My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2785: Heaven and Human Diagram

A terrible and gloomy scene, with a strange atmosphere everywhere.

The black giant is like a human peak, kneeling there for countless long years, still looking at his back, there is still an unsurpassable aura. Su Jin can't see his cultivation level during his lifetime, but the faint sense of oppression, even if it is separated Even so far away, it still faintly exists--

Zhu Xueer was very panicked, especially when he saw the back, there seemed to be infinite ghosts and ghosts shaking in his eyes. If it weren't for the little hand being held by the emperor, the faint coercion would shock her. Flee.

"Don't be afraid--" Su Jin glanced at her, feeling Zhu Xueer's whole body trembling, and directly comforted her.

Zhu Xueer suddenly woke up, and immediately hugged Su Jin's arm, her whole body seemed to hang on him, and then nervously said: "Big Brother Ye, let's go well, this is a path of no return, leading to The road of no return with withered lights!"

"Do you know Tongyou Ancient Road?" Su Jin looked at Zhu Xueer with some surprise.

"Of course I know! The monk in the purple sea of ​​sins, who doesn't know the ancient road to the secluded road, and then there is the formation of heaven and man, and the wheel of years and other dangerous barriers. No one broke through... Believe me!" Zhu Xueer panicked To die, the tone of speech has changed.

"It's okay, if it's hard for me to leave, I'll be sure to send you back to Dragon City before I die--" Su Jin was very confident.

For some reason, Zhu Xueer always felt that Su Jin's words had an irresistible charm. As soon as she said this, her tension disappeared a lot.

Su Jin took Zhu Xueer to the black giant--

The entire black giant, kneeling, seemed to be making atonement somewhere far away, and Su Jin had another big discovery! The arms of this black giant were actually in the shape of an arm knife, without even five fingers!

"Prehistoric giant!" Zhu Xueer was flustered again, staring at Su Jin blankly when she spoke.

The black giant's body seemed to be carbonized, and there were many cracks in the whole body, which were obviously in the state of a corpse. Su Jin's face was calm. Although I don't know who and where this prehistoric **** will kneel to, this is just a road encounter, and yes. He is not very helpful--


In the void in front of the kneeling giant, lines and lines of white light appeared, and those lights gradually expanded upwards, actually evolving into a **** map!

Heaven and human figure?

Su Jin squinted his eyes, and looked at a completely evolved **** picture nearby. The picture is magnificent, with magnificent mountains and rivers, and deep space. Among them, a condensed **** is actually holding a red sun with his right hand and a bright moon with his left hand! The spine supports the river and mountains!

This is just a picture, and Su Jin is not surprised to see it!

Not far to the right of Su Jin, on a picture, it turned out to be a terrifying picture of a four-legged tripod! In that picture, the stars are like beans, and the whole sacred cauldron can be used to worship the stars in all directions!

And there are countless dense human heads painted on all four feet of the majestic gods!

"Heaven, earth and people, the sky above this divine cauldron is high above the ground, the place where it stands is the ground, and the people stepping on it are people. This picture is simply the best of the world!" Su Jin squinted and sneered.

There are so many surprising pictures, as if they were affected by inexplicable power, all hanging in the void, I don’t know how many—

"Tsk tusk, the sacred prison was established when the wasteland was reclaimed. During the period, countless people were punished. Time has passed too long, but today there is finally someone who dares to walk on the ancient road..."

The voice of speaking was very old, and when Zhu Xueer was surprised, the two looked directly into the distance, where there was a faint old purple-skinned woman, guarding an oil lamp with her hands, and came from the void——

The Purple Man!

In the depths of Su Jin’s pupils, Li Mang flashed through without concealment. When the Stone Snake Pagoda came from a place not far from Jingzhai Taoist Temple, it was locked away by some purple-skinned people, and now it is a purple-skinned person. Old woman!

"Grandma Witch, leave this person to me, he has a secret aura..."

In the celestial formation, not far from the Purple Skin Witch Ancestor, a strong man with purple and gray skin slowly emerged from the void. He was ten meters tall! Holding a golden mallet with rows of prickly spikes on it——

"Umulu, don't worry. I'll ask this young man why he came from." In the messy blue and white hair of Zipi Wuzu, a leather skull was manifested. When he raised his head and smiled, Zhu Xueer was almost scared to death.

"He is tainted with the breath of a stone snake, you old lady don't know where it came from? The **** has already spoken and killed it on the spot!" Wu Mulu carried the golden mallet, and the rows of golden rings on the bridge of his nose collided. , Looking at Zipi Wuzu.

The purple-skinned ancestor Wu was slightly shocked. He looked at Su Jin for a long time before nodding, "Young man, go back, you can't cross this road, and the person you want to see is long gone--"

Not in... the world?

Su Jin's heart seemed to be pierced severely, and he unconsciously let go of Zhu Xueer's little hand. When he was silent, a faint unstable aura was released on him!

"Good boy! The immortal realm is such a wicked evildoer. When you become a **** or king, who can limit you!" Umulu's eyes were wide, panting, and the golden barbed mallet in his hand , Was directly picked up by him, and hit Su Jin impressively!

Binocular, crimson--

Zhu Xueer was pushed far away by Su Jin's aura, and the color of Su Jin's eyes directly shocked the Purple Skin Witch Ancestor!

This guy! What a fierce might!

On the cold black ice ground, faintly began to become unstable, and layers of white smoke began to float--


Su Jin's right arm robes and sleeves shook into dust, and the fire patterns like willow leaves began to light up, and the violent aura rose instead!

Umulu's golden club, I don't know what level of divine treasure it is. When he tried to suppress Su Jin, he couldn't help but feel shocked, his own divine treasure was actually blocked by Su Jin's monstrous vigor!


Clusters of terrible flames began to glow in the black ice, and Su Jin's body, a flame of fire aura spread out instantly, and the entire sky seemed to be melted!

Zhu Xueer covered her face with her arm to block the heat wave, but for a moment, she was sweaty, her dress was wet with sweat, and her heart suddenly became anxious.

"Big Brother Ye!" Zhu Xueer called out anxiously.


A purple-gold gourd called from Su Jin, his voice appeared in Zhu Xueer's ear at the same time, and an overwhelming anger that could not be suppressed appeared!

Su Jin didn't turn his head back, and roared: "You go! I want to destroy everything here! If an ant can escape from birth, even if the king loses!!!"

Let yourself go

Zhu Xueer's brain was blank. What happened? The old lady said that the person Su Jin wanted to see was no longer alive. Is it true or not?

"Don't go in..." As soon as Zhu Xueer finished speaking, she immediately saw Su Jin stepping into the picture of heaven and human.

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