My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2755: unstoppable!

Qin Lian, die!

On the same night Emperor Su Jin stood on the opposite side of the three divine envoys, and one of them fell so quickly, it was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was still in the case that Su Jin gave the opportunity--

"In the Abyss of Evil, one of the Eighteen Divine Envoys of the Zihai of Sin has fallen! And it still died in the hands of a longevity monk, how can this be believed!" Many people stared at the city far away.

As if vaguely saw that Qin Lian's head was blasted by a big empty hand, the divine body fell forever and disappeared.

"Have you seen the nine auras? That's not a simple longevity cultivation. My ancestor came over and prevented my monks from going. This longevity cultivation is a great evildoer of the nine realms of fellow practitioners!"

"Ah? Qin Lian and Qin Lian are ranked ninth among the eighteen great divine envoys. As the top ten great divine envoys, each of them is extraordinary. It is not a simple Nebula cultivation. Now it has been so simple and neatly cut to death— —"

"This young man with a mysterious origin, a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths of Enchanting, how many tactics have not been used?"

"I am actually a little bit convinced now. I believe that he can fight one enemy three while fighting against three great divine envoys..."


Exclamations and incredible expressions abound. This result is very difficult to accept. Qin Lian, who is a fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths, a hidden secret, and dead, seems like a dream, so unrealistic.

Xu Jingzhai's face panicked, and she slowly lowered her head. Her heartbeat was fierce, and she had never missed a person so wrong. In terms of the strength of Ye Di, she was completely confused.

Ok? !

Zixiao Warrior King and Fairy Lingqiong all had extremely solemn expressions on their faces. The blow that Su Jin killed Qin Lian was too fierce and overbearing, as if Qin Lian’s fate was in the hands of the emperor. S!

"Elder Meishan! You and me, plus Fairy Lingqiong, the three great envoys shot together to kill this great evildoer together! When the head of his item is picked, the **** will be delighted, it is a great achievement!" Zi Xiao The King of War suddenly shouted.

"Yes, old man, just with his strength, we can only kill one of the great divine envoys. The three of us will make it easy to kill him." Fairy Lingqiong also said to the old man Meishan.

At the scene, Guiying Kuanglan and others all looked at the old man Meishan. Just now, this old man showed terrifying strength and can directly restore the ninety-nine stone pillars to the original, so his choice is extremely important!

Flying Fox Girl’s pale pink eyes, with wonderful eyes, as if she could charm anyone in the world, and then she smiled lightly, "This is different, even the three great envoys, Ye Di can Cut it off easily."

So confident?

Xu Jingzhai, as a strong nebula, can naturally see that Qin Lian can still pose some threats to Ye Di just now, but she didn't expect Feitian Fox Girl to still say this way.

The old man Meishan didn't hesitate much, and then said: "Warlord Zixiao, Fairy Lingqiong, you give up, the emperor is unstoppable, and the old man under me can distinguish clearly, but your discerning people are very absurd, trying to follow Ye Di is right."

"You!" Fairy Lingqiong was a little upset, no matter how to say this abyss of evil, Zihai of sin is also their place, how could a night emperor scare the old man Meishan like this?

"I think you don't want to be a great divine envoy anymore!" Zixiao Warlord's anger appeared unabashedly in his tone.

"If you don't do it, then don't do it--" The old man Meishan sighed.


In the Abyss of All Evil, there are only 18 Great Envoys, which shows how noble and respectable the status is. Some Nebula powerhouses dream of becoming Great Envoys, but the old man Meishan sighed and chose not to do it?

Xu Jingzhai couldn't figure it out. Even though Ye Emperor had been tyrannical in his methods, the three divine envoys might not be able to kill them. Why pay such a high price?

Moreover, as the old man Meishan said, about fighting against the emperor, are they really invincible? Xu Jingzhai didn't understand.

It's scary--

Zixiao Zhanwang was trembling all over, and his robe was dazzling with divine power, already condensed to the extreme. Around him, a purple star light with nine palaces and gossip concealed, like a terrible mouth that swallows all things, is causing resonance in the surrounding void .

Click, click, click.

The void is rustling into purple shards of light quality, the scene directly seems to be transformed into an ancient battlefield, panic seems to become the main theme of the scene.

"It's okay if you don't be a great emissary, but do you think that if you don't be a great divine emissary, the divine lord will let you go? When the night emperor is to be dealt with, I will act as your execution officer and punish you severely. Make you regret making this decision!" Zixiao Warrior King seemed to have never been so angry before.

"Lao Meishan! You still have a chance to make a new decision now! Join forces with the two of me to kill Ye Di and redeem the merits!" Fairy Ling Qiong raised his hands, and a five-color wreath suddenly appeared on his soft fingers. And magical.

"I just used'Tian Dao Yan' to do some calculations for you——" The old man Meishan retreated farther than anyone else, holding in his arms the little ginseng essence who wanted to jump down and play with a solemn tone. Said.

"What did you count?" Fairy Lingqiong was startled.

"Artificial sword, I am fish, two fellow Taoists, Ye Di will send you on the road!" The old man Mei Shan smiled strangely, and after a response, he stepped back further.

At this moment, Su Jin beheaded Qin Lian, full of spirit, he has never been strong before!

"I don't believe it!" The Zixiao warlord stepped forward directly. At this moment, he no longer looked down upon him. The vision gathered around his body had mysterious power and purple halo, which could protect him well. He only needed to use his whole body strength to crush him. Yedi can!

Fairy Lingqiong whirled gently on the spot, her clothes and skirts turned into a circle, her temperament was eye-catching, the garland condensed from her finger, the five-color radiance was unique, and the charms that affected people Grow around her.

If Su Jin could be charmed by this beauty, then he would be too useless. The vines, like vines, were drawn strangely, and they were all shattered by him!

Fairy Lingqiong retired in place and truly felt the power of Su Jin just now!

Zixiao Zhanwang slashed with a fist, Su Jin did not dodge, and the nine halos around his body seemed to be condensed into a treasure map of eight trigrams and nine palaces. The force of the nine powers was blending, and he also raised a punch. The ink hair was flying against the wind, and went straight away——


The shocking rumbling sound makes people almost want to cover their ears. That kind of sound can really hurt people. Some of them are not good. Even thousands of miles away, I feel faint blood flowing from the ears——

Su Jin stood in the void, Wushuang!

The screams of the Zixiao Warrior King at that moment were covered by the rumbling sound of the two fighting each other. With this punch, the Zixiao Warrior directly felt as if he had hit the Boundless Mountain, and he was blasted out!

The bones in God's body were broken inch by inch, densely packed, no fewer than five hundred broken! Covered in blood--

"Zi Xiao..." Fairy Lingqiong panicked, without thinking about it, and fled to the back of the sin Zihai~~

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