My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2784: Tongyou Ancient Road

"Tongyou ancient road."

When the Dragon City Lord uttered these four words, his tone was obviously much heavier. Then he watched Su Jin's expression change and couldn't help saying: "At the end of the Tongyou Ancient Road, the Great Evil God was imprisoned. The place is also called the lamp withered prison. Only the wicked are allowed to enter. I haven't heard of anyone who can escape."

Death row

What Su Jin heard from the words of the Lord Longcheng was nothing more than the meaning of these two words!

"Can't escape? If I can't escape, I will punch in—" Su Jin said lightly.

"Don’t act recklessly! Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many strong men and nephews have the same idea, but the vast majority of strong men have been blocked from the Tongyou ancient road. I went in and wanted to save people, but I never came out again, not a single one." The Dragon City Lord was solemn.

"So amazing?" Su Jin frowned, a little surprised.

"There is no way to Tongyou. There is the most mysterious death cell in the Abyss of Evil. The outermost periphery is the extremely powerful'years and moons forbidden.' Some lives are locked in the forbidden days of the years, and they are killed by the years in January. Vitality caused Shouyuan to no longer be endless, flowing away Shouyuan, and died of loneliness." The Dragon City Lord said to Su Jin: "Your mother is at the end of Tongyou Ancient Road,'the lamp is withered,' and she is still alive if she is alive. unknown--"

Su Jin is not afraid of death.

But if his mother has three longs and two shorts, this is absolutely unacceptable for Su Jin. He stared at the Dragon City Lord in a daze, and then nodded eloquently: "You have to see people when you live, and you have to see corpses when you die! The city owners don't have to persuade me, I You must go down the ancient road leading to the quiet!"

"This--" Although Dragon City Lord had not been in contact with Su Jin for a long time, he knew his nature well, knew that he could not persuade him at all, and was caught in embarrassment for a while.

"The matter is urgent. Due to the danger on the road, my companion is temporarily staying in the City Lord's Mansion, which may trouble the City Lord for a while." Su Jin took a deep breath, feeling like an ant in a hot pot. Mother there.

Already... It's hard to wait for a while.

The Dragon City Lord sighed, "No problem! But what the predecessors did not do, the nephew, as the famous Ye Di, may not be impossible. My friend and I are waiting for the triumphant return of the nephew!"

"Yeah! Troubled City Lord to guide the direction of the ancient road—" Su Jin nodded.

Immediately, the Dragon City Lord handed a jade talisman to Su Jin.

Su Jin swept through the jade talisman with his spiritual power, showing a route on it, and the starting location was the city lord's mansion, which he already knew.

Without further ado.

Su Jin walked up to the void, opened a void passage in the purple mist, and glanced back at the Snake Emperor Hall.


A few figures came lightly.

"It's a matter of life and death, neither of you nor me! All are waiting for me to come back in Longcheng, if I can't get out, hunting god! You know the location of my hometown, you must notify the goddess of shaking light and others..." Su Jinqing Have a drink.

As soon as the voice fell, Su Jin turned and walked into the void passage.

Suddenly, a purple shadow rushed into it when it was also blinking—

"Xue'er!" The Dragon City Lord raised his hand, it was too late to stop it. The incident came out suddenly, even more unexpected.

Guiying raging:...

Confused Demon Girl:...

The beauties are all speechless.

The void passage slowly closed, and the dragon city master seemed to have completely taken away his strength, shaking his head and sighing constantly, his face was more gloomy than ever.

"Don't worry about the city lord, Yedi doesn't know how many dead ends he has fought, and he has three types of heavenly secrets. With his power and profound knowledge, sister Xue'er will be fine with him." Guizhen Kuanglan said.

"Yes, the city lord may not know that Yedi still owns the only Eastern Emperor Bell in the ancient times, and sister Baozhu is more than enough..." Feitian Fox Girl also laughed.

"It can only be... this way." Longcheng Master felt empty in his heart. This city, without his daughter, seemed to lose too much color. The most annoying in his heart was that he was Zhu Xueer's father and left. I'm gone, don't even say hello!


The purple sea of ​​sin, the center of the abyss.

When Su Jin walked out of the tunnel, he only felt the icy cold around him. The cold surroundings was unusual, as if he wanted to freeze his body.


Breathing out a mouthful of white mist, the brows are all condensed into frost...

"It's cold." Zhu Xueer held his shoulders with both hands and appeared beside Su Jin.

"You..." Su Jin didn't know how to blame this Nizi.

"My dad told me long ago that he would let me live one day and the other day. Without Big Brother Ye, I wouldn't live long, just let me follow." Zhu Xueer's shrunken appearance was frozen in such a place. Shivering, Joan's nose was a little bit red.

What else can Su Jin say?

Should it be carried back?

Just follow, if it doesn’t work, just use Fate Gourd to pretend to be, Su Jin then began to look at the surrounding environment——

The faint purple mist was like purple clouds on it. It was pitch black here, and what Su Jin stood at their feet turned out to be a vast black deep ice.

Su Jin has never seen black ice.

The road ahead was not smooth, and black ice cliffs were everywhere. Su Jin opened his eyes as if he had seen how many purple-skinned people had passed by here.

Some purple-skinned people have huge chains slung on their bodies, and huge axe blades are tied to the ends of the chains. Those axe blades dragged out cracked cliffs on the black ice ground——

Tongyou ancient road is just ahead!

Su Jin wrapped around the Vulcan Dao Mark, stretched out and held Zhu Xueer's little hand.

Zhu Xueer was startled at first, and then after feeling the warmth, she knew that Ye Di was not taking advantage of others. Her thoughts were complicated, and she thought about it and asked: "Where are we going? This is the abyss of all evil, which will go deeper and deeper. It will be very cold and cold, and your Vulcan Avenue will be hard to hold—"

Su Jin didn't answer, and dragged her to go deep.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the scene in front of him, Zhu Xueer, who was watching, was about to shout!

A number of low towers made of black ice appeared. These ice towers were dark in their entirety, and there were faint carvings on them. Each tower was not too big in size, only a few people tall, and horns and skeletons were placed on the top of the tower— —


In the eyes of the bull's skull, a lavender flame ignited. The flame was so cold that people could not feel the existence of any temperature. On closer inspection, these black ice towers were placed in the right and left hand positions, forming in the middle. A black ice road.

Su Jin squinted, clutching Zhu Xueer's little hand, who was worried, and continued to walk along the black ice passage...

Soon after, when he reached the end of the Black Ice Passage, looking from a distance, the shocking scene directly caused the two to stop!

The back of a black giant appeared in a kneeling posture, and suddenly appeared in the vision of Su Jin and Zhu Xueer——

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