My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2764: Soaring platform

The sixteen divine lights, each of which is in the shape of golden red ropes, intertwined and entwined, so strong that people can only turn their heads and dare not look at the blazing brilliance for a while.

The beautiful salesperson Hua Rong lost her expression and lost her voice: "Tianjinghe!"

"How much is it worth." The red on Su Jin's hand faded, and he suddenly pinched a crystal red nucleus the size of a glass bead between his fingers, and said to the beauty shop assistant.

Dragon City Lord's face flushed, obviously a little excited——

The faces of other girls were also the same. The little ginseng essence in the arms of the old man Meishan was still asleep. Who knows that at the moment when the Tianjing nucleus appeared, its little nose sniffed, and after opening his wistful eyes, his face was full of greed.

The big-eared mouse on Zhu Xueer's shoulder almost couldn't bear his instinct, and wanted to rush over, but Zhu Xueer's eyesight quickly grabbed it with his hand, and squeaked in her palm.

The beauty clerk respectfully said: "My son, this celestial crystal core is worth 900,000 Purple Soul Coins. If it is bigger, it won't be bought for two million--"

The Dragon City Lord wanted to stop Su Jin, but in his sigh, Su Jin directly threw this celestial crystal core into the hands of the beauty shop assistant.

Su Jin said indifferently: "As for the price, 900,000 is 900,000."

Really willing!

Dragon City Lord and Zhu Xueer felt a little regretful. Some treasures cannot be measured by money. Although this celestial crystal core is worth 900,000 yuan and it is not a pit, money is money after all, and treasures are treasures.

The beauty clerk was happy and said with a smile: "My son now has 996,000 Purple Soul Coins."

While speaking, the beauty clerk put away the Tianjing core, holding a notebook in his hand, and began to remember——

Su Jin nodded, he speeded up, and walked towards a heaven-level source stone called the "Xianren Guiding".

Su Jin's expression on the face of this humanoid **** source stone was uncertain. He had three pupils superimposed, touched with his hands, and felt with his heart. He actually felt that the power disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea, as if it was a stubborn stone, but the traces flowed on the surface. The divine light seems to be very different.

The price of the **** source stone of the fairy guide: 1.6 million.

It's already very expensive, Su Jin's expression is weird, a few people just went back and forth to look at this tall stone, but they all left silently, not dare to take such a big risk.

Su Jin noticed this human-shaped **** source stone in his heart, and turned to walk to a few small sky-level **** source stones——


After the shock, many people became disappointed.

During this period, of the five stones selected by Su Jin, four were empty, and the other one was empty, but an Emu Immortal Crystal the size of a fingernail came out, whose value was far from even the original price of the stone.

Five heaven-level gods’ source stones cost Su Jin more than 50,000 Purple Soul Coins——

The Dragon City Lord was a little disappointed. It seems that Yedi is not the **** of knowledge, five yuan is almost scrapped. If it is in the hands of other people, it will be distressed. After all, a purple soul coin is very valuable and can drink. A drink.

Su Jin did not speak, and continued to walk backwards, passing by a circle of springs built up with stone steps, and looking at the six human-shaped gods source stones standing in the center——

The only difference is that in the center of the six humanoid source stones, a thick round **** stone with a diameter of 4 meters is placed. The round **** stone does not only reflect the power of the gods, there are also clusters of gods and mysterious Taoist marks floating in them. God stone surface.

"Flying platform, also called Feishengshi, worth five million, the best heavenly source stone, no one dared to cut--" Dragon City Master couldn't restrain his impulse at this point.

He has the ability to cut, but he is afraid that he will cut out the bamboo basket and catch the water. He will not be angry at that time, and his family will not be defeated like this.

Su Jin took a deep breath in his heart. Even if this ascending stone is not cut, it would be of great benefit to meditate and practice on it. Of course, this is only his judgment.

"My son, these top-quality source stones surrounded by spring water are not to be touched, unless you really want to buy them, and we send someone to fetch them." The beauty clerk said apologetically. This is the rule, and she can only act according to the rule.

Su Jin stared at the ascending platform tightly, unable to see through, unable to see at all—

"Brother Ye saw the six humanoid gods? They are six martial immortal stones, each of which is the same price, 4.8 million purple soul coins, and the old assertion that the six martial immortal stones must be produced. A god-ranked martial immortal, but their light is covered by the ascending platform." said Dragon City Lord.

"It's really good." Su Jin took a deep breath. He had the illusion that he would get the ascending platform anyway, but poor! If you have Purple Soul Coins, it's okay. Anyway, there is no place to spend it. After buying this ascending platform, it doesn't matter if it is empty after cutting it open.

But still a penny stumps the dead hero!

Su Jinduo glanced at the ascending platform, and walked to the place where the Heavenly God Source was placed on the side. These were all touchable, his fingers lightly touched the stones, his face calm.

I chose three again. The first two were very high-quality, but they were empty. The situation was so bad that other people couldn't bear to look at them. Even Dragon City Lord had the idea to call him away.

But the third one, not surprising in appearance, with a gray surface, was a stone the size of a human head. Su Jin shook slightly, and the stone was still fragile, but at that moment, the long-lost divine light shined again!


"Natural stone gall!" The beauty shop clerk was going crazy, as if she had never been so shocked since her career, this head-sized round stone unexpectedly produced a fist-sized stone gall!

The surface of the stone gall is purple-brown, with purple clouds swirling on it, and there is a faint purple scorpion phantom, crawling fast on the surface of the stone gall——

The Lord Longcheng's expression changed, "Stone gall comes out of soul, this value..."

"Master, please wait a moment, I'll ask Yuan Lao to identify it so that we can give the price." The beauty clerk ran fast, and the people around also rushed to hear the news.

Excited again and again--

Not long after, an old man in a gray robe came with a shocked face, took the stone gall in Su Jin's hand, and looked at a purple scorpion roaming on the surface, and took a breath!

"Sir, are you sure you want to sell it?" Gray Robe Yuan always looked at Su Jin.

"Sell!" Su Jin nodded.

"Purple scorpion stone gall, given time, the stone gall is cracked, the achievements of this purple scorpion are limitless, our Tianyuan Pavilion is willing to buy it for 4.5 million purple soul coins." Hui Paoyuan always stared at Su Jin. , Took a deep breath.

"4.5 million?" Dragon City Lord said coldly: "This City Lord still dare to cheat people with you?"


Huipao Yuanlao bowed his hand to the Dragon City Lord for a while, and said with a wry smile: "It turns out that it is Lord City Lord. I don't know when the stone gall will be cracked. I don't know when the scorpion was born. The price is already at the limit, so... In the face of the city lord, 5.5 million purple soul coins—"

The Dragon City Lord made a calm face and wanted to speak, Su Jin shook his head and said, "That's it—"

"The son's money is currently 6.43 million Purple Soul Coins." The beauty shop assistant recorded it.


Everyone at the scene was frightened. The women such as Guiying Kuanglan were ashamed. It felt like the cash machine of Ye Difujun, but the source of gambling was like this.

Su Jin was quite satisfied. He walked to an irregularly shaped source stone behind. This **** source stone was ten feet high and surrounded by solidified hazel blood. He temporarily left the flying platform behind his head and focused on On this source stone with a price of 800,000 yuan.

Put your hand up-

Almost immediately after putting it on, Su Jinru was shocked and took a step back!

For just a moment, Su Jin felt the darkness, and there were bizarre fire-colored eyes hidden in the darkness, as if looking at him in the stone——

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