My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2813: Dao Soul Fusion

The word "king" on the forehead of the big ancient giant beast is still shining, and it feels a little uncomfortable to see the situation-

"The master's confidantes, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold on to the master's recovery. There are only three days left. I have to think of something, otherwise, the four gods will imprison the mistresses, okay." Dagu giant beast thought. Like a sigh, the beauty of the **** master appeared in his mind.


It was the morning of the fifth day, and it had been silent for more than four days. There was always a special atmosphere in the purple sea of ​​sin, and the feeling of panic and anxiety existed in every monk's heart——

But in the morning, over the road to the sky, the phantom of the divine formation left by the great ancient behemoth shook slightly! During the shaking, the scene of Fuxi Enlightenment Daoist Temple condensed clearly above the **** array!

One stone caused a thousand waves! Shocking voices resounded in every city in Zihai of Sin!

"Really? On the ascent stage, Ye Di was enveloped by the Wheel of Time! He is almost dead, why can he open the time field of the Wheel of Time?" Many people have question marks in their minds, and they are puzzled.

"The wheel of the years, the ascending platform, is definitely set by the emperor's mount. The fierce beast is too fierce, and it can be interrupted even by the emperor's means, to protect his last hope, move the universe, and take him. Go to the enlightenment field where Fuxi is not leaving, trying to save him!"

"Today is the fifth day! I hope Yedi can survive--"

"What is the purpose of reflecting this scene? Could it be that the night emperor who has the power of the sacred beast can live? And then it will shock those powers?"

"I want to see Ye Di survive! I want to witness his achievement of the'Nine Dao Gods'. This powerful man who turned out to be born has already conquered me with his strength!"


The breeze is slightly cool, and the atmosphere of the City Lord's Mansion is somewhat different!

The manifestation of Su Jin's scene shocked everyone including Dragon City Lord!

"It seems that the **** beast might want to use this to frighten those strong! Moreover, you, as Ye Emperor's confidantes, are still very dangerous after the appearance of the Quartet Divine Prison. I think as long as you are not sure about Ye Emperor's recovery, you At least it will be safe!" Dragon City Lord said to Guiying Kuanglan and other women.

"He is still lifeless. In the wheel of years, no matter how weak, as long as he is alive, there will be divine clouds flowing out, but now there is not a trace of it." The puzzle heart demon girl was very nervous and continued: "There are only two more. Many days—"

That's right!

After more than two days, if Su Jin is unable to recover, the Dao Soul fragments will turn into a trace of fluorescence, dissipate in the void, and fall completely. At least in the eyes of those present, the chance of recovery is not great, and it can only be used. To describe!

Being present, except for the beauty **** in the Jingyang Temple, and Zhu Xueer did not appear—

Zhu Xueer was ashamed, after all, she was still under a curse not long ago, and it was Su Jin who used her life to replace her! The nirvana situation last time was wasted saving her once, otherwise it would never be so difficult this time.

The quiet Zhu Xueer returned to the palace where she originally lived, and has been in a daze until now——

Before she knew it, Zhu Xueer didn't realize that the big brother Ye who saved her life, she has been thinking about it for more than four days. The days since the appearance of the emperor seemed to be longer than the total life time she had ever added. Make her much happier!

In the end, the scene gradually dissipated. That scene seemed to be telling those who arranged monstrous means, Ye Di is very likely to recover!


The darkness remained, the yin and yang fish lingered, Su Jin remembered all his memories!

Dao soul fragments were all lit by him! But with a few broken pieces of Dao Soul, the next is the most dangerous fusion time!


Su Jindao was in the wheel of time, and in the midst of it, the silent cry of pain was quite miserable, and the great ancient giant beast was faintly unbearable. When it was guarding its master, it heard the painful cry of the soul!

too difficult--

The fusion of Dao soul fragments was originally a means to change one's fate against the heavens. One can imagine the pain that was endured. It is difficult for anyone to bear the pain, and it is not a one-time success!

Once unsuccessful, they will be separated again, and the merged place will be separated again, and you will suffer another sin!

"I want to live! I want to live!" Su Jin yelled silently, before the Dao Soul separated again, "Why not! Why! The so-called so-called great abilities! It is best to pray that I will die forever, otherwise I Once you go out! Launch the **** war of the heavens, I want to kill! Kill!"

Every time the pain is getting worse-

Su Jin tightly gathered all his consciousness into a cluster, and the tears on the Dao Soul would not harm his soul, but the pain was very practical!

In just a quarter of an hour, Su Jin has tried ten times! All failed!

Although the time field of the Wheel of Years has changed the time between the field and the outside world, one day can be worth seven days, but it does not seem to be a good thing for a long time. Su Jin seems to be a gladiator. Shock!

A hundred times! One hundred passionate roars--

A thousand times! Unyielding a thousand times!

The big ancient behemoth is guarding silently, and now its eyes are all scenes of the fusion of Su Jin’s Dao Soul. It does not know when, tiger tears overflowed in its eyes. How much achievement a person has, he must endure as much as others. Can't bear it!

Now Su Jin's opponent is himself! Break through yourself and achieve this extremely dangerous level!


I have to say that the methods of the Great Ancient Giant Beast in the morning shocked many people, including the old man in the green robe, the "True Fortune of Heaven", the lord of the God Slayer, Wan Futu and others.

"What are you waiting for? Catch all those nanny skins into the prison. As for the creatures in this sinful purple sea, all of them are transformed into the mortal. Why should you be afraid of a dead night emperor?" Wanfutu's temper is relatively irritable, and he knows that he kills the gods. The power of Taiwan, especially by cutting off those beautiful women, can obtain extremely powerful Yin Yuan power, which is simply nourishing to him.

"Don't worry, the Taoist leaders on the road to the sky haven't done anything yet, let's continue to wait." Tian Yun Zhenren laughed and said with a beard.

"Tian Lao is right. We will take those women sooner or later. If something goes wrong, the emperor that night will change his fate against the heavens. The person who is the first to bear the brunt of the ruins and cave world will be the ones who hurt those women. The emperor is afraid that he will direct the spearhead at us—"

A pair of silver horns grows on the human head and temples. At this time, he casually raised his arm, and the silver scales on it were like feathers, exuding a slight chill.

"Yinjiao Niuxian is right, wait, anyway, the result will be known in two days--" Among the four, only one of the four was able to speak.

Finally, it's the seventh day!

It's dawn!

The goddess of beauty combed and tidy, and walked out of the Jingyang Palace without expression.

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