My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2740: Weird cry for help

The sky was full of yellow sand, the wind was swift and violent, and in a dim area in front, there was still thunder and lightning faintly in the sand, and Su Jin instantly felt a touch of familiarity.

This is the western desert in the region!

The entire desert, Su Jin, had not finished walking. He walked out of it on foot and walked for three days and three nights. When the Nine-Eyed Yellow Spring appeared at that time, many strange temples were manifested in the western desert in the region——

At that time, Su Jin had no time to come here, but now when he crossed across, he accidentally discovered this scene. It was a bit more violent than before. The temples in it were hidden, even if he opened his eyes, Just found some strange places.

"So heavy yin--" Shepherd Efeya was obviously taken aback.

"Juyin quicksand, heaven punishes the Jedi, this desert has absolutely buried a shocking existence, otherwise there will be no situation where the sky will not be scattered." The ghost storm is far more horrified than Ephia.

Buried a stunning existence?

You must know that the former China Great World, but the center of the heavens, only later turned into a wasteland in the eyes of outsiders. I don't know how many mysterious relics still remain.

Su Jin frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"I feel that a strong man has recently stepped out of here." Affiya said solemnly.

"It's not impossible for the buried people to resurrect, but they won't wake up easily. I feel that there should be some special circumstances that led to their recovery--" Gui Yan Kuanglan took a deep breath.

There was a little pressure in Su Jin's heart. Just now when the void passage passed through here, he encountered a distortion. If it weren't for this, he would not have manifested here with two women.



Su Jin’s eyebrows in Maha Town Prison Eyes, he took all the surrounding conditions into his field of vision, but soon, he saw phantom shadows in the north of the east side—


Su Jin did not venture in, but when he walked along the edge and quickly rushed to a few high shadows, he was a little speechless--

This place is close to the Gobi, and the west desert is about to go north to the east, and these tall phantoms are actually an oil well, and there are more than a dozen wells...

The oil derrick made of steel is rusty. When Su Jin and the three walked into this place, Su Jin used the anti-virtual power of the prison eye of Maha to see the silhouettes of people fleeing in embarrassment. What happened to those steel workers?

With screams and fear in the ear, Su Jin seemed to have heard the situation in the chaos——

"Remains! What a special relic!" Effia raised her head, walked to the side of a few iron sheets, and shouted in surprise.

"These are oil wells..." Su Jin was dying speechlessly. It seemed that Ephia had never seen these scenes.

Guiying Kuanglan's eyes were equally puzzled, and Su Jin did not want to explain in detail after explaining it. With his anti-virtual ability, he saw the direction in which the group of steel workers had fled.


Ten steps.

Su Jin walked through the built concrete road, passed by abandoned steel-reinforced buildings, and stepped on a piece of yellow sand, where there was an oil well that was dug and was about to lay the foundation——

"Blood." Ai Feiya squatted down and touched the liquid in the oil well pit. When she took it out, her fingers were stained. The blood was very sticky, some black but not smelly.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder and dust, the early morning came quietly, the last star in the night sky disappeared, the sky broke, Su Jin walked to a small sand pile about 20 meters away from the oil well pit, and gently kicked the sand. A pale skull suddenly rolled out of the pile!

There are more than a dozen red hairs on the skull--

"Red hair, although it is not unique in the world, this kind of existence is absolutely very rare. The age of this skull is definitely very early, and it may not belong to this era." Gui Ying Kuanglan said slowly.

"I'm also very young, according to the size of this skull, alas..." Ephia couldn't help but shook her head.

"I once explored and passed by an ancient village in the world. Among them was a terrible sacrifice technique. The sacrifices of virgins, boys and girls, the formation of a monstrous shadow, blood will never freeze, this is the unyielding evil method of the tomb owner. , Want to get rid of the end of burial."

Guiying Kuanglan continued: "Just now it was definitely the aura of the Gathering Yin Quicksand, that is to say, the dead existence buried here is a great wicked person who will never turn back, and it was God who made him not turn back—"

Never stand up forever-

But now the foundation of the tomb array seems to have been shaken, and Guiying's face is gradually a little ugly, that is, the owner of the tomb has turned over?

"Go...can't it..." As a master of the Nebula Realm, Ephia felt a sense of distress in her heart. This wasteland is too mysterious. It was definitely not before she came. Thought of.

Su Jin felt a little hesitant--

It is said that going to the Mogu Prison to rescue the mother is the most important thing, but that day, punishing thunder and punishing, gathering the yin quicksand, is still expanding uncontrollably, and this is still within the domain.


A blast of cold wind rolled in, the kind of cold that was not like snow and ice, seemed to be able to blow into the bones.

Soon Su Jin's face was shocked, he is a dignified ghost king, will he seduce a shadow? It's ridiculous!

But in the next scene, Su Jin frowned, and as the weird wind kept blowing, the ears seemed to be looming, and there was a cry, the cry of a virgin!

Through the prison eye of Maha Town, you can see the treacherous scene, the faint sandy area in front, the dust rising, and the red-haired phantoms, all with their backs to Su Jin and the three people, the number stretches for me. How many years, the cry is still getting louder——

"Red hair..." Guizhen trembled wildly, as if stung by a scorpion for a moment, and pointed at the uneven desert surface.

Red hair after another, like a plant, protrudes from the surface of the desert, as if it has become a sea of ​​red, and a strong smell of blood begins to appear!

"help me--"

The faint sandy West Desert stretched out, as if following the wind, there was a very small cry for help. The voice could not distinguish between men and women, but it brought some magical charm.

"Have you heard?" Guiying Kuanglan said nervously in an instant.

Ephia nodded, "It's better to leave immediately..."

The two women looked at Su Jin's face, who knew that there would be such a fierce land here. When the two women came for the first time, they felt that this world was a wasteland.

Now, the right to choose is placed on Su Jin. The two women looked at him, and they wanted him to make a choice. Whether to go or to make a decision was made by him alone.

Cry for help, could it be that the owner of the tomb who will never turn over is calling for help? Su Jin didn't believe it, and the situation was a bit weird. He encountered this situation for the first time, and he nodded like a fight!

On the sandy ground, clusters of fiery red hair swayed constantly under the wind, and the call for help became louder and louder—

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