My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2765: You hate

Su Jin’s subtle movements were seen by the Dragon City Lord and others——

Suddenly felt a hot look behind him, and many source-seeking masters were also staring at this stone, Su Jin's face was pale and lost in thought.

"How is it?" Dragon City Lord asked curiously.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Jin is definitely a **** of knowledge! With a mere 100,000 Purple Soul Coins, I have earned 6.43 million Purple Soul Coins. If you live in Dragon City and enjoy drinking and enjoying the wonderful places every day, it is estimated that you will spend your entire life!

"It is very likely to be a waste rock -" Su Jin said lightly.

After that, Su Jin didn't look at this strange source anymore, now he was about to accumulate capital, and he had just revealed his feet, so speaking of this, the stone could not escape.

Soon, Su Jin searched for more than a dozen Heaven-level God's Origin Stones, spent more than six million odds, and did not produce anything of value.

The onlookers were long gone, thinking that Su Jin was just lucky, not really as godly as he was before.

"Beauty, I want that piece of ascending platform--" Su Jin said to the beauty clerk.


To be honest, the beauty shop clerk still admires Su Jin’s eyesight, from one hundred thousand strokes to six million purple soul coins. At this time, she was really surprised when she heard that the other party wanted to buy the ascent platform, and then said: The value of Taiwan is far more than five million. The reason why the price is five million is because of a rule."

"Rules? Isn't it impossible to sell?" Su Jin frowned.

"It's natural to sell, but the ascending platform is sold, and the customer must cut it in our Tianyuan Pavilion, and the boss said that if you are willing to cut this ascending platform at our Tianyuan auction, you can just fold it off. One hundred thousand purple soul coins."

"Then I will buy it first. It is impossible to cut it at auction--" Does Su Jin care about the discounted 100,000 Purple Soul Coins? Naturally, I don't care, and if a unique treasure is drawn out of it, it will only cause trouble.

"Sir, are you sure you want to buy?"


"Okay, I'll take a one million purple soul card for you, and seal up the ascending stone by the way. The son can come and cut the source at any time." The beauty clerk was startled by Su Jin's big hand, and hurried to the backstage. Reported the news, and by the way got a soul coin card with purple and black.

one million!

The beauty clerk was amazed, after all, not everyone has this kind of boldness——

Although the Shenyuan Ascending Platform is good, the things it sells may not be as much as one percent of its price, or even the empty ones inside. In short, no one dares to take such a big risk!

"Little Brother Ye——" Longcheng Master rubbed his hands, "Or the little brother will pick one for me and I will take it back."

"The city lord is an elder, just call me a good nephew." Su Jin hesitated slightly after speaking, and then said through a voice transmission: "The city lord can buy the source stone of 800,000 purple soul coins just now."

"Whether to lose?" The tone of Longcheng Master Voice Transmission was full of tension.

"It's soaring, but the city owner needs to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"You must not untie that stone within a thousand years—"

"Ah? Why is this?" Dragon City Master was taken aback for a moment, and transcribed inquired.

"Don't ask, don't touch it according to my words, then I will have a **** in town. After a thousand years, it will be worth more than 800,000 Purple Soul Coins. It can be said to be a priceless treasure that is difficult to exchange in a hundred cities—" Su Jin looked at the Dragon City Master and said.

This is just a hairy talk!

The Dragon City Lord looked excited, and waved his big hand, "Bring the 800,000 piece of stone to my City Lord's mansion, I bought it!"

"Yes... Lord City Lord." The beauty shop clerk said with joy. The arrival of these big men today will give her the reward of this order for ten years, and she can still be promoted because of this, which shows that Su Jin treats her. How big is the impact of performance!

In front of the Tianyuan Pavilion, the Lord Longcheng opened a void passage and invited Su Jin and others to walk into it. Zhu Xueer, who was dressed in clothes, would dare to speak no matter where she knew the location of the void passage would be in her. s home!

City Lord's Mansion——

The City Lord’s Mansion is surrounded by mountains and rivers. In the center of Dragon City, the rows of palaces on the mountain are very eye-catching, and under the purple mist, flocks of fairy birds fly in the woods and pass the blue dragon lake.

It is worth mentioning that there is a statue of a snake jumping out of the water in the center of Longhu, which faintly reveals an indescribable sense of domineering——

The Lord Longcheng personally arranged for Su Jin and the others to live in. Later, he arranged Su Jin in a palace called the "Snake Emperor Palace", and then went to order the royal food in the palace and dig out immortals.

On the jade railing in front of the Snake Emperor Hall, Jimei stood inside, looking at the beautiful scenery.

"Big Brother Ye, would you like to participate in the auction at night?" Zhu Xueer looked at Su Jin and asked.

"Uh...Are you going to participate?" Su Jin asked back.

Guiying Kuanglan, Xu Jingzhai and others all have contemptuous eyes, and the old man Meishan feels that he is a bit redundant here, and silently returns to a room in the palace. These are all young people’s affairs. It is not easy for him to participate——

Zhu Xueer stomped gently on the spot, flushed, and said in embarrassment: "You hate it!"

Who can not admire? Even Ghost Wu felt that Su Jin's emotional intelligence was extremely high, and such a rhetorical question made Zhu Xueer, a beautiful woman in the world, ashamed.

"What's on auction?" Su Jin asked dumbly.

"That's a lot." Zhu Xueer thought for a while, "Super-sky-level gods source stone, all kinds of gods, and even things you can't imagine, everything is available, but to get what you like, you need more than purple soul coins. , And try your luck."

Su Jin thought for a while, "Are you going every day?"

"Why, I'm poor, how can a little pocket money be enough, but sometimes I disguise and go quietly to watch the excitement. My father participates a few times a year." Zhu Xueer pouted.

"I'll take you tonight--" Su Jin saw that Zhu Xueer wanted to go and said directly.

"Yeah! Okay—" Zhu Xueer was so excited.

"Where is Sister Zhu's bedroom?" At this moment, Gui Zhen squinted and smiled wildly.

"In Zizhu Hall, what's the matter?"

"It's a rare meeting for everyone. When the auction will come back, how about you also live in this Snake Emperor Palace? Yedi will definitely cut the source stone that he was looking for during the day at night. Maybe there is something you like--" Guiying Kuanglan's tone was a little icy, bewitching Zhu Xueer.

"No, he loves to bully people. It's dangerous at night." Zhu Xueer blushed and avoided, facing Longhu not dare to look at a few women, and she was stroking the head of her pet'big-eared mouse' with her hands.

Xu Jingzhai looked left and right, her face flushed, she was afraid that night would come, after all, her awkward relationship with Su Jin...

And there are these girls who are beautiful and beautiful--

"You can tell us now, what treasure is hidden in the piece of waste stone you got?" Xu Jingzhai knew that the cutting was still messy, and she stopped thinking about it. She simply looked at Su Jin and asked about serious things.


Zhu Xueer's daughters all stared at Su Jin's face. They were curious about three things.

One is what is hidden in the ascending platform!

The second is that Dragon City Lord is so brave. He won a source stone with a price of 800,000 Purple Soul Coins. It must be related to Su Jin. He must know what's inside!

The third thing is that the waste rock that most curious about the women is thrown away by others, and it has been identified by Yuan Lao, why Su Jin cares so much! That waste rock is by no means easy!

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