My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2756: Kill to the abyss


Su Jin's eyes were cold, watching Fairy Lingqiong walking towards the Zihai of Sin, but the woman did not fall into the Zihai. On the surface of the Zihai behind that, there were 800,000 ancient Zijin coffins floating!

The ancient coffin filled with 800,000 sinners--

The mother doesn't know whereabouts, life or death, or whether she is in the coffin!

As soon as he thought of this, Su Jin's eyes rose murderously. He didn't want to let go of these two people, they would all die!

"Release the purple corpse, release the purple corpse! I'm going to kill him!" The Zixiao warlord has never suffered such a serious injury. It is difficult to recover the bones of his whole body. At that moment, he even had the idea of ​​abandoning the flesh-

All this is given by Ye Di!

Fairy Lingqiong just panicked, knowing that this 800,000 ancient purple gold coffin is to rely on. At this moment, the king of Zixiao Zhan has just finished speaking, and she has walked out a sacred road full of flowers under her feet. She actually used her own law to try Fight for time to open the coffin!

Su Jin stood silently in the distance--

"Originally, I wanted to keep a whole body of you. Who made you ignorant of good and bad, must force this king!" Su Jin is now filled with anger, and he immediately took out the fateful gourd without hesitation. Released the great ancient giant beast.

The shocking aura, like a glimpse of a giant beast, except for Su Jin, even Xu Jingzhai has a feeling, being caught by a glimpse of death!

Pour the horns, beast-faced tigers, and grow a pill furnace on the back! This--

Many people were terrified at the time~~~

Xu Jingzhai even felt that as soon as this great ancient beast appeared, whether it was in power or ability, she felt stronger than the god-killed Ye Didu!

It's still strong--

Whose mount can pull the wind like this? Xu Jingzhai only felt that her body was frustrated, and the little white donkey was trembling all over, bowed directly at the giant ancient beast, and couldn't stand up with all four hoofs!

And the little ginseng essence didn't seem to be jokes anymore, staring at the big ancient behemoth, although he didn't kneel down, he was working together, cleverly like a sheep!


The purple warrior king screamed in anger. His injury was too serious just now. He endured the severe pain and fixed his figure in the void, and then began to heal his injuries, but the appearance of this big ancient monster directly made him feel embarrassed. And the feeling of escape!

What kind of beast is this!

What fierce power is this!

"When you choose to oppose me, you have already lost the qualification to contend with me!" Su Jin's tone seemed to sound like a death knell, indifferent and as if looking at the dead, he immediately waved his hand after he finished speaking, "Da Gu , Kill—"

The big ancient giant beast lightly stepped on its front foot in the same place, it understood Su Jin's words, and as it stepped on, the natural pill furnace behind it was surrounded by weird laws of light.


The black dark clouds gathered in the sky, the rays of light of the rule turned into a circle, spreading to all directions, the creatures were trembling, and the face of Fairy Lingqiong went dark, watching the 800,000 ancient purple gold coffins containing the purple corpses of the sinner. Trembling--

"Ye Di! Lord God Lord won't let you go! No!" Zixiao Zhanwang roared in fear. The place where he meditated and healed his wounds was being contained by a trace of law, and the spirit of the whole person was strongly suppressed.

Fairy Lingqiong is hiding in the five-color flower world condensed by her own laws. At this moment, those great ancient laws are completely ignored, and she is directly sucked into the sky——

The two great divine envoys couldn't even move their bullets. When they floated into the sky, the great ancient giant beast whispered, and the natural pill furnace behind it glowed slightly, swallowing it directly, and Fairy Lingqiong and Zixiao Warrior Was swallowed into the pill furnace.

In the distant city of God, countless monks looked dull, and black lines appeared on their foreheads——

"The face of the beast is like a tiger, the back of the pill furnace, what kind of monster!" Some people were shaking when they spoke, and some couldn't believe what they saw.

"And the inverted horns, this is even more terrifying than the night emperor, why would you willingly surrender to that emperor?"

"I feel it can swallow our entire world--" The speaker was already crying.

Xu Jingzhai's legs are also very soft, and she is embarrassed to death. She is riding on a four-hooves kneeling in the void, worshipping the big ancient beast, can she be embarrassed!

"Xiao Bai, it is..." Xu Jingzhai found herself very nervous and kept communicating with the white **** donkey.

"King, our king." The little white donkey faintly spread these words.

Xu Jingzhai:...

For the first time, Xu Jingzhai felt that she became the woman of the Ye Emperor, and it seemed that she was not so resistant. This big ancient behemoth, let alone others, even had a kind of worshipping heart for her, too strong, direct He swallowed a great envoy with a pill furnace.

Strange to say, Su Jin faintly heard the cry, in the pill furnace behind the big ancient giant beast.

The aura of Zixiao Warlord had been wiped out, but the fairy Lingqiong had already cried miserably, and was as frightened as a madman, crying utterly.

"Dagu, why do you still keep her?" Su Jin felt a little unhappy, as he communicated with the great ancient behemoth.

There seemed to be a kind of soul-like communication, Dagu responded jerkily: "The power of the gods, the emperor can use—"

Can I use it?

Su Jin secretly called a headache. Although he needed "The Most Holy Demon Skill", he really didn't like the woman, but since Dagu responded in this way, he didn't take care of it anymore, and the King of Purple Clouds probably turned into a flying soon. Expelled by the great ancient beast!

"Senior Meishan——" Su Jin looked at the old man Meishan. Although he was blind, he was smarter than some people with long eyes. He immediately asked: "How long have these purple corpses been refined?"

The old man Meishan arched his hand and said: "It can be as long as a thousand years, and as long as it can be traced back to the beginning of an epoch. It is difficult to refining. Yedi wants to let this beast **** pretend to go."

"No." Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and soon he asked by voice transmission: "Senior, has it ever been seen that the stone snake stupa was pulled into this abyss of evil by some purple-skinned people?"


The old man Meishan's expression changed wildly, and he nodded and said, "I have heard the news, but I am not allowed to participate. Ye Di is here on this trip..."

"That's right!" Su Jin communicated.

"I used to be a leader, but now I have become a traitor to the Abyss. Ye Di, I only ask for one thing. If there is something wrong with me, can you help me take care of this little ginseng?" The old man Meishan continued to communicate.

"Are you afraid that the so-called God Lord will kill you?"

"Well, I can't escape death—"

"What are you afraid of? I have an alliance of traitors in the Five Elements Heaven, and I am lacking an expert like Senior. If you are willing to be the guest of our alliance, I will protect Senior from worry!" Su Jin responded lightly.

The old man Meishan was obviously overjoyed, and he replied again and again, saying, "Okay! I will be the leader of the night emperor and enter this abyss of evil!"


Su Jin took a step and stood on the edge of the pill furnace behind Dagu. Then Xu Jingzhai and other women, as well as the old man Meishan and the little ginseng essence, all stood up, but the little white donkey refused and was taken by Xu Jingzhai.

"I hope my mother is okay, otherwise I will bloodbath here!" Su Jin gestured softly, and the ancient giant beast rushed into the center of the purple sea and sank into it.

Wan Lai was silent.

The huge sinful purple sea, 800,000 purple gold ancient coffins shimmering, gradually sinking into the depths of the purple sea, and in the rich purple, there seems to be a pair of terrible triangular red pupils, if someone sees it, it seems to be a little sneer. the meaning of--

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