My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2800: The Road to Heaven (4/5)

My... God!

Is there anything more shocking than this?

On the Golden Avenue, the lord of the gods with a beautiful and beautiful appearance is kneeling at the giant Buddha composed of Buddha characters, and she is shaking all over, there is no element of performance at all, the expression is definitely from the heart of fear ——

The prayer wheel beads suddenly stopped, and the six-character great mantra on each of the beads floated faintly, constantly shuttled on the Lord!

The divine lord nine-tailed fox cat’s purple pupils quickly added a touch of golden light. When the golden light disappeared, she couldn't control her hands, gently clasped her together, and completely converted!

Su Jin sighed.

In fact, it’s not a refuge. There is definitely a story between this nine-tailed fox cat and the former Buddha King of Life and Death. This makes sense. Why does she have Buddha’s blood flowing in her body, but she hates Buddha——

Moreover, the nine lives of this divine lord are probably also related to the Buddha's blood in her body. The reason for this is that unless the woman can tell it in person, Su Jin himself will not know.


The nine-tailed fox cat in the beautiful state of the body, there is a giant fox cat demon faintly manifested all over the body, but the phantom eyebrows, there are bright Buddha characters appearing.

Not long after, Golden Light Avenue disappeared. Su Jin held the Buddha ruler and traced it back to the front of the divine lord. The entire giant Buddha composed of Buddha characters also collapsed. It was transformed into Buddha characters and was re-accepted by the Buddha ruler, and even the prayer wheel beads collapsed Become a Buddha, disappear or disappear.

"I said, I advise you to be kind, now I'm caught--" Su Jin touched his chin, turned his hand to put the Buddha ruler away, and looked at the beautiful face of the Lord.

There was a very helpless expression on the face of the **** Lord, even a bit bitter.

Su Jin walked around and looked at the human body with cat ears, and the tail has disappeared. This divine lord is afraid that except for some problems when transforming into a human, the cat ears should disappear when transforming into a human. —

Look for a full quarter of an hour.

The nine-tailed fox cat couldn't bear Su Jin's gaze and waved her hand to cover the avenue, so that all the powers of the sinful Zihai could no longer reflect the scene here, she lowered her head quietly and said, "Master, I hurt you back then. It's definitely not me, absolutely not! I dare to swear by my Buddha—"


Su Jin's heart is cold.

Although he knew that the nine-tailed fox cat had admitted the wrong person, he felt that since the other party had said such things, he was rebellious. Can this be kept? It really doesn't work. Throw it away. Anyway, it's a little wild cat, as long as he doesn't block his way anymore, if one day she is killed by her, who will he go to?

"The girl is a bit serious. I am not the master of your mouth. I will make it clear to you first. In addition, I will not kill you. You only need to tell me where the stone snake stupa is currently." Su Jin looked lightly. She said at a glance.

"Why not! If it is not, you have solved the Buddha curse on me!" The nine-tailed fox cat had a guilty conscience, and did not tell the truth. The death of the Buddha King, the wheel of life and death, has something to do with her more or less.

For many years, when did the reincarnated Buddha King find her——

As a result, Su Jin didn't want her? ! In her opinion, the transformed Lord Yedi absolutely knew that he would not accept her when he found her. This was the most annoying, as if he had been thrown away!

Describe it in two words, uncomfortable!

This is embarrassing, Young Master Su -

The demon shadow around the nine-tailed fox cat just now has a Buddha mark on the eyebrows. How to get rid of it? It can't be solved at all!

Su Jin changed his thoughts, that's all, he immediately asked her to get up, and then asked: "Tell me, the whereabouts of the stone snake stupa, and whether the people in the tower are well."

"I don't know." The nine-tailed fox cat shook his head.

"I don't know?" Su Jin was surprised.

"I know the whereabouts of the stone snake stupa, but we are only responsible for receiving it here. The stupa and the stone snake are not in the lamplight prison at all. God--" said the **** master nine-tailed fox cat.

Su Jin...


The stone snake stupa is not in the dark, and it is connected to the heavens. Could it be connected to the heavens? How can Su Jin enter the heavens now? Hong Chen is not there yet, a lot of concerns are still in his mind, he will take that step in the future, but it is definitely not now——

"To be clear, I really don't know where it is?" Su Jin felt that this little wild cat thief was very good, and things were probably not as simple as he thought.

The nine-tailed fox cat hesitated slightly. He looked at Su Jin and said, "If the stone snake stupa is still there, it should be at the end of the road to the sky. There is the edge of my abyss, connecting the heavens, but I feel Things are weird."

"Why is it weird?" Su Jin asked again with a little hope in his heart.

"How many times does the master track the stone snake stupa?" the beautiful fox cat **** asked.

To be precise, Su Jin thought for a while, from the Mogu God Prison, in order to see his mother, it should be...

"Three times." Su Jin nodded in response. The first two times he was incapable and came back with a feather. This time he was able to get here. He didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"On the three occasions, the stone snake stupa is pulling into the heavens. This shows that someone wants to lead the master into the heavens. I think it is because the net of the sky and the earth has been laid out long ago, and the master is waiting for the master. The rules of the heavens, some super strong people can't get out, there is no such rule in the heavens." said the nine-tailed fox cat.

Su Jin shook his head. He also thought about this situation--

But where can he take care of so much?

"Take me there." Su Jin didn't hesitate at all.

"Really going?"


Su Jin was extremely determined. This time he came prepared, and his power was many times stronger than before. Even if there was a conspiracy, he would go! He really hopes that the stone snake stupa is on the edge of the sky, and his mother is waiting for herself in the stupa——

The nine-tailed fox cat was a little embarrassed and opened a passage. This direction was the direction she had just fled. It was not a panic, but she could enter the heavens!

"I will take you on the road to the sky, but it is best not to step into the heavens before the time is right. With your current strength, in the vast heavens, it is really super weak——" Without attacking Su Jin, she, the **** lord, regardless of the appearance, was actually sent to guard the Abyss of Evil. In the heavens, she was not even a shimmer dust.

Su Jin didn't get hit either, and walked into the passage with the nine-tailed fox cat. Then he looked back and found that the big ancient behemoth rushed towards with the purple golden gourd in its mouth...

This Dagu did not even return to Dragon City, but after evacuating to a safe area before, he chased him again. Su Jin nodded, without stopping, the glazed brilliance crisscrossed in the passage, and about ten people could not breathe. , He stepped on a solid ground!

The road to heaven!

As the name implies, on the road to the heavens!

he came!

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