My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2774: Dilemma

"one two three four."

"Two two three four."


"You are the one--"

Every time Su Jin said a word, he gently tapped his finger on a martial immortal stone, which almost thundered everyone on the scene to the ground, and the ghostly storm wiped the fine sweat on his forehead.

"Big Brother Ye is so good." Zhu Xueer simply couldn't believe it. This is also called a method?

"What do you know? My name is the method of random selection. This king will be world-famous and famous in the future. If you choose the wrong one, it proves that this'wuxian' has no fate with him, and you can't force it without fate." Su Jin said seriously. The main reason.

By the way, he stretched out his hand to collect the last martial arts stone pointed at in the bone ring.

"Yedi's temperament is really extraordinary." The middle-aged boss arched his hands.

"Okay, the boss is equally heroic. It's getting late, let's go back and rest first." Su Jin laughed.

"Welcome to the noble Lord Yedi, come at any time--" the middle-aged boss answered.

After Su Jin and the others walked out of Tianyuan Pavilion, the middle-aged boss was impressed by Ye Di's strength, and there was a huge pressure just standing next to him.

"Boss, everyone is gone." A female clerk smiled, and then looked at the boss's frown, she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"Oh, one of the six martial immortal stones is missing, and the ascent platform is gone--" the boss sighed. Only when Ye Di had left, he dared to show this state.

"I hope you don't pick the **** source stone that contains the'divine martial immortal'——" The female shop assistants all walked over and looked at the martial immortal stone that seldom went to, and felt a little disappointed.

"Where is it so easy, Wuxian is the treasure of my Tianyuan Pavilion town pavilion, I definitely can't pick it...can't..." the middle-aged boss said and said, watching sluggishly.


The only remaining five humanoid martial arts stones cracked from their shoulders together, their voices were extremely clear——


The five humanoid Martial Immortal Stones suddenly collapsed and broke to the ground in repeated exclaims!


In Tianyuan Pavilion, there was a miserable scream from the middle-aged boss. After the scream, there was a crying voice. The middle-aged boss was afraid that he would not be able to sleep for a long time! The martial arts stone is broken, which means that the gods are exhausted, and it means that the martial arts have been picked away, otherwise there is a real ‘wuxian’, and these other pieces will not fall apart!


Snake Palace.

Under the invitation of Zhu Xueer, the demon girl was also a guest to the city lord's mansion. She was very curious about Su Jin, and she was not worried about her life with him, and would not consider Du's revenge.

"Did you just hear that? We were far away and heard that the boss was going crazy, he seemed to be sick, so pitiful." Zhu Xueer said with lingering fear.

"Wuxian was picked away, can you not go crazy--" Su Jin glanced at her and gave the answer that made the other women sluggish in the hall again.

"Really?" Guiying asked Kuanglan joyfully.

"It should be true. I looked at it with the power of the **** pupil, and the other five martial arts stones there were all broken. Only the one I chose was unharmed, and the **** pattern was very condensed." Su Jin laughed.

"Good luck--" Xu Jingzhai snorted softly.

"Is it really luck?" Feitian Fox Girl asked back.

There was silence, and the women couldn't answer the conversation immediately. They always felt that Ye Di didn't seem to be selected by the ‘choice selection method’. There must be some tricks in it, but Ye Di didn’t talk, and they couldn’t touch the doorway.

In the end, the entire Serpent Palace fell into silence--

Split rooms!

There are so many rooms in the whole hall, and each of them is afraid that there are ten rooms left. Su Jin blinked his right eye at Xu Jingzhai. Xu Jingzhai's face suddenly turned cloudy, and he turned his head straight away.

She knows what that means! That means the raw rice is cooked anyway!

Su Jin was helpless, and walked into a spacious room alone. After he entered the room, the ghost drew close to Xu Jingzhai, quietly not knowing what he was communicating, and looked at the closed door from time to time.

The night is quiet.

Some people were happy and some were worried. Xu Jingzhai took a bath and changed into a satin nightgown. On the big bed in her room, she couldn't fall asleep over and over again. For some reason, the things of last night always appeared in her mind. Under worry, she thought again. Drinking.

Outside the hall, there was a whirring wind, and there was a muffled thunder...

And in the city lord’s mansion, the temple for the spirit behind——

After Boring Thunder appeared, a bright red lightning struck the snake head statue on the Hall of Worship!

In the temple for spirits, a row of spiritual positions is a hundred meters long, dozens of rows! And beside the purple tablet at the bottom, a green jade bead began to gleam.


There are more than one hundred futons neatly arranged on the floor of the Temple of Worship. At this moment, the Lord of Dragon City is sitting cross-legged in the middle. Unlike usual, although he is sitting cross-legged on the futon, his eyes are not blinking, and his hands are holding back. A broad knife with its tip standing on the ground.

In the purple-black night sky, the dull thunder turned into explosive thunder, and bright red lightning continued to resound above the Dragon City, and the ground in the city lord’s mansion began to rise with a bright red halo——

"Dragon City Lord."

A weird voice appeared outside the temple for spirits. Facing the many spiritual positions, Lord Longcheng looked at the green glowing jade bead. When the voice in his ear appeared, he looked sideways outside the temple.

A pair of red pupils with triangular eyes appeared in the void outside the door strangely. Those red pupils could only see the eyes, and a faint red light overflowed from the eyes, like a fire.

"You have appeared again! I have been waiting for you for many years! Once when my wife was pregnant with Xue'er, you cast an evil curse on my daughter who was still in the womb, now you are here again! You...who are you? !" Dragon City Lord roared and asked, his eyes fixed on the pair of pupils.

"Who I am, it doesn't matter. The cause of that year, the result of today, it is better for us to make a deal now——" The voice that seemed to exist in the dark appeared again, and the evil red triangle eyes seemed to be a little joking. Look.

"Deal? What deal?" Dragon City Lord's expression changed.

"Before dawn, you killed the night emperor, and I will take back the curse on Zhu Xueer. There is no worries in this life. If you can't kill the night emperor, Zhu Xueer will completely disappear at dawn—"

"Ahhhhh! You, you..." Dragon City Lord stood up suddenly, clenched his fists, and stared at those red eyes with anger, almost as if he was going to go crazy, he paced back and forth in the hall.

Walking to the purple memorial tablet, the Dragon City Lord looked at the name of his former Daoist companion on the memorial tablet, and then looked at the green jade beads. The green jade beads glow, which means that Zhu Xueer is going to ‘go’—

How much time is left!

The Dragon City Lord panicked and calmed down. But no matter how calmly he is, with his wisdom, he knows that this is a dilemma! Zhu Xueer can't die! No way! !


The wind outside is very strong.

Su Jin sat in the room with his eyes closed, and then he always felt invisible, with a pair of red triangular eyes, as if watching him silently!

The sky outside was also extremely abnormal, with thunder flashing many times, and seeing the wind but not the rain!

Suddenly, Su Jin opened his eyes and raised his head, the posture of sitting cross-legged remained unchanged, and a terrible thought appeared in his mind almost simultaneously.


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