My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2728: Piercing

Su Jin was expressionless.

The wound on his chest was terrifying, but in this painful state, he didn't even frown his brow!

"I gave her a good fortune! If she can recover, the future will be limitless! If she can't recover, she will have an incomparable chance in the next life. At the beginning, the Baitou Mountain God handed her over to me, but I could not protect her. On the contrary, she saved me more than once, this is what I owe, and I have to pay it back!"

Su Jin gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and made a fierce grievance. He cut off the third Buddha bone in his left chest and took it out. At that moment, his face was pale, and the pain can be imagined.

Chi Chi -

Su Jin's fingers, like a carving knife, carved six shining golden Buddha characters on this small section of the cyan Buddha bone. It was a six-character mantra!

When the curse was completed, the emptiness shook out the Buddha's light, and then his lips moved slightly, chanting the "Death Sutra" for the undead, and the Buddha bone floated up——

Ai Feiya opened her mouth slightly, and the shock in her heart was unimaginable. Su Jin carved the Buddha's bones and recited the scriptures, trying to force the soul of the undead, if she couldn't save it, let go, let her reincarnate with this Buddha's bone!

"Wang Buddha bone, you are really willing." Gui Ying gave a wry smile.

Su Jin did not answer.

The powerful golden light, under the transformation of the four powers of longevity, is growing crazy, Su Jin is now strong, the two women naturally understand that the real strength is not lower than that of Nebula, if he can't save it, it will be really impossible——

Time passes by every minute and every second.

Three hours later.

In the deep sea of ​​blood, mud was churning, and nine mud bodhisattva statues began to roar on the nine-eyed yellow spring, and the unknown world boundary actually became clear.

The boundary wall was shining dimly yellow, and a series of terrifying pictures of gods appeared on it. During this period, the ghosts went over and took a look, bringing bad news.

"The sea of ​​blood has become a sea of ​​blood-colored mud, and there are more than 300 mud **** statues floating in the sea of ​​blood." Gui Ying Kuanglan was anxious, and even showed on his face.

"The mud bodhisattva connects the depths of the heavens." Su Jin shook his head. After just explaining one sentence, he chose to continue chanting, regardless of whether he asked--

Ai Feiya and Gui Ying Kuanglan turned pale, and their faces were full of surprised expressions. to do it----

On the clean cyan Buddha bones, Su Jin wrapped the immortal feathers on the surface, his eyebrows Maha Prison Eyes opened. Under the extremely magnificent Buddha's chanting, his eyes finally saw an almost transparent soul, right In a state of death, her undead soul was faintly bound by a chain.


If this immortal feather is in contact with the five elements, as long as it is in the five elements, it is afraid that it will be pulled away by this strange virtual chain and turn into the next reincarnation!

one day.

a whole day!

Su Jin's blood suit was shining with golden light, and his expression was a little wilting. He hadn't rested for a quarter of an hour during this period, but the small soul floating on the immortal feather did not mean to wake up at all.

Tonight, unlike before, the moon rising in the east was not a bright red moon, but a bright red moon. Heart palpitations were on Su Jin’s heart. He couldn’t sit still anymore, and stood up and said, "You protect Don't fall to the ground with Immortal Feather and Wanggu, I will come as soon as I go."

"Good—" Gui Ying nodded frantically.

When Su Jin left, Aphia couldn't believe her eyes. This was just sitting cross-legged for a day. The Buddha Cliff and Su Jin's cross-legged place here seemed to be turned into a Buddhist hall, with golden Buddha light glowing——

About five minutes later, Su Jin didn't go far, and then turned back.

But when he came, there was something in his hand.

A branch, the branch has long arms, and a groove is dug in the middle——

"Is this?" Efeya stared, and her heart started pounding.

"Enlightenment branch." Guiying sighed wildly. It seems that Ye Difujun is going to give up and let the immortal feather stick to the five elements and let it fall on the enlightenment branch.

This is no longer a good fortune----

This is simply a luxury!

Immortal Feather, if it falls on the branch of enlightenment, if it is reincarnation, it is no less than a mortal being born with a golden key, at least Guiying Kuanglan has never seen such a shocking handwriting!

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes and recovered some emotions, and soon he was about to place the Immortal Feathers tied to Wang Fo's sternum, with bones and feathers, in the grooves on the enlightened branch.

Guiying Kuanglan and Ephia both fixed their eyes--

That colorful immortal feather quivered slightly when it touched the enlightened branch, and Su Jin was startled!

I had already given up, but the result was very strange, the immortal feather among the branches of enlightenment, that imaginary spirit, unexpectedly burst out of amazing colorful brilliance!


Su Jin's eyes rounded, and immediately sat down, a pure and white halo began to rise, the rushing sound of the Yaochi water, as if being blown by the wind, the tree of enlightenment, the branches of the tree were reaching into the depths of the void.

Su Jin faintly grasped hope!

Is the legend false?

"The tree of enlightenment!" Ai Feiya pointed at Su Jin, swallowing frantically, and hesitated: "You, you--"

Where is the legend or false? And obviously this tree of enlightenment is too mysterious! The only tree of enlightenment in ancient times!

The frantic traces of enlightenment were wrapped up toward the branch of enlightenment. Su Jin hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and sent the undead feather and his own piece of king Buddha bone to the undead bird's nest on the enlightenment tree.


What a miracle!

In the Immortal Feather, a trace of blood mist glows, enveloping the entire bird's nest! The weird **** light seemed to exaggerate the surrounding Buddha's yellow, and it was flickering!

Su Jin stared at him and stared for half an hour before seeing the blood mist gradually congealing into a thin eggshell, and on the oval surface, the Buddha traces of the Six-character Daming Mantra were faintly manifested!


With the dull thunder falling from the sky, Su Jin's expression changed, and he put away the tree of enlightenment and stood up and looked into the distance!

Ai Feiya and Gui Ying watched Kuang Lan seriously, but they were affected by this change. They all knew that the undead feathers did not change. On the contrary, they formed egg cocoons on the tree of enlightenment, and they were very likely to be rescued! It's just this thunder, why is it!

The picture is too depressing——

The trees in the Jiuyou Jedi were all trembling, swaying from side to side in the strong wind, and the brightly-colored giant red moon was not covered by the thunder.


A beam of thunder struck a towering ancient tree and burned it into a torch. On the blood-colored moon, a dark cloud drifted by, and the sky and the earth seemed to have turned into an ancient black underworld.

Bafang Thunder, with the help of the flashing electric light, the scene is not unnerving, Su Jin walked up the stone cliff, turned his back to the cypress on the cliff, and looked far to the north, where is the boundary wall of the unknown world——

Guiying Kuanglan and Effia stood on his left and right, and when they saw the blood-colored mud sea rising to a hundred meters high, their beautiful faces finally became dull...

Su Jin suddenly covered his mouth and coughed twice, but when he let go, a mouthful of blood appeared on the palm of his hand——

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