My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2812: Quartet Prison

Zihai of sins.

In the past four days, every day has made people feel anxious, as if they were in a torment. When the dragon city was the quietest, the local monks were only tens of millions, but in the past few days, the number of monks has increased tenfold!

The major restaurants are full, and even many streets and alleys are full of monks, even if it is late at night, it is not silent—

Just after the first time, on a mountain behind the city lord’s mansion, there was a single tree called Jingyang Hall on the top of the mountain. In the temple, the place where the immortal bathed, the hazy purple fairy mist enveloped the bath.

More than a dozen young and beautiful maids, bending over holding trays, neatly stacked with gorgeous clothes of all colors...

Soon, the clothes on a maid's tray were taken away in the air, and shot into the hazy purple fairy fog. The beauty **** nine-tailed fox cat immediately walked into the bath and put on her clothes.

The goddess of beauty is wearing a pure white snow skirt, the whole skirt is knee-length, and the whole body is perfectly wrapped in, water drops dripping from her hair, and two cat ears are also faintly pink.

After waving away the maid, the beautiful **** lord walked out of Jingyang Temple, looking at the brightly lit Dragon City, feeling a little uneasy in her heart——

"The time has passed, this is the fifth day." The beauty **** master walked to the jade railing, sighed and thought in her heart.

The death of the master Su Jin was beyond her imagination. Even the Dao Soul was broken, even if the ancient giant beast carried it away and placed it in a Fuxi Wu Taoist field. It was a idiot to survive within seven days. .

The goddess of beauty felt cool all around, looked into the distance, and began to give birth to the vision of the fifth day——

In the direction of Tongyou Ancient Road, there was a faint tunnel through the cave, and there was no movement.

You sigh bursts, more than a god.

With the passage of time, the possibility of Yedi's alive became more and more diminished. The beauty **** lord paid a deposit and watched the road to the sky with many flags, and observed how long the incense stick would last.

At that instant, the passage of the cave world began to emit a faint brilliance!

Boom boom boom -

The tunnel of the cave was opened from the distant heavens, leading to here, there was a loud stepping sound, making the beauty of the gods face changed greatly after hearing the words!

There are more than a thousand silver giant cows, each dragging two blood-colored chains that are as thick as a bucket, and run out first! Those chains pulled by it turned out to be a cage the size of a hill!

"Quadruple God Prison!" The beauty **** master was a little bit timid—

Fear seems to be contagious, and the whole sinful Zihai people seem to be trembling after seeing this scene, there is a little chaos everywhere, looking at the silver giant cows in disbelief!

These giant cows seem to have silver fish scales, their eyes are dark, and two horns are almost one-third of their body size!

At this moment, Dragon City gathered the monks, it was like a frying pan! Very nervous!

"The Quartet Divine Prison has been dragged in. It is rumored that this divine object can bring down the heavens and all things on one side. As long as all its divine power is sent out, it will be able to envelop our entire sinful purple sea in an instant!" They were all taken up, and there were panic expressions everywhere.

"I feel that the Sifang Divine Prison has appeared, and the'Spirit Slaying Platform' should also be moved. Our sin, Zihai, is about to suffer!"

"Not so! How can we, Ho De, be worthy of the suppression of the four divine prisons? I think the reason why this divine prison appeared is definitely to subdue the woman next to Ye Di."

"How do I feel, Lord God will be the first to be locked in—"

"The Dao Soul fragments will be completely scattered in seven days. Today is the fifth day! Ye Di is afraid that he has completely died, and it is impossible to return!"


As the Quartet God Prison was pulled out by more than a thousand silver sacred cows, a piece of red sacred platform with a radius of ten miles suddenly floated out from the tunnel of the cave. It was the famous slaying platform!

And above the God Slashing Platform, there are still four great abilities standing!

The Great Lord of Tianshan, the two Dragon City Lords do not know any of them at this moment! But one person knows two of the four!

The goddess of beauty is completely stunned now. She thought that the consequences would be serious, but she had never expected such a serious situation. The four divine prisons and the beheading stage were all out, and the four divine abilities above were extraordinary!

"That's the real person of Heavenly Luck... and Wan Futu, the owner of the God Slashing Platform -" The beauty **** master looked at an old man with a green robe in the middle, and fell into self-talk.

She only knows two of the four!

The other person, full of silver scales, looked quite normal. If he was the least human-like place, he could only say that the silver horns growing on both sides of the other's head temple.

Every one, the beauty **** master can't deal with it, the gap is simply not wide!

The beauty of the goddess' eyes suddenly became firm, she must not be locked in the Four Directions God Prison, and the appearance of the God Slashing Platform made her very uneasy. Is this sinful Zihai creatures, the other party will also be wiped out?



On the fifth day, under the black abyss, the glimmer of gossip in that dojo became stronger and stronger, and the yin and yang fish floated on the ascending platform, and even the wheel of the years began to vibrate!


Su Jin was extremely pleased. Although four days had passed outside, he had already passed twenty-eight days under the time domain of the Wheel of Years! Nearly a month! During these times, every piece of his soul was lit up! This time, it was the most dangerous fragment fusion!

Ping Sheng, Su Jin had never felt this pain before, he had been torn apart in his Dao Soul, but the pain was nothing compared to the present! It hurts tens of thousands of times than a knife twist!

The big ancient giant beast's eyes were slightly expectant. He watched Su Jin on the ascending stage, and for some reason, he sat down cross-legged.

Obviously there is no vitality, but from lying down to sitting cross-legged! This made the Great Ancient Giant Beast never think of it, could it be... it looked at the ascending platform again, faintly guessing.


In the black void behind Su Jin, there are actually two yin and yang fish entangled together. The yin and yang fish are very special, with a long rhyme, as if faintly in line with the trajectory of the road!

"After all!"

In the wheel of years, around Su Jin’s lifeless body, there are actually a lot of big words "dao" condensed, each word is bright blood red, this scene makes the ancient giant beast It's incredible!

"Although the master seems lifeless, why is the aura of the gods so strong!" When the ancient giant beast was ecstatic, it stared at Su Jin in the wheel of years.

But not long after that, the ancient giant beast looked deeply into the deep space, and its tiger eyes were shining with a king character, and the dim light was being photographed from its tiger eyes——

It seemed to see a terrifying scene of thousands of floating corpses on the stage of Slashing God, blood flowing into the sea.

As if seeing the beauty god, she actually...

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