My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2825: Yin and Yang

Gutang Yan will not miss it——

Even Shengcai Peacock couldn't bear to watch that scene again. The peacock was in a state of vain. With only one spread of her wings, she could leave the ball of lightning unimpeded.


A panicked cry came from Sheng Cai Peacock's ear. It was this cry that made her stop thinking of leaving, and she turned her head to look towards Su Jin!

The panic cry comes from Gu Tangyan!

Who can believe it?

what's the situation!

Shengcai Peacock clearly saw that Gu Tangyan was about to strike Su Jinfa with a fatal blow. Who would have thought that Su Jin was not the one who screamed!

To the naked eye, it is the magical existence of Shengcai Peacock. I can't help but be stunned when I see this scene. I have never seen such a scene at all.

The two black and red yin and yang fish have now expanded to the position of a 10,000 zhang radius, and the two slowly rotating black and red fish eyes are turning into vortexes. The power of Gu Tangyan's just hit was all taken away by the entire yin and yang fish!

"You, how can you have the breath of Fuxi and Suiren! Who are you—" Gu Tangyan was panicked to death at this moment. Since conforming to the way of heaven and being reincarnated as a member of the ancient family, she has grown to be like this Terrible cultivation base, there has never been a disaster on the road of life, but now a Fan Xiu, under the avenue backlash, the aura that exudes from his body, turned out to be the existence of two inexhaustible in the heavens!

Sui Ren!

Taoist Fuxi!

Su Jin’s avenue is backlashing, and the suffering of backlash is no less than the shattering of the Dao Soul. His body is exhausting everywhere, as if it is turning into lava, as if it is Tonghua his newly healed Dao Soul——

"The reincarnation of Tianjun Tianjun, who is a mere reincarnation, also wants to kill this king. Today you fell into the hands of this king. If you are not lucky enough, you have the wrong child!" Su Jin raised his head, his whole body was like maroon, his hair seemed to be Burn.

"Fell into your hands? You--" Gu Tangyan faintly felt bad, but there was a horrible picture of Yin and Yang fish path spinning around. In the two Yin and Yang fisheye vortex, the two had just been separated directly. Facing each other!

According to this situation, Gu Tangyan could not kill Su Jin. On the contrary, Su Jin used the means of Fuxi Dao Pattern to trap her in the black Yinyu whirlpool, and couldn't escape!

The thunder of regretful world is constantly shining around. When Sheng Cai Peacock looked from a distance, his heart moved, could it be that Su Jin thought...

This kid!

Shengcai Peacock smiled bitterly, and if he did that, he would offend the future electronic mother Tianjun Gu Tangyan, and the road ahead must be uneven!

Chi Chi -

Lightning in the shape of a tree crown fell on the huge black and red yin and yang fishway map. Gu Tangyan's face turned pale, as if he had guessed something, and struggled crazily in the whirlpool's eyes, "You! You Fan Xiu, you dare to move I, I will thwart you!"

As soon as his power was exhausted, Gu Tangyan could still manifest his original anomaly. Now the power in his body is less than half of them. However, the blow just now clearly kills Su Jin, and he is caught by the surrounding circle. Damn Yin and Yang Yuxin!

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes--

The whole world seemed to start to rotate, and the avenues were reversing. Su Jin was in the eyes of Yangyu Whirlpool, but the whole person shook lightly, and Sheng Cai Peacock saw that there was a ghost in his body and came out.

Gu Tangyan screamed--

Close your eyes and scream!


Su Jin's Taoist soul calmly walked on the yin and yang fish road map, and walked towards Gu Tangyan step by step, and then a strong yang fire burned on the surface of the red yang fish!

Shengcai Peacock swallowed, and Gu Tangyan had no resistance at all in her eyes. Dao Soul also walked out of her body, and the powerful light of Yin Yuan rose on the surface of the black Yin Yu!

"I don't want it! Don't you Fan Xiu——" Gu Tangyan's soul voice called out in despair.

However, things can no longer be reversed, the yin and yang Dao Soul approached in an instant, and the avenues seemed to be converging!

Chi Chi -

On the surface of Gu Tangyan's Dao Soul, the electric flower gleamed, Su Jin's Dao Soul raised his hand and touched her face, the two of them felt like an electric shock.

Gradually, the power of Yin Yuan and Yang Fire were both strong, and even under the cover of the power of Yin Yuan and Yang Fire, the Holy Color Peacock could no longer see the Dao Soul of the two people, only the Dao Body of the two, closed Eyes, in the eyes of Yin Yu Yang Yu whirlpool.

Shengcai Peacock was nervous and murmured: "Yin and Yang are in harmony, Tao and soul are both cultivated, Yedi, Yedi, don't forget, you offend the future Tianjun Tianjun!"

It's not that tough--

The sacred peacock gradually became real, and the surrounding spherical lightning barriers just disappeared. She transformed into a human form. Looking at the Yin-Yang dojo, there was a special smile on the corner of her mouth. Perhaps, this is not a disaster. If Ye Di is because of Gu Tangyan The evolution of the godhead of the Vulcan Avenue into a flawless state is naturally wonderful.

Immediately, Sheng Cai Peacock sat down to protect the two of them.

An hour.

Two hours passed.

The entangled Dao soul turned into two brilliances, and returned to the body in an instant!

Su Jin opened his eyes abruptly, and the avenue was no longer backlashed. On the contrary, when he lifted his hands, a piece of magma gradually solidified, and a round red godhead was condensed. The godhead was red as fire quenched, and was wrapped in silent flames. Jing Dao Yun expresses, and the surprised Sheng Cai Peacock opened his eyes!

Gu Tangyan opened his eyes, two lines of tears dripped, and the surrounding Yin Yang Fish Dojo gradually disappeared. She naturally recovered her freedom, but at the same time a talisman seal was taken out by her, and when she vomited a sigh of magical power, a long rainbow appeared on the talisman seal. Rising into the sky!

"Hurry up!" Shengcai Peacock couldn't laugh or cry, and said through the sound transmission: "The ancient master will be here soon. If you don't stop, you can't stop us when she is weak. Run!"

"It's hard to run--" Su Jin was bathed in the brilliance of the Godhead, and with a thought, the Vulcan Godhead turned into strands of incomparably pure fire, merged into his Dao body, and stood up.

Shengcai Peacock's face changed after hearing this.

"It's not just the ancient masters! Be careful..." Sheng Cai Peacock said.

Gu Tangyan's face was tired, and the breath of Yin Yuan disappeared all over her body. She felt bitter in her heart. As a former electric mother Tianjun, Sheng Na's power was less than one percent.

Otherwise, what she showed would not be a vision!

If Gu Tangyan really turns into Tianjun, the electric mother, a source of thunder and lightning can smash this heinous guy into ashes!

The first one came, not from the ancient family! It was a young monk with a black willow-shaped totem on his eyebrows, like a blooming lotus, and his body was amazing, unlike a human race.

"Tangyan, are you okay?" The young monk looked at Gu Tangyan with great concern, but there seemed to be something wrong with Gu Tangyan. Where did the Yin Yuan go?

"Ye Wudao! As long as you kill him, I will be your Taoist companion! Get married another day and marry you Ye Family——" Gu Tangyan wiped his tears with the blue and white sleeves and said to the young man.

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