My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2783: Little princess

She is like a purple butterfly that has just broken its cocoon, dancing lightly, showing the incomparably pure beauty, as if endless spring is staying on her.

Su Jin's eyes have been shifting since she appeared.

The recovered Zhu Xueer felt like a flawless jade, which made people unable to resist her beauty.

"Why are you alone..." Su Jin's eyes followed her to the edge of Yuchi.

Zhu Xueer's hands were behind her back, there was no lack of sly in her eyes, she looked at Su Jin and said, "It's all outside, listen to my father, is Big Brother Ye going to leave—"

With majestic muscles and the slightly evil expression on Brother Ye’s face, Zhu Xueer blushed and flustered when she saw it. She knew she was coming alone, a little bit abrupt, but she didn’t want it either. She was encouraged to come in by the big sisters. In addition, Su Jin is her life-saving benefactor, it is really a dilemma...

"Well, it should be today if no accident, your father hasn't come back yet?" Su Jin calmed down and nodded.

"It should be soon--" Zhu Xueer carried the purple skirt, took off the luxuriant short boots inlaid with gems, sank her feet in the water, and said with a smile: "My father said, Brother Ye is going to enter the world in the future. The great man of heaven, he almost died for me, if it weren’t for Nirvana to recast the avenue, I’m afraid it would be hard to see you again..."

Su Jin:...

To tell the truth, Dragon City Lord and Zhu Xueer felt the great kindness. Su Jin didn't feel anything in his heart. After all, he just took a risk that ordinary people could hardly take, and he was prepared for it. At that time, he was 20-30% sure of Nirvana. survive.

"The life of a heaven-defying person is short." Su Jin shook his head.

"No, Big Brother Ye is different——" Zhu Xueer said with a smile: "My father said, life-saving grace is not repaid, so I want to repay Big Brother."

So direct?

Su Jin's face was flustered, and he shook his head with a wry smile, "Forget it, I took advantage of Nirvana to rush the other avenues to the road of longevity. For me, it is already a great opportunity. The two are offset, you don't need to Repay me, I don’t need to repay—"

"You... despise me..." Zhu Xueer came with confidence. When she heard this, there was a little more paleness on her ruddy cheeks!

"Well, when you give me the Purple Soul Coins, when the day is over, I will ride on the great beast to pick up your little sister and let you witness the day when I am invincible. How about?" Su Jin laughed To ask.

Zhu Xueer's cheeks are full of anger--

Some panic, some confused.

An existence like Su Jin, the emperor of the night, has a rapid strength. Even if he walks into the heavens in the future, he will shine brightly and have a place. Really, this kind of man missed once, and it is simply a dream to meet again!

Zhu Xueer opened her mouth lightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she quickly turned around angrily, stepped on the Yuchi with her little feet, put on her shoes, and left without looking back.

Su Jin dumbly--

A woman's heart is elusive. Could it be that I made a mistake? Are you still willing to recognize her little sister? Su Jin leaned against the stone wall, the fairy mist was steaming, he didn't want to dye peach blossoms, peach blossoms were debts, especially peach blossom debts.

The hardest to pay.

Let's wait for the news, Su Jin has nothing to worry about now, and all he thinks of is his mother.

An hour passed-

Su Jin finished his bath early, put on a green shirt, and was holding tea in the Snake Emperor Hall. Then the ghost rushed in, with weird eyes, and directly told the news that the tea almost burned Su Jin’s mouth. Up!

"The little princess bought "Luyuanfang", the ninth largest Shenyuan shop in Longcheng, and also bought eight restaurants and five teahouses..." Guiying Kuanglan forced a smile, looking at Su Jin and said.

"Doing something? Is it—" Su Jin glared at the few people who came in. "She has no idea about money. She has always used clothes to stretch out her hands and open her mouth. How could she spend money like this!"

"Women don't even spend money, do you think about it..." Gui Ying asked wildly.

"I believe other women will spend money, but I don't believe her!" Su Jin's head hurts, and he regrets a little bit in his heart. You shouldn't say the promise to let her spend the money and take her away!

"More than spending money, she is also very business savvy. Luyuanfang was changed to'Wuxianfang', all eight restaurants were changed to "Yedilou", and five teahouses were changed to Wudao Teahouse——" Guiying said violently.

Su Jin heard some compliments as he listened, but at the end, his eyes widened, "In Longcheng, only the boss of Yuan Pavilion knew that I had the enlightenment tea. Besides, you also know that Nizizhang You know? You said you didn't do anything in it?"

Guiying Kuanglan knew that he had missed his mouth, closed his mouth and turned his eyes. Suddenly, he thought: "When you were immortal and immortal, the tree of enlightenment appeared..."

Su Jin pointed and pointed at the ghostly storm.

Others who manifest themselves should only be regarded as visions. Who would think they are really trees of enlightenment?

Deliberate, all deliberate.

With a sigh, Su Jin didn't do much to blame, and then Gui Ying hurriedly said: "By the way, Dragon City Lord is back..."

came back?

Su Jin directly left behind the situation of the women's affairs, Huo Ran stood up, and walked outside the Snake Emperor Palace without stopping--

Coincidentally, Zhu Xueer was angry and just finished everything, just about to come to Su Jin, just hit...

"It's finished?" Su Jin asked.

"Yeah." Zhu Xueer stared at each other straightforwardly, without even the slightest feeling of fear in her heart.

Su Jin sighed inwardly, and immediately released the undeveloped Martial Immortal Stone, and said: "This is the real Martial Immortal Stone, you take it to the'Wuxian Fang', and the price is 10 billion Purple Soul Coins. I will prepare some tea for enlightenment..."

"Really--" Zhu Xueer's eyes widened, and her expression was unexpected.

Su Jin waved his hand, "Please go to Wuxian and put it in Wuxianfang..."

"Well, what you said before counts!"

"Forget--" What could Su Jin do? I thought about it today, it would be difficult for Zhu Xueer to find herself any more. Who could count that she would fall so quickly.

Zhu Xueer immediately put away the Wuxian Stone, planning to go to the shop that he bought and renamed Wuxianfang together with Xu Jingzhai and prepare to place the Wuxian.

"This is one of the six Wuxian Stones in Tianyuan Pavilion, the real one. Ye Di is really willing to be willing. Now the whole Wuxianfang is going to rise, and the price is 10 billion. I don’t know if Yuange’s boss saw it that day. It will die in pain..." Gui Ying said with a smile.

"Let's wait, when Big Brother Ye comes back from my father, maybe he will go to Wuxianfang with us to have a look, then let him see and see my mastery." Zhu Xueer said with a smile.


Su Jin left the Snake Emperor Hall, turned right and boarded the Main Hall of the City Lord. Sure enough, he saw the Lord Longcheng wandering around in front of the hall, and the black figures slowly disappeared into black mist. After these spies, news continued to be sent to the ears of the Lord Dragon City. Side.

The Lord Longcheng had a solemn face, and said with a serious heart: "Nephew, the secret of the Stone Snake Pagoda, has probably been found out, but I advise the nephew to think twice—"

"Where?" A sharp light flashed past Su Jin's pupils.

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