My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2773: Choose Wuxian

The screams were heard--

How can it be a tragic word!

Shao Du was slapped directly on his face, his mouth full of teeth was directly knocked off, he was directly beaten, and his mind was blank, and then fear came to his heart, stabilized his figure, looked at Su Jin, panicked Said: "You, if you dare to kill me, you will be the enemy of the entire Du family! My Du family will hunt you down and kill you everywhere, endlessly!"

"Trash like you can't afford to play, eliminate one and one less, your Du family is a **** family, is it not in the eyes of this king?" Su Jin said lightly.


Before, because of Xiang Yufei, Su Jin even dared to contend with the Qingteng Snake Family. If it weren't for the good wishes of the Dragon City Lord, the Qingteng Snake Family would not be able to stop him!

The Du family in a small area, naturally cannot be compared with the family of the Lord of the Dragon City——

"You, what did you do to me! What did you do to me!" Du Shao felt something was wrong, his body was wrong.

"Aristocratic medicine family, don't you still see this kind of deeds?" Su Jin said calmly.

"God poison! Could this be... Ah! Candle Dragon Super Poison!" Du Shao had seen the record of the God Poison King. He almost didn't even think about it. He took out a bunch of medicine pills and started to pour it into his mouth frantically.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Shao Du's skin began to be bright red, and there was a faint blood net-like fresh color poisonous thread spreading in the skin, and his whole body began to smoke poisonously, rolling in the void continuously, making people's color change terrible and screaming!

Anyone who saw this scene took a breath of air!

Countless people have witnessed how terrible this scene is!

"Shao Du is saving himself! The candle dragon magical poison he said is the king of magical poison, and there are few magical poisons that can match it. His refined pill, unexpectedly failed to prevent the spread of the candle dragon magical poison! He's melting--"Someone looked terrified, and this scene was clearly indelible in the heart.

"Oh my god, this night emperor has the candle dragon poison in his hand, is the entire Du family misfired? This Du Shao will be gone immediately, if not, it will be gone!"

"Ye Di killed Du Shao! The Du family was silent. Obviously, he didn't know how many candle dragon poisons he had in his hands, if he could destroy his clan..." Someone guessed in shock.

be quiet--

Du Shao, who was just alive, evaporated out of thin air and was wiped out. This scene made people shook their heads and sighed.

Confused Demon Ji was nervous, she was not very optimistic about Ye Di at first, but who knew that Du Shao died so happily and neatly, the key is that the Du family dare not stop it!

"It's useless to kill you with Nine Deadly Heavenly Skills, it's the only kindness to your Du Family." Su Jin snorted, turned and walked to the people of Devil Demon Ji.

Nine deadly power!

There is an uproar in every corner of Dragon City--

Confused Demon Ji suddenly felt like a companion to a king like a tiger. Before, she dared to speak to Su Jin boldly, and even told Shao Du about the threat to Su Jin. Now... it seems that from the position, she instinctively put Su Jin away. In a very high position.

Su Jin and a few people went to Tianyuan Pavilion again. He wanted to cut the ascending stone and take a martial arts stone, and the night was already very deep. Tomorrow, he planned to find an opportunity to investigate where his mother was taken. , And then choose when to leave depending on the situation.

But Su Jin didn't know that at this moment, he had become a demon-level existence in the mind of the Dragon City monk!

"Nine-dead Heavenly Art is not well-known! It is famous because it has another name: Dead Man's Scripture! God kills, this night emperor actually has the Deadly Man's Scripture..." Someone was scared to cry.

"The Du family was almost destroyed because of the young master. According to Yedi's current strength, he is absolutely capable of destroying his entire clan! You must know that once the dead man comes out and the power to ignite the blood, no matter how far away the Du family is, they will die. what--"

"This night emperor! Don't provoke!"

"Xiang Yufei is already a lesson from the past, but Shao Du did not expect that the blood slaves could not kill the night emperor, but instead took his life in. This is tantamount to death in vain!"

"Ye Di! Horror is like this..."


Tianyuan Pavilion.

The middle-aged boss, led by all the clerk who was not asleep, knelt down in the shop early.

Who dares to offend! Before the Dragon City Lord treated Yedi with courtesy, and before killing Master Du, the Du family didn't even dare to let out a fart, let alone make trouble!

"Get up--" Su Jin laughed blankly when he saw this scene. In fact, he just didn't feel anything. Du Shao's kind of **** scum would be destroyed when it was destroyed. It was no big deal. Who knew it caused this sensation.

"Master Yedi, you can not cut the ascending platform, just take it away!" The middle-aged boss got up sweating profusely, his voice weakened by three points.

Su Jin hesitated--

His original intention was not to cut it temporarily, but he could cut it by himself, but the six martial arts stones became the highlight.

The six humanoid martial **** source stones are probably the most precious thing in the heaven-level **** source stone area, but just because the risk is too great, the old assertion is that the six martial **** source stones must be a martial **** .

Su Jin doesn't know what Wuxian is, but his algorithm is very clear. There is only one-sixth possibility of getting a heavy treasure. The other five humanoid Wuxian gods are all empty.

In fact, it is not a heavenly **** source stone, and its value is lower than some super-sky-level stones. If Xiangfeishengtai can identify it and cut out the heavy treasures, it will become the super-sky-level top grade existence in minutes. The value is difficult for a girl, and the Wuxian stone is more precious , After all, there is only one-sixth probability of getting Wuxian.

Just like during the day, Su Jin went directly to the isolated area, and a clerk went in and lifted the flying platform out together--


Su Jin's complexion suddenly changed, but he still couldn't tell it. I didn't study it well, but since the ascending platform is already his own, I can study it whenever I want.

The most important thing now is the six martial arts stones-

The right choice, the blood horse explodes, a huge profit! Of course, you won’t lose money if you choose the wrong one, but there will definitely be regrets.

Worship bred in her heart. Everyone knew the status of her ascension. She was very famous, but also very risky. If everything was empty, five million Purple Soul Coins would be lost.

Now he is in the bag by the night emperor. After this incident, Tianyuan Pavilion will not ascend to the platform again!

The key is scary, Ye Di has to take away a Martial Immortal Stone, but this is too difficult—

"Ye Di can go in and observe and identify at will." The middle-aged boss' attitude has changed a lot, as if he regarded Su Jin as a more noble guest than Dragon City Lord.

"It's not compliant..." Su Jin said lightly, not wanting to be criticized.

"The rules are set by people, and they can also be changed by people. Thanks to Ye Di, I saw the small shop. It is already the glory of the small shop to be able to visit. Ye Di please!" The middle-aged boss invited Su Jin into the six martial arts stone.

Su Jin did not decline, and walked over directly——

Taking a closer look at these six humanoid Martial Immortal Stones, Su Jin was naturally impressed by the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature. These six Martial Immortal Stones are exactly the same, without any traces of carving, and the stone is not rough, and even the five senses can be highlighted.

With the faint **** pattern rippling among the six martial arts stones in a circle, Su Jin touched them one by one, screaming strangely, this selection problem seemed to be the most difficult one he had encountered.

Shaking his head helplessly----

Next, the method used by Su Jin stunned the women!

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