunately, he didn't put this kind of person in his eyes. If he really cares, can this kind of person be offended?

Shenyou Taixu, the phantom that ordinary people can't see, after pointing a **** in the direction of Heishan, he gradually turned around and disappeared in the eyes of Heishan Lao Yao and others.

"Hey, this guy is too bold!" Old Monster Black Mountain glanced at the others and said weirdly.

However, the tense atmosphere did not relax after the phantom disappeared. There was a faint yellow on the entire galaxy, as if the underground sediment was completely surging up, and the clear galaxy began to turn into a muddy color——

"The galaxy has changed! It is rumored that the uppermost reaches of this galaxy will lead to an ancient deep-space road, but it shouldn't have appeared at this time--" the dim woman said inexplicably on the bow.

Of course, Su Jin didn't know all this.

Cut off the old man of the devil, although Su Jin has a great vengeance, but the situation of the phoenix is ​​like a boulder on his heart. What he said to the little dragon monkey before chasing the old man of the devil was just a word of comfort He is not at all sure whether he can really save him.

Wandering around too vacantly, the surroundings are quiet, the fairy light in the fairy city is not there, and the spectators dare to appear wherever the spectators are. The strong people of the level of the old man of the devil have been cut to death. Summoned back, but I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the current emperor.

Su Jin's body opened his eyes, and the Heavenly Demon Earth-level Godhead in his hand was slowly breathing out a faint light.

The big hunting **** Guiying walked up wildly, with a slightly seductive temperament, showing an intimacy. She looked at Su Jin and then at the shepherd Efeya who was standing silently not far away, with more or less expressions in her eyes. eccentric.

"Back--" Su Jin unfolded the tree of enlightenment and made the little dragon monkey jump on the nest of the undead. He put away the Eastern Emperor Bell, took the two women directly, opened the void passage, left the boundary wall in the unknown world, and appeared in The blood in the depths of the Jiuyou Jedi is above the sea.

"Oh my god! The evil star king finally left!" The fleeing Kaitian gods looked back, and each recalled their own fairy swords, all with expressions of horror.

"I have an intuition that he will come in the future, and he will not let us go!" Someone felt desperate for the future.

"Look at the north side, why is the north side dimly yellow? Ah, that is the Nituo River, why does it suddenly surge?"


Outside the boundary wall, the blood river suddenly became thicker, and there were vortexes surging in the blood river continuously, and muddy colors poured out, and the mud bodhisattva on the bank of the blood river, on the nine-eyed yellow spring, unexpectedly showed a smile, always staring at Su Gold direction.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he didn't think much about it. He took the Great Hunter and Ephia and disappeared directly into the Jiuyou Jedi——

Under a rock cliff.

The starry sky is comfortable, a pile of igneous stones is emitting transparent virtual flames, there are cypresses on the cliffs, there are rumbling clear waterfalls not far away, and there are gurgling streams, and the swimming fish are not disturbed.

"Thanks, if it weren't for you to tell me that the'immortal feather' can't land, I'm afraid there is no hope at all." Su Jin sat under the cliff, watching the big hunting **** speak lightly.

Su Jin was the first to take the lead when waking up when he was in a muddle through the sword body Dao. This was informed by the voice of the Great Hunter. Although it is more difficult to rescue, it is better than no hope. Strong.

"The phoenix is ​​the ancient divine bird king. The undead feathers can't fall to the ground, but it exists in the record. It is always good to be safe." Guiying Kuanglan is not sure, after all, he has never seen undead feathers fall.

"It is true that you can't land, you can't touch the five elements, see the water melts the water, see the fire melt the fire, and when you land, a new reincarnation will begin." Affia nodded slowly.

She was embarrassed.

Especially sitting with the Great Hunter and Su Jin, it was really a bit awkward.

The reason for the embarrassment, naturally because she was captured alive——

"You'd better not keep that earth-level godhead." Guiying Kuanglan took a deep breath and said, "That is the origin of the old man of the devil, like the strongest nebula has the strongest means of life-saving, if he has a clone The remnant soul is here, and sooner or later I still have to seize this godhead."

Su Jin stared at the Big Hunting God in a daze, then frowned and said: "So, Yan Qing is very likely that I haven't been completely killed?"

"No, it's not the same. Yan Qing was killed by your living sacrifice. Even if he has a avatar in the heavens, no matter how many there are, after the living sacrifice, the soul is erased, which is equivalent to a complete sacrifice, a avatar. It will also be perished, but the old man of the devil is different." Ai Feiya agreed with Guiying Kuanglan's words and explained to Su Jin like this.

Su Jin nodded and said blankly, "I will deal with the godhead of the old man of the devil."

After speaking, Su Jin flipped his hand and his expression gradually became gentle.

On the palm of the hand, a colorful feather floated.

With his eyes closed, powerful Buddha power emerged, and he used a trace of soul to pass through the immortal feather.


what happened--

Su Jin's heart sank heavily, he could not feel the soul of Xiao Yan'er in it.

Impossible, the undead feather can't reincarnate without touching the five elements, the soul of the undead bird definitely still exists in this divine feather! Su Jin's face was blue and red, opened his eyes and looked intently, thinking.

"What did you see?" Guiying Kuanglan suddenly felt like he looked at Su Jin and asked.

Su Jin shook his head, "The Immortal Feather is too mysterious, I didn't see her spirit in it."

"Then what to do?" Ephia said unconsciously.

"I can only take a risk. If it fails, I can only let it reincarnate again." Su Jin sighed heavily, and then lightly stroked his finger on his chest, and a blood stain appeared——

Gui Ying was shocked, "Ye Di Fujun! You, what do you want to do?"

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