My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2782: Living Demon Body

From afar--

Around the nine-color Kunpeng, there are divine powers of nine colors faintly, condensed into a series of pure power storms, and the sky demon Ao Scythe is afraid that I have never dreamed of it, and I will have such an end!

The nine-colored Kunpeng covering the sky, pressing its claws directly, the sky demon Ao Si feels that the surrounding roads are all imprisoned, it doesn't even have the ability to escape, and it feels like it has fallen into a gravitational field——

"No! You shouldn't be so strong! You...what the **** are you!" The Sky Demon Ao was frightened, and the nine-color Kunpeng evolved from Su Jin above gave it unparalleled pressure.

And that Kunpeng Claw caught it without any accident!


Two Kunpeng claws, scratching their heads and tails, only heard a loud noise, and the entire Sky Demon Ao Sickle was severely torn apart, bursting out a mass of brilliance!

The demon body, like paper!

Su Jin fulfilled his vow and directly tore the life of the Sky Demon Ao Sickle, which was in a state of crushing!

The Dragon City Lord was shocked.

Dagu also had his tail clamped. It carried a pill furnace, inverted horns, and a tiger-like animal face with a sigh. In its eyes, Su Jin was no longer considered a weak person. This kind of thinking is afraid of the entire Dragon City. Everyone thinks so.

Don't be too strong--

And the words of the Flying Fox Girl perfectly interpret this crushing battle!

"The eagle catches the chick..." In the light pink eyes of the Flying Fox Girl, red hearts faintly floated out, and her tone trembled when she spoke. One can imagine how shocked the current Ye Di was to her!

"After all, it is the Nine Paths of Longevity, an unprecedented achievement. He is walking a path that others dared not take or could not take. It subverted everyone’s perception. There used to be a powerful man who cultivated several paths, but he was killed early. In the bud, at this point, Ye Di Fujun is the first person." Gui Ying smiled excitedly, unable to hide his affection.

"Feel it carefully... how do I feel that there is an aura of godliness in Yedi?" The old man Meishan was calmer, but when he noticed it, he still gasped.

"Old man." The flying fox girl chuckled, "Ye Di not long ago, had sacrificed the earth-level godhead of a Nebula powerhouse, and that powerhouse was a famous old man of the devil."

Ghost Dance also has a rare and strange expression on her face——

Effia nodded, confirming that this matter was true.

"No...not the breath of an earth-level godhead..." The old man Meishan took a deep breath and became nervous.


The women were dumbfounded for an instant, and they were directly on the spot——

Longevity leads to human gods, and when longevity is perfected, it is also called ‘half god’. This is a transitional term that is infinitely close to human gods. In the distant past, there were half gods that could condense the rules of the godhead but not the godhead.

"It's just the power of the rules of the Godhead. If Ye Di becomes a human god, he will definitely have an unimaginable Godhead. This breath is terrible." The heart-wrenching demon girl swam out a trace of the soul, and felt it carefully. His face turned pale in an instant, and that trace of the soul was almost sucked away——

"No loss, beautiful Jingzhai..." Feitian Fox Girl joked.

Xu Jingzhai closed her mouth, puffed up, and didn't know how to respond to her!

The Dragon City Lord turned his head and saw that the Great Ancient Giant Beast had disappeared in place, and the powerful Heavenly Demon Guanghua that day was surrounded by a black void and black hole——

Su Jin dissipated and evolved the nine-color Kunpeng, the whole person came with his hand with his hand, his eyes were indifferent, and he fell directly in front of the Snake Emperor Hall.


In the void, Dagu evolved out of nowhere in a flash of time. The pill furnace seemed to be able to absorb the sun and the moon. Although it was virtual, there were even strong and dense Dao marks along the edge of the pill furnace. Wander away!

When the Void Pill Furnace is condensed, it is more than ten thousand miles wide!

The sky demon Guanghua was swallowed by the pill furnace, and was actually received in the pill furnace behind the big ancient giant beast. Only the pill furnace, the space in it is the first, I don't know how vast.

"How about Sister Zhu——" Although Su Jin returned with a big victory, his clothes were torn and his long hair was not trimmed, but he didn't care.

"It should be okay." Guiying Kuanglan and the women stared at Su Jin closely. This man always has a kind of attraction that is hard to resist.

"Walk and see how your little beauty is..." The Flying Fox Girl took Su Jin's arm and walked directly into the Snake Emperor Hall.

Dou Xin Yao Ji and others also followed in.

Only Dragon City Lord was a bit ashamed, and he didn’t know what to do outside. Who would have thought that Ye Emperor’s wisdom and courage were so powerful that he could even calculate his fate, and even had a chance to live in Nirvana. This is equivalent to taking I changed my daughter's life--

The Dragon City Lord thought for a while and walked into the Snake Emperor Palace.

Today, Dragon City is full of fiery atmosphere. Ye Disheng's demon body is not only spread in Dragon City, but also spread to other places in Zihai!

For a time, the deed of Ye Emperor became a popular topic in many places——


A stick of incense passed.

In the spacious jade pond behind the palace, the warm fairy mist evaporates above the jade pond. Su Jin is sitting in it with his chest naked, the fairy mist slowly flowing around, as if there is a touch of extreme tranquility.

Zhu Xueer Su Jin personally inspected it-

The Grievance Curse Dao Mark no longer exists, and when I checked it, the girl woke up and was excited for a while. No one laughed at that time. Even the Dragon City Lord just bowed his head and didn't know how to explain it to his daughter.

Ascending the platform, Wu Xianshi, Su Jin obviously has no time to cut it.

The Wuxian Stone was right in front of him, and Su Jin put it in the water, and it didn't feel right, but if there were any divine power fluctuations, it would never be fake.

"Could it be that the Wuxian in the stone hasn't fully grown?" Su Jin was surprised, and then he put away the Wuxian stone, feeling that if it is any more unusual in the future, it should be safer if it is cut again at that time, and perhaps a real one can be obtained. Wuxian, it's still a bit too early.

As for the ascending platform, even if it is not cut, Su Jin feels infinitely mysterious, and it is worth studying in his spare time——

The reason why it is said is no time.

Naturally because of the mother's business.

It was impossible for Dragon City to stay anymore. Just after checking Zhu Xueer, Su Jin talked to the city lord for a while. Dragon City lord went directly to exercise all his power and began to inquire. If Su Jin’s accident happened, news should come soon. ...

"Mother, where are you now..." Su Jin thought inwardly, and slowly closed his eyes.

The warm water and comfortable environment are gradually improving Su Jin's exhausted state.

Ta Ta Ta-

Around the spacious and exquisite Yuchi, I heard the sound of footsteps echoing from a distance. The body is slender, wearing a lavender tulle skirt with the skirt draped on the knees, and the figure walks slowly. Vaguely, the ink hair is like a waterfall. , A tied'pink headband' was pulled from her hair...

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