My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2779: Nine Lotuses

Xu Jingzhai's reaction was beyond the expectations of the other women——

To tell the truth about riding a little white donkey and following Su Jin is just Xu Jingzhai's volition. It is normal for such absurd things as Ye Zui breaking into the room to die or alive during the day, but following... is a bit weird.

Maybe Yedi is too special, Ai Feiya and other women think like this...

Outside the Snake Emperor Hall, it was slightly cold. Nine divine lotus flowers of different colors, each of them was overflowing with vigorous power, Su Jin sat in the black dead air, silent.

The **** human figure was sitting in the void, nine divine lotuses were surrounding him, slowly rotating——

"Send" to no trace. As if there is really an inexplicable power in the world, he directly pulled out Su Jin's hair in a bunch, scarred on the top of his **** head, his breath of life, the light of life, seemed to be disappearing...


At the position of the right finger, the power of rules rippled around the bone ring. A big ancient behemoth with inverted horns, beast-faced tiger, and pill furnace on its back emerged from that regular wave. After the roar, it came first. Just rush to the Lord of the Dragon City!

The Lord Longcheng's face turned pale in a moment--

This is the real coercion from the upper to the lower!

The big ancient giant beast was very manic, and its pair of monster eyes were bloodshot!

The Dragon City Lord gave a wry smile. With this kind of power alone, Da Gu would be able to swallow him in one bite if he wanted to kill him. This kind of power was too terrifying, so terrible that he felt like he was insignificant in front of Da Gu. Ants, even if they want to escape in panic, they feel there is no way to escape!

Boom boom boom!

The big ancient behemoth was retreating, turning to look at the **** Su Jin, his eyes softened, and he whispered——

The breath is gone.

Guiying Kuanglan had already cried into tears in Zhu Xueer’s room. The other women walked out and looked at Xu Jingzhai who was drinking quietly. The flying fox girl slowly said: “Zhu Xueer’s curse has been completely lifted, No longer exists, but Yedi..."

"Ye Di is dead, I plan to take him to Jingzhai Taoist Temple, accompany the golden lotus in that lake, and build a Ye Di tomb, what do you think..."

"No! Yedi was nostalgic for his hometown before he was alive, and his body can't be arranged by you!" Guiying Kuanglan wiped the tears on his face and refused directly.

"Obviously there is a chance, this great ancient has monstrous strength, it is impossible to kill this dragon city lord in anger! I don't know why Ye Di is so violent, giving up his hope of survival, and he has no combat power. Play it out--" Ghost Wu said slowly.

"Hey!" The old man Meishan sighed heavily, and in his sense, there was no such thing as Ye Di's breath.

Confused Demon Fairy is very sorry. For the first time I met Yedi, I still have too much contact in the future, but she is really worthless for the catastrophe so quickly. After all, how can Zhu Xueer's life be worth Su Jin's——


Could it be that Ye Di really died like this?

At least no one has the slightest doubt now! Including the repair of the entire Dragon City!

"Great! This enchanting evildoer is so powerful, suddenly appeared in our sin Zihai, this is obviously a person from overseas, he is not my race at all, and he has the deadly mantra on his body, it is a good thing to die!" Someone exclaimed. .

"If he doesn't die, and if he can achieve his present status in longevity cultivation, the higher his realm in the future, his strength... Tsk tsk, all the heavens have a place, but unfortunately, evildoers are easy to break! As the saying goes, God has eyes and tolerance. No less than these heaven-defying madmen are alive—"

"I always feel something is wrong. From the perspective of human nature, the life of the strong is more precious than the so-called human nature. Isn't it definitely not ruined by a girl and worthy of your happiness? This head is called Dagu If the behemoth of Ye Di was released before, Dragon City Lord has the chance to win?"

"Yes! Who can do this if you are you and me?"

"No matter! Anyway, he asked for it--"


There are mixed praises and criticisms, but there seem to be more tragic people. Although the human nature in the monk world is regarded as shit, but the same human race, more or less will focus on feelings, and at least for now, Yedi is not defeated by Dragon City Lord, but Let go of the water and live for the little princess...

Just as everyone was talking about Su Jin’s life and death, and about his right or wrong, a sudden change made the entire Dragon City seem to be quiet in the light of thousands of houses——

The whirring wind seemed to become the main melody of the surroundings, a strange scene that made many people's eyes widened, including the Dragon City Lord, including Xu Jingzhai and others, all stayed in place!

The **** human form, the nine **** lotuses floating around slowly, at that moment, a chain of the gods drew on each of the nine **** lotuses!




The Nine God Lotuses represent the Nine Realms, and the nine chains are entangled on the blood man that Su Jin turned into!


The bright red candle dragon avenue is flourishing. Without all constraints, the **** lotus, which represents the candle dragon avenue, erupts with a burst of longevity and majestic vitality, like a bright candle dragon, straight Guan Yunxiao!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The snow-white immortal lotus, the lotus swaying, the billowing jade pool celestial air spewed out, and a jade pond loomed out from under the **** lotus, the whole tree of enlightenment, like a peacock, the top of the canopy directly penetrated the surrounding area. Eighteen void boundary walls!

Immortal, longevity!

Bang bang bang, the surrounding void suddenly collapsed in pieces. In the collapse, strips of blue ink brilliance, connected to the terrible Senluo plane, 90 thousand blue ink brilliance, rendered the entire Dragon City into a terrible force. swirl!


A total of nine brilliant longevity gods, sprayed from the nine gods!

"What's the matter!" Guiying Kuanglan burst into tears unknowingly, and after seeing this scene, she muttered to herself in shock, as if she was asking other people.

"What a formidable longevity! Nine realms of longevity! But why can't I feel the vitality of Ye Di? Is he dead or not?" The old man Meishan shouted in a horrified tone. Anyway, such a weird thing, let alone the previous one. Unheard, it is simply impossible to happen——

Longcheng's face was dull.

However, no one who saw this scene could conceal the shock on his face, and after a little astonishment, the Lord Longcheng disappeared and appeared in his daughter Zhu Xueer's room!

There is no trace of the power of the curse and Dao marks around Zhu Xueer! This shows that the power of the grievance curse has been completely resolved, but since the night emperor is dead, why is there such a terrible thing? !

The Dragon City Lord rushed out of Zhu Xueer's room and returned to the void. Looking at Su Jin carefully, he was no less than a violent wave of tens of thousands of feet high!

Nine divine lotus, nine longevity——

And the nine divine lotuses became a circle, and the chain that appeared on each divine lotus was all entwined with Su Jin. Then, under Su Jin, there was a gradually consolidating Nine lotus nirvana!

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