My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2739: Only one thing left


In the void, the Bronze Wild Bell and the Eastern Emperor Bell were suppressed separately, and two divine bells containing nine powers respectively covered the Flying Fox Girl and the Demon Sword Ghost Dance.

On the other side, Monk Mu's faint pupils kept flickering. He didn't turn his head back, but when he knew that Su Jin's voice appeared in his ears, he had no chance to escape.

Su Jin's figure gradually appeared not far away, and Monk Mu raised his head--

"I admit that I underestimated you..." Mu monk said lightly: "But if I really want to go, do you really think I can stop it?"

"Hehe, today I borrowed ten pairs of eight pairs of wings from you. Don’t even think about flying away. I can bully you if you want to bully? Now it’s me? Cut off your head of Master Mu and put it in a dog. Kick away in the cage!" Su Jin shouted coldly.

Really angry

These people came with a dog cage to capture him, or take his head back and return to life. Su Jin now has a problem and wants to figure it out, so he didn't mean to cut him directly, but this Master Wood, death is mortal. , No one can save.

"Then try it!" Master Mu took a defensive posture, with mottled bases on his wooden arms, this body was made by Shenmu, a little strange.

"Before killing you, you need to answer two questions for me!" Su Jin pointed to Master Mu.

"What if I don't answer?"

"If you don't answer, let your soul bear the torment of the eternal fire! This king does what he said!" Su Jin slowly narrowed his eyes and said.

Monk Mu was silent, Su Jin's strength exceeded his expectations. Isn't he unwilling? This man has nine cultivators, of which only five longevity can be so strong, and he also guessed some of the questions Su Jin planned to ask.

Silence is taken as a default——

Su Jin walked in leisurely, without worrying about the wooden monk causing a fatal blow to him. He directly asked: "What does it mean to point to the moon and return when the moon is over? Who said it? Who is your palace lord? Where does it exist?"

"Don't ever want to know this!" Mu Monk suddenly shouted at Su Jin in a sharp tone.

"Okay, where is your twelfth star palace in the heavens?" Su Jin asked the second question.

Monk Mu was sure that Su Jin wanted to ask this, and immediately stepped back gently. The whole wooden body seemed to have a special sense of vicissitudes. He shook his head and said, "If you want to fight, I really think that the old man can be free You cut it off?"

"Forget it, I feel like your old dog will definitely not say that you Flying Fox Girl and Demon Sword Ghost Dance have been captured by this king. This king has a good deal of dealing with women. Don't tell me, I am not afraid that they will not tell this king!" Su Jin felt that for this wooden monk, one minute was a scourge for one minute, and he planned to be more stable and cut it off first!


Flying Fox Girl and Devil Sword Ghost Dance were captured alive?

Yes, when Monk Wood fled here before, with the current strength of the Ye Emperor, the speed is probably faster than him. During that period, the Ye Emperor must have used powerful means——

Without time to think about it, the wood monk rose up with black secret patterns all over his body. Those black patterns appeared on the surface of his wooden body, and his eyes were completely turned into pitch black!


Su Jin didn't expect that after the wood monk resorted to the dark storm, there was almost no time to recover, and he could still have such a strong combat power. Immediately, the bright colored lines on his Vulcan arm, like lava, began to erupt. !

Vulcan arm, smashed with a fierce punch!


Monk Mu didn't even dodge or dodge, he forcibly received Su Jin's punch!

The next situation went far beyond Su Jin’s expectations. The wooden monk’s entire wooden body, like a puppet, lost its sacred beauty, and was shaken into powder by a punch, and the strands were like black willow leaves. But climbed into the void and gradually disappeared in the air——

Su Jin is extremely puzzled. He has never felt that Master Mu is a person, and the spirit has not revealed a trace of breath, he can't even capture the other's spirit!

This person is much more terrifying than the old man of the devil——

However, Su Jin did not know that the price of Master Mu with a sacred wood body was much higher than that of the old man of the sky demon. It was almost difficult to recast the body, unless there was a slight possibility of returning to the muddy star palace. But the journey is too far away, and his supernatural power will flow quickly.

Su Jin thought about it carefully, and finally gave up. An arcane array under his feet was blurred, and the snow-colored fairy feathers fell down. When Shen Xia appeared on the array, he directly used the Big Ascension technique. Xia Fei ascended back to the previous battlefield!

The blood-colored mud sea has calmed down, the mud color has become more and more dull, even the nine mud bodhisattvas have disappeared, only the nine-eyed yellow spring is still slowly rolling the water waves——

Ai Feiya and Gui Ying stared at Su Jin frantically, their minds relaxed unconsciously, and the two women felt one thing in common. Ye Di Su Jin seemed to be more devilish in temperament——

But now, in the entire Five Regions, I don't know how many giant cities are boiling!

"Tianzi Su is back! One person against five super strong, he is still alive!" Someone was ecstatic.

"Before Tianzi Su chased the monk Mu, he threw two precious bells, and now the two sisters have been caught!"

"Yeah! Monk Mu is dead? Su Tianzi is too strong, and he is so strong that he is afraid of foreign enemies. He is chasing five people by himself. I didn't expect to see this scene in my lifetime!"

"Look, those two precious clocks are flying back--"


Sure enough, Su Jin slowly lifted his hands, the Sky Eastern Emperor Bell and the bronze barren bell turned into two streams of light, gradually turning into the size of a copper bell, floating on his left and right hands.


The two precious clocks were trembling slightly. With a sneer at the corners of Su Jin’s mouth, he hung the two clocks around his waist and looked at Guiying Kuanglan and Affiya and said: “Next, I have one more thing left to do. After that, I will go to the Five Elements Heaven to meet my friends from the Sky Traitor Alliance, Great Hunter, will you walk with me together, or stay here to bless my rivers and mountains, or go back to the Five Elements Heaven first?"

Three options-

Guiying Kuanglan, the tall and wild beauty, immediately gave Su Jin a white look, and said without hesitation: "I want to be with you."

There is an addiction, and I can't live without it. Guiying Kuanglan doesn't want to stay outside the domain, nor does he want to go back to the Five Elements to leave the sky. Of course, he has to choose to follow Su Jin.

Su Jin hesitated a little, then slowly nodded, "Okay, let's go--"

"Husband Ye Di, what are you left to do?" Guiying Kuanglan asked quickly.

"My mother was in the Mogu God Prison and was taken by the Stone Snake Pagoda to a star road. Last time, I was not able to save her. This time I can only succeed without fail!"

Su Jin gently raised his hand and opened a void passage leading to the domain——

The three people walked in...

In the void passage, the glazed brilliance continued to manifest, but at that moment, the glazed void passage at the front suddenly appeared a circle of distortions, Su Jin was caught off guard, and soon the three figures walked out of the void——

what's the situation? !

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