My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2766: Open up Taoism!

"Tell you, I'm not good--" Su Jin said slowly.

"It's good!"

Gui Ying laughed wildly: "Sister Zhu stayed to live at night, what do you want?"

Zhu Xueer's teeth itchy, and stomped: "Huh! A bunch of bad sisters, ignore you, I don't care about what's in it, it's not mine anyway."

"Actually, it's okay to tell you--" Su Jin nodded, and there were no outsiders here anyway, so he responded directly.

Zhu Xueer leaned forward to the world. Although she turned her head towards Longhu, she couldn't help but listen carefully when she heard Su Jin say this, and finally looked at Su Jin slowly.

"There is a Taoist scripture in it, and the gods of the source stone of the gods have been lost over the years, and it was stolen by the source ghost, so there is no fluctuation. When I found it in Tianyuan Pavilion, my pupil technique was directly See there are words in it." Su Jin smiled.

The women were shocked instantly--

Shi Yun Taoism is extremely rare! Zhu Xueer once heard by chance that there was a sacred source stone mined to the ancient battlefield, which contained bones and incomplete Taoism on the bones. It was already extremely precious. It was later bought by a mysterious buyer, and it is still missing.

Moreover, it was still the Taoist scripture on the stone bones, which was far from comparable to the value of the Shi Yun Taoist scriptures. This Yedi was really a **** and man, and he could discover this!

"Indeed, if it is a divine source stone with exhausted sacred beauty, even if there are words in it, it is difficult to be discovered. Fortunately, that Taoist scripture is related to the Lord Yedi and was discovered by the husband." Gui Heng Kuanglan said in surprise.

Su Jin nodded, "Call me when I leave—"

Immediately, Su Jin stepped towards the low green hill not far away, and after sitting down on the top of the hill, he invited the waste rock out and closed his eyes.

In fact, Su Jin hadn't had time to take a closer look before. He just felt that the Taoism contained in the stone was absolutely extraordinary. Now he only turned on the divine pupil and the triple pupil technique was superimposed before he saw the familiar scene again.

In the black-gray stone, there are faintly floating groups of Dao characters, the shape of the characters is very old, fortunately Su Jin can understand, those floating groups of Dao characters can be connected into a whole sentence of scripture.

Soon, Su Jin was shocked in his heart——


Above the green hills surrounded by greenery and purple mist, the void shuddered, and the handwritings with weird Taoist rhyme faded out.

"Huang! South!"

The few women in front of the Snake Emperor Palace faintly saw only two or three of the words. The momentum at that moment was so terrible, even Zhu Xueer felt the oppression that suffocated her.

Su Jin’s temperament became more subtle, his long hair swaying in the wind, under that strange rhyme, seemed to cater to a certain strange law——

"The avenue is abandoned, there is benevolence and righteousness. To achieve the ultimate in emptiness, keep quiet." Su Jin looked at the Taoist scripture called "The Wild South Dao Zang Sutra" with peace of mind and began to study.

"Mysterious and mysterious, the south of the desert! The sky is clear, the earth is peaceful, the valley is full, and all things are born..."



Su Jin’s divine pupil has a ray of Taoism, nature, and Tao, directly rushing out of the pupil, he felt that this Taoism can faintly follow the human law and the earth, the earth and the sky, the heaven and the law, and the natural way. Heaven and Dao fit together, and now he feels the vastness, but he seems to be able to grasp the most subtle places.

This Taoist scripture is actually a powerful way to open up the Taoist Purple Mansion!

The Dan Mansion is where the Dantian is located, and the "Heart Mansion" is the head of the five fu organs. In addition, there are densely reminded, there are the knee mansion, the arm mansion, and even the heavenly spirit mansion above the head!

Too abstruse--

Although Su Jin felt that there were these kinds of purple mansions, the truth contained in the scriptures was more than vast to describe. He felt that these purple mansions were far more than those, as if those meridians could be opened up in any part of the body.

Of course this is just Su Jin's conjecture!


Half a quarter of an hour later, at the Qihai Dantian in Su Jindan Field, there was a blazing glow that seemed to be tumbling. Even if it was separated from the clothes, when the Dao Zang Zi Mansion was opened at the Qihai Dantian, it was still unbelievable. In a daze!

Su Jin opened his eyes, and there was a faint glow in the depths of his eyes. He was just getting started, or for the entire Taoist scriptures, the fur is not considered to be a fur, but this opened up the Taoist method and refreshed his practice. Cognition!

There is an increase in strength, but it is subtle—

Su Jin then continued to condense along the Dao Zang that was opened up from the Qi Sea, but those Dao Zang divine light seemed to be unable to cross the veins, and he continued to study the incense for nearly a period of time, but to no avail!

It seems that this esoteric "Huang Nan Dao Zang Sutra" cannot be made quickly.

Although his strength has increased a bit, Su Jin feels that it is not enough. Of course, other benefits are also great. For example, he has more invented in his heart, and feels that he can practice several Taoisms separately now.

Under the purple sea of ​​sin, there is also dark night.

It was the color of a purple night. The millions of lights in the entire Dragon City were lit, and a cold wind blew, Su Jin got up from the top of the mountain and returned to the Snake Emperor Palace.

The singing of strings became clearer and clearer--

The wonderful woody incense on the censer that is as high as one person is very special. The maid holding a tray of dishes in the hall walks hurriedly, and the whole huge feast immediately appeared in Su Jin's eyes.

The Lord Longcheng invited Su Jin to a banquet, and Guangcai made more than 380 dishes——

Su Jin smiled bitterly, and shook his head silently. There are only a few people here, do you want to be so grand?

During Su Jin’s practice, Zhu Xueer took a bath, dressed up and prepared to go to Tianyuan Auction House after dinner. It was the auction house owned by Tianyuan Pavilion and the best in Longcheng, but Su Jin looked at her. The dress is really nonsense.

Two marijuana braids, a faint lotus pink dress, Zhu Xueer even prepared a cloak on the table, but no matter how to cover it, no matter how to wear it, it is difficult to conceal the incomparably pure temperament——

"My nephew, please..." Dragon City Lord has been busy for so long, got up and pour the wine directly, none of his brothers and relatives invited, after all, this is the night emperor banquet special!

"Okay." Su Jin sat down and looked at the table a few meters wide and twenty meters long. He was also drunk, and he was dazzled by the various delicacies on it.

Xu Jingzhai looked at the maid's full wine, swallowed her saliva, and couldn't help but drank a few sips. When Gui Wu and the others were staring at her, she knew that she had to hold onto her and could not drink too much...

"Eat more quickly, it will be too late anymore. Daddy won't go, I'm afraid I will lose his foundation——" Zhu Xueer pouted, wrinkled her nose, humming and tilted her head to look at Dragon City Lord. She did not move the chopsticks, resting her chin in her hand, and said to Su Jin.

Su Jin was dumb, and he greeted the Lord of Dragon City and began to eat——


Shortly after.

Tianyuan Auction House!

This is an extremely large venue that can accommodate three thousand people. Everyone who comes here is from the rich and wealthy. Many rare artifacts are photographed from here every day, and there is a circle of luxuriously decorated rooms around the top of the venue. I can face the auctioneer, but the room is also very expensive, costing five hundred purple soul coins a night.

"The boss specifically ordered that Lord Yedi is a distinguished guest tonight, and the room has been reserved, please--" Someone waited outside the auction house, and directly took Su Jin and others in, attracting the attention of many others. .

Su Jin thought for a while. After the auction is over, he intends to cut the ascending platform, otherwise the ascending platform will stay here, and there will be many nights and dreams, he is not at ease...

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