My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2824: Avenue Backlash

At this moment, Su Jin's eyes.

The beautiful temperament of Gutang Yan is irreplaceable at this moment! Even if she has an angry face, her beautiful face is like a flying fairy, making Young Master Su look straight at——


Su Jin’s body was full of Buddha's light, and within a few tenths of a second of his breath, the surrounding Buddha appeared, sitting neatly in the Buddha arena, and the lightning around his golden body seemed to hit a piece of nothingness. Can't hurt him by half!

Gu Tangyan bombarded from several angles, and sweat gradually appeared on her forehead. After three breaths, she stepped back and stopped attacking. She was a little surprised and said, "Buddha and Dao have a golden body, evolve into the world of bliss, and the world of Dharma is one!"



Shengcai Peacock was amazed at everything she saw. When she saw Su Jin in Guilty Zihai, he was already living against the sky. After returning, the real world of Dharma has only manifested for a while, far less powerful than it is now!

It seems that he was a little misjudged? Shengcai Peacock has this feeling in her heart!

Su Jin acquiesced that his current method is indeed one of the Dharma Realm, not the Bliss Realm, but his own origin, the Sky Realm. This Gu Tangyan wants to hurt him, I am afraid it will be very difficult! Unless Dianmu Tianjun's cultivation base is raised to a higher level, he will not be able to penetrate the empty Buddha realm, or touch the golden body of his original King Buddha!

Confidence is here!

"Little girl, I advise you to be kind, my Buddha is compassionate, and can lead you to the right path. If you take refuge in me, you will have a boundless future--" Su Jin's magnificent voice resounded around.

Holy Color Peacock:...

Gutang smoke:...

"You're looking for death!" Gu Tangyan mobilized the whole body's strength, and the surrounding lightning became more and more violent. She seemed to be wrapped in a circle of electric light, and her eyes were scorching to the extreme. At this moment, the voice just fell, and her bare feet stepped over again.


The spherical lightning shrank instantly, Gu Tangyan was covered in purple and white electric light, and the void seemed to be made of paper, being torn apart by a strong force, and Su Jin was sitting around Su Jin on the manifested Golden Avenue. He could stand up directly!


The Golden Light Avenue fluctuates, one by one being torn apart, Su Jin also underestimated her power!

"No matter how aggressive you are, this king and Buddha will take it seriously!" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said lightly at Gu Tangyan.

"You take it seriously, I will cut you off today, cut off your head, goug your eyes, and wipe out the memory you saw--" Gu Tang smoked his heart and wanted to kill Su Jin!

"Be careful!" Shengcai Peacock reminded again and again.

"I think you're ignorant." Su Jin raised his hands gently, then slowly separated them into two arcs, as if he had drawn a circle in front of him.

Bang bang bang--

Eight-armed Buddha image on display!

In each Buddha's palm, there is a lotus floating on the palm of the hand. The color of the **** lotus is different, and Su Jin's Bodhi heart mouth, a golden lotus is blooming!

The Golden Light Avenue is being destroyed, but the golden light is still strong, the golden light seems to be planted in the void, and the golden lotus blossoms--

Gu Tangyan was a little surprised, but she still bit her thin lip at the moment, and the speed at which she rushed towards Su Jin tripled!

Great momentum! Gu Tangyan seemed to be surrounded by an electric field, able to open up her own world, so she really made her rush to Su Jin!

Similarly, as if breaking into Su Jin's origin, that is, the air world, it is really not so powerful!

"Good coming!" Su Jin's body was filled with a strong sense of war, and the Buddha wheel flared behind his head, and the light actually penetrated the spherical lightning!

When Sheng Cai Peacock sighed, for some reason, there was a faint feeling in her heart——

Although it is not close to the fairy spirit, it is not too far. Su Jin exhibited the Buddha's prestige, and the Buddha's Tao Guanghua would not have attracted the attention of the ancients!

Ancient tang smoke is like flying fairy.

Su Jin swung his eight arms. Including the golden lotus with the condensed heart, the nine divine lotuses turned into a circle and spun rapidly in front of him. The terrifying divine power seemed to stir the void vortex, causing Gu Tang to increase the pressure by 30%. !

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Gu Tangyan's hand seemed to have turned into a purple and white palm, and the infinite source strength rolled and condensed. Her body suddenly disappeared, like an electric flint, and appeared on the side of Su Jin's right arm! Patted the past hard--


Su Jin's sideways speed is also not slow! He raised his right arm and patted the palm of his hand—


The surrounding destruction aura became stronger, Gu Tangyan had really seen Su Jin's power this time! Her palm has eight sources of power, and this guy can actually catch it!

Soon, Su Jin's expression suddenly changed! Including the sacred peacock in the distance, after seeing this scene, he directly exclaimed and lost his voice! The two forgot an extremely important thing!

When he was in the underground palace of the Dragon City Snake Emperor Palace, Su Jin’s own crisis was Vulcan Avenue. As the gods of Vulcan Avenue had initially condensed, he needed Yin Yuan to reconcile! Otherwise, if you use your full strength, it will cause unpredictable consequences!

Gu Tangyan was overjoyed--

Visible to the naked eye, Su Jin's eight-armed Buddha state immediately receded, and the golden lotus in the void was also beginning to wither!

Most importantly, Su Jin's golden body of King Buddha is smoking!

That's right! smoke!

Pieces of golden skin fluttered up like golden confetti. Although Gu Tangyan didn't know what happened, it was undoubtedly the opportunity she dreamed of!

"It looks like you are in a state of backlash!" Gu Tangyan observed carefully, his body's original strength increased again, and he put his strength on his palms, and the two hands were still fighting each other!

Su Jin gritted his teeth, the confusion that never occurred before, appeared at this moment! It was too sudden, so suddenly that he didn't even react!

The power in his body was fading like a bank burst, and he couldn't find any way!

"Road!" Su Jin burst out.

The black yin fish, the red yang fish gradually manifested behind him, and the two yin and yang fish slowly moved around!

Although the momentum is great, the effect is also effective, but it can only slow down the speed of the power passing, and can not solve the fundamental problem. Su Jin was a little confused for a while, the thinking in his mind has reached the extreme, and he is looking for a countermeasure!

"It's useless! Dao Backlash is irreversible. I didn't expect you to condense a very powerful godhead. Although it is only a rudimentary form, but because of this, I now have a chance to kill you!" Gu Tangyan finally knew Su Jin What is going through, the tone is quite proud.

"Really--" Su Jin racked his brains and coughed twice. The blood overflowed and stained his brand new robe.

When Sheng Cai Peacock saw this scene, she shook her head again and again, helpless, her whole body began to fade, then fade again, and leave the void, unexpectedly brought Su Jin into the heavens, it turned out to be his disaster——

"Go and die!" Gu Tangyan was overjoyed, his whole body's strength was unreserved!

All blast to Su Jin!

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