My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2780: One Dharma!


The Lord Dragon City seemed to have never had such a great knowledge before, and his face showed black, red, and purple colors, and he figured in his heart, is this Ye Emperor still alive?

Could it be that Su Jin didn't give up on himself before, but just wanted to take a risk, taking risks that ordinary people would never dare to think, to save Zhu Xueer?

In the dark purple state, the sky gradually began to turn into lavender. Although there was no daylight, the lavender had already arrived during the day. Zhu Xueer’s curse had been resolved, and now Su Jin sat down, and there was a Nine Lotus Nirvana platform. !

Nanietai is too prosperous, just like a real, solid treasure platform, with entwined lotus patterns on the surface of the surrounding surface, there are nine colors, those lotus patterns are all wandering, every look seems to be different——

"Nirvana -" The Demon Fairy seemed to be stimulated, and she screamed, this scene will never be remembered for her!

"According to the light, everyone will be free."

"The light shines as it is, and everyone is free from sorrow."

"The light shines as it is, and the thoughts are enough."

"All the hungry and thirsty are also full..."

The golden-colored Buddhist scriptures seem to be recited in the dark with the sound of the Buddha, and the clouds all over the sky gather. For the first time in the purple sky of Dragon City, thick golden clouds appeared!


The Sanskrit sounds are getting lighter and lighter. On the golden auspicious clouds, the Buddha rain is pouring down, and the Buddha rain is surging. The entire Dragon City is covered, and it is still spreading beyond the Dragon City in a far unusual way!

This Buddha rain is too gorgeous and dreamy!

The Dragon City Lord took a deep breath, closed his eyes, kneeled in the void, folded his hands together, and the wrinkles that had been sharpened over the years on his face seemed to have a few more—

Da Gu, who had inverted horns, beast-faced tigers, and a natural pill furnace on his back, also stood up at this moment, with his claws closed...

Su Jin's breathless body of blood, many people have vaguely seen some unique features, for example, in his sea of ​​breath, a cloud of golden light that looks like a wind, seems to be seen outside!

Wild South Dao Tibetan Scriptures! That was Su Jin's first place to light up Daozang Zifu!

On the Nine Dao Nirvana stage, the longevity breathed in, and behind the head of Su Jin, who turned into a blood man, a circle of Buddha wheel appeared faintly. Although the Buddha wheel was bright, it was not dazzling——

That is……

That is the sky world!

It's a bit shocked--

Boom boom boom!

In the northwest of the Dragon City, a pair of triangular red pupils appeared, and there was no lack of horror in the voice: "This is impossible!"


With the existence of triangular red pupils, after the horror, an astonishing giant hand suddenly condensed in the void. The giant hand was covered with scarlet scales, and directly patted Su Jin...

Empty empty!

Nine divine lotuses of different colors, Su Jin wrapped in chains, including the Nine Lotus Nirvana sitting under him, were not damaged at all under this palm—

The giant red-scaled hand seemed to be slapped in the air, passing through Su Jin's body, but it seemed to be hidden by an inexplicable force, as if it was no longer in the five elements.

"How is it possible! This is...this is the whole body of the Dharma Realm -" The mysterious powerhouse of the triangular red pupil, first took a breath, and directly saw through the legendary mysterious Buddha image.

One body of law?

Elder Meishan, Dragon City Lord and others all heard the amazing words...

"What is the unity of the Dharma Realm?" The Fei Tian Fox Girl once followed the lord of the Nipang Star Palace. She was originally the master attendant. She had never looked at the Buddha's book, and looked directly at other people.

Xu Jingzhai was stunned, "Once there was the Supreme Buddha, he gave the four great emptiness forms, saying that the starting form is'all Buddhas in one body', and then the'dharma realm one', the void is one body, and all living beings are one. He has reached the integration of the Dharma realm! If the Buddha wheel behind his head is not beyond my expectations, it should be a Dharma realm born of his original Buddha power. Without a Dharma realm, how could the Dharma realm be one!"

This is incredible-

"The realm of Dharma is one, the dynasty of ten thousand Buddhas. One person believes in the king and Buddha is one Buddha and one power, and ten thousand people is ten thousand power. This is the meaning of all the Buddhas, and the Buddhas are one. And this one is the whole world. Literally..." The old man Meishan was shaking with excitement.

The four emptiness, the realm of law is one!

"Look at his position in the sea of ​​qi, there just seemed to have a whirlpool of divine light. It turns out that the nine soldiers have just broken into nine lotus and left him, but there is still a secret palace in his body, and the soul of the soul is immortal, and these nine Lotus Nirvana directly caused him to cross the sea with a concealment, to go back to the original source, and to live on Nirvana!" The confusing demon girl is about to kneel down...

There is no time to be more shocked to Demon Girl...

"Buddhist pupil of great wisdom, he possesses great wisdom! Ye Di Fujun had already calculated it." Guiying Kuanglan almost collapsed in great sadness and joy, and now there is no lack of pride in his tone.

The Buddha rain is more and more surging-

The Brahma singing in the sky became stronger and stronger, and the giant red-scaled hand, which had been caught from nowhere, quietly returned, but the red eyes on the void were even more vicious.


The manifested Enlightenment Tree and Jade Pond disappeared, and the black life around Su Jin quickly disappeared. The blood on his clothes returned to his skin, and Nirvana was unstoppable!

Su Jin Buddha's body trembled slightly, black hair flowing out of his head for a moment, and the chain that was implicated on him gradually pulled a white immortal lotus——


When the immortal lotus approached Su Jin's body, it burst into a ring and turned into a white fairy ring on him!

The raging red fire ring of Vulcan Road, after the fire lotus exploded, it also turned into a halo floating around Su Jin——

Just like this, a full nine halos returned to Su Jin, and the blood veins that had stopped flowing in his body before seemed to carry the momentum of a tens of thousands of horses, and every meridian was suddenly flowing with powerful force!

On the Nine Lotus Nie Stage, a few cracking sounds came out, and then they collapsed into the void...


Many monks, including Guiying Kuanglan and others, know that after the collapse of the Nine Lotuses Nirvana, it is almost impossible to reappear. The Buddha who was once against the sky can only be Nirvana once in his life. This time Su Jin succeeded by fluke, but the same Also lost the only opportunity.

About ten breaths or so, Su Jin's whole body was condensed, his eyebrows raised and his eyes opened almost at the same time. The look in that moment seemed to see through everyone's heart!

"I... saw you--" Su Jin didn't even look at the triangular red pupil. The corner of his mouth just raised slightly, and he slowly got up, slowly raising the arm of Vulcan, and gently grabbing it into the void.

The giant Vulcan arm, which was condensed from the void, sank into the void in response. Only the arm was seen, and the hand was not only grasping where it was...


The screams appeared shortly afterwards, and Su Jin's figure was like an immortal in the rain of Buddha, with black hair fluttering, and the condensed giant arm of the Vulcan, withdrawing instantly!

The two round blood pupils were actually picked up by Su Jin not only from where they came from!

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