My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2819: What level?

Buddha, this is Tao!

The coldness that seemed to be able to freeze into the heart of the gods suddenly suffocated the three people of Wanfutu——

What a tyrannical force!

Yinjiao Niuxian has a solemn face, and the silent power beside him is Mo Xuhe from the Star Valley Sect of the Heavens. The strength of Mo Xuhe alone is not even under the old dog's destiny. Powerful, the same is true!

Su Jin is surrounded by the gods of the wheel of years, and the wheel of years seems to be spinning faster, and the ascending yin and yang fish with the word "dao" condenses into a whirlpool of phantom shadows, in the powerful Buddha light Looming!

The three people of Wanfutu were on the stage of slaying the gods, retreating constantly——

A piece of Golden Light Avenue, faintly in line with the wonderful rhyme of Taoism, is spreading over, and even the Slayer of Gods is covered!

"Impossible! The God Slashing Stage actually lost contact with me!" Wan Fu Tu was really panicked at this moment, this was the first time he had encountered this situation!

"This enchanting Buddha is the most sacred way, at least one of his nine realms has reached the human god! If I guess right, it should be the person and **** realm that the Buddha and Tao have reached!" Yinjiao Niu Xian said anxiously.

"Yes, it is definitely the Buddha who has made the human god. He is full of the aura of the godhead, but I don't know what level his buddhism and the godhead have reached!" Mo Xuhe secretly gasped.


Not Xuanhuang.

Not earth and heaven!

Wan Futu's face was red, and he was the first time he encountered this kind of enchanting genius. The god-like aura is definitely a super-heaven-level existence. If it is true, they are really difficult this time—

It's hard to leave alive!

Yinjiao Niu Xian was covered with silver-white scales, and began to relax, and a white giant cow with a height of 100 meters formed around him, faintly roaring towards Su Jin——

Mo Xuhe stretched out his palm, and an emerald green and transparent seal floated on the palm, and a faint smell of stench floated from the seal.


The seal burned, and a lion shadow turned into a green flame shadow floating out. In an instant, Mo Xuhe bowed down, and when he roared, it turned into a green lion!


Wan Futu felt uneasy, and immediately gritted his teeth and resisted the pain. He turned his hand and took out a black spittoon, and he spouted a flame at the spittoon!

Strangely speaking, the surface of the black spittoon began to melt, and red blood stains appeared, and a huge momentum instantly isolated the forcing golden light!

The three divine powers actually blocked Su Jin's Golden Avenue!

Especially the black spittoon, which is enlarged like a water tank, floats in front of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery. The blood radiating from it is unique in the mortal world, and the degree of preciousness can be imagined!


Dragon City Lord is full of envy! I remember that when he was at Su Jin's age, he was still asking immortals all over the world, in order to activate the blood of the Qingteng snake in his body, and he couldn't return home! Now Su Jin is one enemy three!

You know, Dragon City Lord has just fought against Wan Fu Tu! Even how powerful he is!

"Emperor Ye is surrounded by the wheel of years, sitting cross-legged on the ascending platform, can he contend with the three people of Wanfu Tu with just one trick?" There were shocks everywhere in Longcheng, and I couldn't believe what I saw with my own eyes!

"My ancestor just gave a voice message and told my Xue family disciples not to get close to the city lord's mansion. He said that Yedi has already contained a godhead in his body, and at least he is also a ‘super sky’ godhead!"

"Huh? Super Heavenly Godhead? My mother—"

"According to the temper of the emperor, Wan Futu almost killed his woman. These three people, including the Taoist chief on the road to heaven, are afraid that none of them will be able to leave!"

"Let's take a look, at least the three of Wanfutu can still be blocked now, and the outcome is really hard to tell..."

There was a lot of discussion.

The goddess of beauty and the others didn't talk about it. Including Zhu Xueer, the eyes of the women were all worshipping, even if they had the ghost dance, they were already very convinced!

In the battlefield, the three people of Wanfutu only felt the golden light coming, and the three of them could only be able to stop them by increasing their divine power!

"The Promise Divine Fist, destroy the Ten Thousand Law Dao!" Wan Futu roared violently, and raised his divine arm to sway fiercely. With all his arms wrapped in the Dao Yun, he actually hit the golden light with one arm and moved towards Su Jin Zhen killed it!

This punch is different from the battle of Dragon City Lord, and its power is increased by at least 50%. He is sure to use this punch to blast away the Golden Avenue and directly kill Su Jin wrapped in the Wheel of Time!

Su Jin's face was calm, as if any misery could not cause him to fluctuate at all. The power of Wan Futu's punch was indeed strong, and even caused waves of exclaims——

"You dare to use low-level boxing skills in front of this king." Su Jin continued to say faintly, "You have never seen a real boxing method. Look at my Jiyuan Tianquan!"

The voice just fell--

The sky full of boxing shadows can't tell the context at all, but every boxing shadow carries the aura of a strong era. He now condenses this punch more than ten times faster than before!

And it's ever-changing!

In the eyes of the three people of Wanfutu, the void is full of weird shadows of fists, and there is no way to find a track, and there is no way to deal with it!


The giant silver bull surrounded by the silver horn bull fairy was shattered by a fist!


The green lion shape that Mo Xuhe turned into screamed, and the seal that had not burned completely turned into a mass of black ash! The whole person was directly shocked, and a little blood was spilled in the void!

The worst is Wan Fu Tu! The black divine pot was smashed to pieces, and Su Jin's main target was him! His Promise Divine Fist was smashed into pieces, and his whole person was hit by no fewer than a hundred fist shadows!

Six holes appeared in Wanfutu, and he stayed--

Head down...

Wan Futu looked at the hole in his body, it was so transparent and very cold, he felt for the first time in his life that his divine body was so fragile and vulnerable!

The world is quiet--

Including Shengcai Peacocks are obviously startled, Su Jin seems to have gained great benefits in the Fuxi Enlightenment Dojo, and the strength is beyond her imagination. In her opinion, the three people of Wanfutu should be able to compete with Su Jin. Come back and forth!

Just using the Jiyuan Tianquan, it almost blasted the Wan Fu Tu! It is enough to show how powerful Ye Di is now!

Yinjiao Niuxian and Mo Xuhe moved closer, and the two of them were also colored. Although their injuries were not serious, they were dumbfounded when they looked at Wanfu Tu!

"Lao Wan!" Yinjiao Niu Xian shouted in fear.

Wanfutu could hear Yinjiao Niuxian's words, but the whole world seemed to be hazy in his eyes, and those golden Buddha lights seemed to be getting blurred!

"Let me, let me die for a while--"

Wan Futu almost exhausted all his strength and shouted: "You, what level of God you have achieved... on earth is it!"

If it were not for the godhead, if it weren’t for the great roads in the nine realms, Su Jin would definitely not be able to improve so much. This kind of power is not like the description of the corpse-backer, even if the corpse-backer is present, facing the emperor of the night, the Wanfutu Everyone knows that the corpse-back will also fall!


What level?

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