My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2798: A desperate situation without a retreat (2/5)

Buddha blood

Buddha blood!

Su Jin repeatedly confirmed that he was familiar with the golden blood, and the Buddha power in it was a little surprising to him. Why did this nine-tailed fox cat embrace the Buddha Dao and hate the Buddha?

"Go away--" The magnetic voice contained warm anger, and the nine-tailed fox cat swept away fiercely, and the giant ancient beast and Su Jin were directly shocked by that arm!

If it weren't for weakness, the ancient giant beast would be able to match this nine-tailed fox cat! And Su Jin frowned after looking at the disappearing wounds on the jade arm after standing still in the void.

This scene actually passed extremely quickly...

Many people didn't see the Buddha's blood overflowing, and couldn't see clearly. After all, when Da Gu scratched the arm of the **** master, she swept away Su Jin and Da Gu Giant Beast, and instantly recovered those scratches.


Many people are simply shocked by the power of the divine lord, at least in the scene just now, Su Jin and the ancient giant beast seem to be difficult to match her!

"The **** master is still strong! The mere emperor of the emperor, after solving the nine great gods, is still difficult to defeat the power of the god, this god, who said his origin, may scare him to death!" Some people are deeply obsessed. His eyes are hidden deep in his pupils.

The nine-tailed fox cat is the lord of the gods. Not only is it beautiful and beautiful, it is also invincible in the entire Zihai of Sin. How can I ask which Zihai male repairer does not admire it?

"Our sins, Zihai, unless many tyrannical powers are tied together, we are afraid that we can kill Yedi together. However, if we fight alone, only the Divine Lord can defeat him!" Someone sighed, but their eyes were straight. Looking at the nine-tailed fox cat in the scene.

"The emperor of the night must not let go. If he is allowed to leave alive, one day, he will come back, and then he will be able to easily destroy our entire sin, Zihai, no one can beat him!"

"It's bad luck, it's not time to come. With this kind of strength, it is impossible for the Divine Lord to let him leave, killing him like a blow!"


Really, although the great ancient behemoth is powerful, many sinful Zihai's great abilities also envy Ye Di to have such a mount, but the strength gap was too great in the first blow, and the **** master swept away one person. Sweep away!

The nine-tailed fox cat smiled, staring at Su Jin, and said faintly: "The wheel of years is owned by me, the Abyss of Evil, if you take it away, let it go -"

"Yes, get it by yourself after you get rid of me——" Su Jin looked at the opponent with a cold stern look again.

Death is approaching, still so dragging?

Nine-tailed fox cat didn't know how emboldened Su Jin was, and immediately nodded without hesitation: "Flying to the platform, the wheel of time, I want to take it all back!"

Su Jin's eyes darkened, and he quietly communicated with Dagu——

The Great Ancient Giant Beast whispered, and slowly shook his head behind him. Su Jin's transmission made it clear and asked it to pick up the purple gold gourd behind and escape back to Dragon City.

But now, how can the ancient giant beast go? Ye Di was too weak now, and he was so weak that he couldn't even support the Wheel of Secrets of Heaven. The Wheel of Secrets of Heaven that contained nine great avenues had disappeared long before the goddess appeared.

The crisis is not dangerous--

"Go! This woman is in a weird situation. There is Buddha's blood in her body. I faintly feel familiar. I will use the three pupil technique to bless the wisdom Buddha pupil and catch some opportunities. Maybe I can't die! You bit the gourd, Hurry up!" Su Jin gave the order.

The Great Ancient Giant Beast shook his head again, but this time there was suspicion in its eyes, and it was no longer so determined. It took a few steps back and turned its head three times!

Afterwards, Fate Gourd was bitten by it, and passed to Su Jin a vague voice: "Alive—"

The nine-tailed fox cat smiled, and the smile was exceptionally strange. To her, Ye Di was no longer a threat, but this ancient giant beast had an inexplicable origin and put too much pressure on her. Now if this beast leaves, she Killing the emperor is not too easy!


In the void, a hole was knocked out, and the giant ancient beast rushed into it, and went straight in the direction of Dragon City when it was passing...

How to do?

This question is not only what Su Jin wants to think about, but also the women in the Dragon City Snake Emperor Hall who worry about him.

"It is rumored that every time the divine lord loses a life, his strength will increase by one point. When Ye Di is at the peak, she may be able to kill her by three to five lives. This is afraid that it is already at the limit. Now he is in a state where he can't kill a life. Lost." Dragon City Lord sighed, the situation is so serious that he no longer wants to watch the battle, this seems to be a doomed result of defeat.

"If it weren't for Yedi's strongest skills to consume all of it, it's not necessarily true who wins and loses!" Guiying Kuanglan has his own insistence, blame it, blame it, there are so many people! Wheel battle!

"What should I do now? Dagu is here, the **** master can still be afraid of three points, after all, she has just scratched her, this big ancient behemoth can definitely threaten the **** master, but now..." Ghost Wu is in a state of anxiety .

I have to think about the future--

If Su Jin is dead, they follow Ye Di here, can they escape the palm of the nine-tailed fox cat? It's impossible to think about it! But now Yedi is almost in a desperate situation, there is no way to survive!

Xu Jingzhai and the others were silent, and this silence gradually turned into a depressive atmosphere, which made people a little breathless.

At this moment, Su Jin's heart was surprisingly calm. He even smiled slightly and said: "Just now, you said you hate Buddha cultivation and I don't know if I chant a sutra. Would you like to bear it?"

"You, you are looking for death!" The nine-tailed fox cat trembled, and the lavender pupils exuded a strong murderous intent. As her voice just fell, behind her, a series of tails suddenly appeared!

Each tail is purple and yellow, directly showing the tendency of sweeping, traversing the surrounding void, and enveloping Su Jin severely——

Brilliant golden light!

On the golden body of Su Jinquan, there are faint strands of scriptures flying out, and countless phantoms of the big Buddha are born around, and the uniform Sanskrit singing is recited...

When Xiaoyao Xianbu stepped on it gently, Su Jin was originally worn out, and now those terrible foxtails, when he swept away, he kept avoiding them, and when he personally chanted, the nine-tailed fox cat was obviously more annoyed!


The nine-tailed fox cat raised his palm and patted Su Jin's right shoulder again! This is the result of his extreme avoidance, originally this palm should have appeared in his heart!

After a spit of Buddha's blood, Su Jin's eyes seemed to be blurred. Then, he was surrounded by a circle and sealed into an airtight foxtail, as if sealing him in a space less than five meters...

Su Jin simply sat in the same place with his hands folded, and with all his strength in the face of danger, he used Maha's prison eyes, fire-eyed golden eyes, and blessed Buddha pupils of great wisdom. He wanted to find the familiar place!


It was too late, even he knew it well.

The divine lord nine-tailed fox cat pierced through its tail flexibly, and when it flew sideways, the little white hand on the front of his right arm condensed a shadow of claws and pressed it firmly on the top of Su Jin's head!

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