My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2820: Is life or death


The world is quiet and terrible, countless eyes are looking at Wanfutu, but few sympathize, everyone knows that this arrogant power before is already difficult to live!

The sacred peacock walked gracefully in the void of the Snake Emperor Hall, smiling and groaning to help Su Jin answer: "It's not at the heaven and earth level, the super heaven level godhead, there are many in the vast heavens, you can't guess. What level of Godhead is he?"


Wan Fu Tu's mouth was full of blood, and then his eyes darkened, and the hole on his body was suddenly lit. After a rumbling, his body was swallowed by fire, and the fire was melted into a ball, and suddenly burst open!

The dust is sprinkled--

With the wind rolling, Yinjiao Niuxian trembled all over!

"The words of Shengcai Peacock are definitely reminding us that the godhood born by the emperor is not a super sky, and the lowest is the'destroy level'! We are defeated, and we are completely defeated!" Yinjiao Niuxian's voice is not counted. Xiao, this is what he said to Mo Xuhe forcibly suppressing his inner panic!

"Go back, those bull noses have already run away!" After Mo Xuhe was silent, he raised his head, his face pale.

"Go! The green mountains do not change, the green water flows! Ye Di, you dare to step into the heavens, and you will die!" Yinjiao Niuxian red bull's eyes rose up with a phantom white light, and the two instantly broke through the void A hole, fleeing towards the heavens!

This scene made Guiying Kuanglan and other women a little surprised——

"Why did Big Brother Ye let them go? Obviously you can leave it alone?" Zhu Xueer wrinkled Qiong's nose, her face was obviously very angry, and they were almost beheaded just now.

"Yeah, Ye Di was in a strong time, why did he let them go?" The Fei Tian Fox Girl was also a little puzzled.

The girls present wanted to ask--

All eyes were on Shengcai Peacock.

The sacred peacock uttered a smile, pecked the feather feathers with its mouth, gracefully dead.

Longcheng Master's tight face, without any relaxation, said: "There are two possibilities."

"Daddy, which two are possible?" Zhu Xueer found that being alive was really good, especially after a thrilling scene, she cherished her current life a bit.

"First, even though Yedi survived, his godhood is incipient and unstable. Forcibly keeping people is not good for cultivation." Longcheng Lord nodded and said: "Second, it may be Yedi deliberately."


Shengcai Peacock spoke again, "Let them go and proclaim in the heavens. Promoting the Ye Emperor's fierce power will have infinite benefits for the future Ye Emperor. Killing two wastes is just a fart--"

The Golden Light Avenue retreated, and Su Jin even contained the ascending platform. The brilliance of the Wheel of Years dimmed and disappeared. He took a step and entered the Snake Emperor Palace.

"The God Slashing Platform has become an unowned thing, the Lord of Dragon City has practiced it, and the Four Directions Prison has also flown away, and it can't be caught--" Sheng Cai Peacock said lightly.

Dragon City Lord felt tight, how could he give up this great opportunity and nod his head quickly!

Today, it seems like a legend is about to rise!

In the entire purple sea of ​​sin, there were deeds of Ye Di everywhere, and there was no heat at all!

"Emperor Ye blasted the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery in charge of the'God Slashing Platform'! Now that the God Platform will be controlled by the Lord of Dragon City, do you know the origin of the Holy Color Peacock?" Someone proudly proclaimed it in the teahouse, watching how many Ten monks drinking tea.

"Holy Color Peacock? It has been recorded in many books, but I don't know the generation." A listener responded.

"This sacred peacock has a long history. It is rumored that as long as she wants to leave, no one will be able to catch her. It was once known as the'phoenix','blood unicorn', and one of the seventy-two sacred'sound plows.' In the'Baishu Zhi'."

"Have you heard that after the night emperor appeared, Sheng Cai Peacock actually called herself "Little Peacock"..."

"Kill one to kill and scare away a group of people. Those bull-nose and old-fashioned really didn't see the situation well. They ran faster than anyone!"


Time slowly passed-

In the underground palace of the Snake Emperor Palace, Su Jin sat cross-legged for about half an hour. His current situation is a bit terrible. Just as the Lord Longcheng said, he is only initially condensing a godhead, and he is not stable at all!

Came in a hurry, almost too late! Therefore, Yinjiao Niuxian and Mo Xuhe ran away, not because he didn't want to kill, but forcibly cut them off, they might move the godhead fundamentally!

The underground palace where Su Jin sits is filled with a hot atmosphere, and a faint virtual fire spreads on the ground, and his skin is gradually red as jujube!


It's so hot! It is hard for Su Jin to imagine that he could still feel such a tormented sensation in the Vulcan Avenue!

"You did a good job and didn't force anyone to stay, but now your Godhead of the Vulcan Avenue needs endless Yin Yuan neutralization, even if you get the Fuxi Dao pattern, it won't work."

The sound of the sacred peacock broke the tranquility of the underground palace. Su Jin opened his eyes. He even vented his mouth, as if he could melt the void. The red thread on the ground was like a red snake. This is the scene of the ground melting!

"I don't understand what the predecessors mean--" Su Jin said lightly.

"You don't pretend to understand!" Shengcai Peacock walked slowly in front of Su Jin as she said.

Su Jin’s fiery red eyes suddenly had a strange look——

When the sacred color peacock transforms into a human form, it is really beautiful, as if all the elegance of the world exists in her alone! She has bare snow-white feet and is wearing a colorful feather dress!

The colorful clothes are perfect, the clothes are on the delicate lap, every detail seems to be exquisite to the point of extreme demand, and her appearance, I am afraid that I have not seen much! Su Jin is one of them!

"Is there any good solution?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"Let the nine-tailed fox cat come, I may postpone some time--" Shengcai Peacock's face is very serious, "It's really not good, Xueer's girl is also good, you can choose."

"Haha." Su Jin laughed dryly.

Is this because he wants to choose, he can choose if he wants to choose? Originally, he still had some bad tactics to use, but he just endured some pain.

Of course, Su Jin will have no problems for at least three days. The redness of the skin is only because he let go of the suppression. If he re-suppresses, it will return to his normal skin color.

"Are you serious?" Shengcai Peacock looked at Su Jin with a strange look.

"I will find a way. If it doesn't work, just follow what the predecessors said." Su Jin sighed helplessly.

That's right!

Su Jinhuoshendao, the first godhead will be condensed out! It's just beginning to take shape now, Vulcan Dao will reach the level of human god, and it is exactly that, he will have this tricky situation——

"I admire and admire, I am not squeamish or impatient, I originally wanted you to ask me to help." Shengcai Peacock said with a smile.

Su Jin shrugged, knowing that Shengcai Peacock was joking, he was startled immediately, his face became serious and said, "Can you tell me something, senior?"

"Knowing everything is--" Shengcai Peacock nodded.

"My mother, is it life or death?"

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