My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2799: Advise you to be kind (3/5)

be quiet--

The entire scene of Guilty Zihai seems to have been given to this scene. The strongest divine lord's strength in this battle is simply admirable, and now, her claws are going down, and Yedi will finally die. !

When the warm five-finger claw marks were pressed on the top of Su Jin's head, the Buddha's eyes around him were still a little sacred. At the same time, his triple pupil technique was superimposed, and he faintly caught something wrong!

Chi Chi -

A spark was drawn from the palm of the nine-tailed fox cat. She had just touched the top of Su Jin’s head, thinking that this palm would have no problem blasting Ye Di, but at the moment of contact, she was shocked. If you get an electric shock!


The nine-tailed fox cat, as the lord, was shocked by an inexplicable force in an instant, and flew out fiercely!


There were shocking voices in various areas of the Guilty Zihai, large and small cities, and I did not expect this to be the case. After all, it was only a short distance from the death of the night emperor!

"What's the matter! Yedi basically gave up resisting! Why didn't the divine lord succeed in killing him with this sharp blow?" Some people's eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, how dare you believe this scene that you saw with your own eyes!

"The emperor of the night is really a god! Except for the overflowing Buddha light, the other ones in the nine realms are very difficult to even run, why can they shook the **** master?" Some people cried out inexplicably.

"Since Ye Di appeared on Tongyou Ancient Road and battled with the nine great guardians, he has not used any of the divine treasures. Could it be that he possessed a very strong divine treasure, and because of the divine treasure, the divine master was shaken away?"

"I can't believe it, nor dared to imagine, Ming Ming Ye Di is very weak, why can't I kill him?"


Exclamation, incredible expressions, appeared on countless faces, this situation is much more surprising than when Ye Di was strong and domineering.

Even some people in Longcheng’s City Lord’s Mansion and Snake Emperor’s Hall didn’t know what had happened. When the Divine Lord caught this blow, Guiying Kuanglan and others were desperate. Who knew that this scene would appear!

Dragon City Lord stared blankly, he felt that Su Jin was stronger than he imagined——

At this moment, the divine lord nine-tailed fox cat stood still, her expression a little surprised, she even raised her right arm with her left hand, although the electric shock wound on her right palm did not bleed, it was shocking!

"Who are you!" The nine-tailed fox cat backed slightly, the injury on his hand was getting better, gradually healed the scar and recovered as before.

Su Jin had just suffered a serious injury, and even felt that he was about to die for a moment, but he still saw some clues. The origin of this nine-tailed fox cat is definitely related to him!

Regarding why he did not die and why the nine-tailed fox cat was slightly injured by a counter-shock, Su Jin himself didn’t know. His eyes were blurred. Just now he didn’t know whether he had read it wrong, and it seemed to be a prayer wheel on his hands. The imprint, light up a bit--

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to tell you four words." Su Jin smiled calmly.

"What?" The nine-tailed fox cat's eyes dodged a little, and she faintly guessed, but how is that kind of guessing possible, and even if the guessing came true, she only had to run away, it was impossible to fight!

"Advise you to be kind." Su Jin nodded.


I don't know how many people watched it seriously, and when Su Jin said this, I don't know how many people seemed to be directly discouraged and forced a smile.

The scene was silent for a while, and the weird atmosphere grew stronger and stronger. The nine-tailed fox cat looked at Su Jin carefully, but did not see any clues at all, but after the counter-shock force just shook her away, she felt that she felt herself It is impossible to kill him in this life-

Boom boom boom...

Su Jin urged the imprints of the prayer wheel beads on the backs of both hands. Under the blessing of the powerful King Buddha, the Buddha's light shines! With the rumbling sound, six giant Buddhist beads rolled out directly, as if they were wrapped in a circular orbit.

"You! You really are..." On the beautiful face of the **** Lord Nine-Tailed Fox Cat, her expression changed drastically. She almost didn't even think about it, turned around and disappeared into the void!


Escape? !

This scene scared many people to the ground! This is the famous God Lord! The invincible existence in the purple sea of ​​sin, and now fighting the weak Ye Di, the advantage is big enough to crush Ye Di back and forth five times!

It turned out to escape decisively--

Su Jin smiled. He really felt that there was something wrong with the divine lord. She was obviously a demon female cultivator and was born as a nine-tailed fox cat, but there was Buddha's blood flowing in her body.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Jin felt familiar with her at first...

Shocking, too shocking!

The monks in Dragon City were crowded, as if they were frightened by the scene of the divine lord's retreat. Everyone had an extremely incomprehensible expression.

"Zhengdao Bodhi! Prayer Wheel! This Prayer Wheel is the powerful Buddha technique of the'Living and Death Wheel Buddha King'. That Buddha King, who can transform the universe with any technique, used to be a famous existence!" Some people were surprised at this Buddhist technique possessed by Su Jin.

"Why did the God Lord turn around and flee after seeing the ‘prayer wheel’? The current Ye Emperor, even if he exhausted all his power, could be easily beheaded by the God Lord. The God Lord escaped! Unbelievable!”

"God, this doesn't kill, what the **** is the God Lord doing?"

"Look at Ye Di! What is he doing? Isn't he in such a weak state, he doesn't want to let go of the Lord?"

After a loud exclamation, everyone looked at the scene condensing from the sky above--

At this moment, Su Jin's figure remained unchanged!

But a ruler of the King of the Ming Dynasty was condensed by him, and the ruler of the King of the Ming Dynasty started to float up with Buddha characters, and the golden Buddha characters were directly swirling around Su Jin!

Densely dense, golden light shines, and the Buddha characters form a big Buddha in Su Jin's body! Because it is composed of Buddha characters, the Buddha characters are fluctuating and seem to be blown away by the wind at any time.

The six giant prayer wheel beads suddenly revolved around the giant Buddha composed of Buddha characters——


The golden Buddha has taken the first step! In the void ahead, a golden avenue suddenly appeared, and that direction was the direction from which the gods flee!




The giant Buddha body made up of Buddha characters, turning the prayer wheel beads around the body, went back to the past along the Golden Light Avenue--

This kind of sight is not scary. Although the giant Buddha body is made up of Buddha characters, it has a charitable appearance and a solemn appearance. The golden road it has walked through is not known how far it is. Many people see it vaguely. On the avenue, the **** lord nine-tailed fox cat is walking away in embarrassment...

"My Buddha is merciful!! Forgive me!" The **** lord the nine-tailed fox cat turned his head, suddenly bowed on his knees, bowed his head in horror and begged for mercy.

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