My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2847: Night sky

"No answer!"

Seeing this scene, Shengcai Peacock couldn't help but yelled, with regret on her face.

The best way now is to give up the exquisite ancient pagoda. It depends on the shame of those so-called great powers. In case you are still thinking about the treasures of Su Jin, you have to take it by force. Method.

Su Jin seemed to be overwhelmed by the golden light of the barefoot Kutuo golden bowl--

In the black leaf forest, dozens of tyrannical auras were about to move.

"This kid is no more than a human being, how can he withstand the blow of a barefoot Kutuo? This golden bowl's divine light is enough to refine him and there is no residue left!" The great power that was quietly hidden in the forest was communicating.

"Who said no! That kid has more than one and two heavy treasures on his body. It is almost like a treasure house. This barefoot Kutuo looks like he is going to **** the exquisite ancient pagoda. In fact, as long as this kid is completely refined, all the gods are required. Taken away by him! What should I do?"

"Fanxiu, a mere human being, has not been trained in Mushenchi, barefoot Kutuo is in the star nirvana realm, and he is still a strong star nirvana, the gap is too big! That kid is estimated to be ashes now--"

"Should we do something to barefoot Kutuo?"

"There is also a king of panaxe, be careful."


The private exchanges did not stop, but the expression of barefoot Kutuo's expression was from the initial joy, and gradually the expression was difficult to look.

The golden light shining from the golden bowl covered Su Jin's figure, and it could not be seen from the outside that he still existed--

After just a few breaths, the result was revealed.

In the golden light, Su Jin said in an indifferent tone as always: "You really are an evil Buddha, this Buddha power is impure, you are not a member of my Buddhist family."

"You! How are you..." The barefoot Kutuo seemed to have encountered the most terrible thing in his life.

He is full of stars.

Su Jin is just a god!

Barefoot Kutuo realized that he could not hurt Su Jin the slightest! This is terrible, it's hard to believe--

"Why haven't I been refined by you? Your divine light is a bit uncomfortable when it shines on me, but it's no different from when I'm in the sun. If you don't believe me, you can take a look." Su Jin said.

Barefoot Kutuo then abruptly collected the golden bowl, seeing a scene that calmed the surroundings--

Su Jin actually stretched out and didn't suffer any injuries at all, but his body showed golden skin, this was his golden body of King Buddha!

"Golden body! are also practicing Buddhism!" Barefoot Kutuo took a step back.

What a shame.

The strong star nirvana, using a powerful divine treasure, failed to kill a man or a god. If this spreads out, the reputation of barefoot Kutua will be greatly damaged, and it will become a big joke to spread, but he does not want to , I didn't expect this to happen!

Real Sanxu panicked inexplicably--

I feel that Fan Xiu, who was born suddenly, is not so easy to deal with, and this guy, what is going on, Senluo Dao and Jian Ti Dao are already two avenues, and now they are also practicing Buddha? And the power of Buddhism is not weak!

Concubine Yu's little heart was beating violently, Su Jin's stretching posture was too cool! Long Yuhao's face was swollen by himself, madly not believing everything he saw in front of him! He was so lifeless, he recognized a boss, what is the origin?

"What's going on--" Concubine Yu looked at Shengcai Peacock.

Shengcai Peacock and Gu Tangyan's expressions were much calmer, and Yu Fei felt that she knew about them, but as for Long Yuhao, she didn't seem to understand at all.

Shengcai Peacock transmitted to Yu Fei: "Nine Ways of Repair."

"Huh?" Concubine Yu felt her heart, her face turned pale, she took a few steps backwards, her eyes were all incredible! It seems to have heard a very unrealistic news.

Nine Paths fellow practitioners!

If it was before, no one would believe Concubine Yu, but Su Jin had already exhibited three kinds of avenues, which obviously greatly increased the authenticity of Sheng Cai Peacock's words!

At this moment, barefoot Kutuo obviously hesitated.

Su Jin exhibited a golden body. The Buddhist path is extremely orthodox. The barefoot Kutuo's own power is mostly Buddha power. Naturally, he can't cause harm to this cultivator. Unless he fights hard, it is possible to penetrate the opponent's golden body——

When there was a stalemate, a heroic voice began to be heard outside the Black Leaf Forest...

"Hahaha, everyone is here for the God's Cave of the King of Fa, why bother making trouble so stiff?"

"Ye Nantian!" Real Man Sanxu saw a man who was under 40 years old walking with a wine, his eyes a little sharp.

Rumors include Ye Nantian, the lord of the fairy capital, and the nine major lords rushing to this cave of the King of Falun Gong——

"You old guys, you actually rely on the people who sell the old and bully my fairy capital. If the lord of the city does not come out, you will still have a hard time?" Ye Nantian strode towards the battlefield, sweeping away the eighteen ancient roads where the corpses were separated. Corpse, said lightly.

"He is from your fairy capital?" Barefoot Kutuo didn't believe it.

"Not only that, he is still the nephew of the city lord——" Ye Nantian looked at Barefoot Kutuo.

The barefoot Kutuo and Sanxu Zhenren's eyes widened.

"Can you talk more? He is Fan Xiu, your nephew of the Lord Yeda?" Barefoot Kutuo said angrily. In his opinion, this night Nantian meant to protect Su Jin.

"As you know, the death of my nephew in the early years of the Ye family was the reincarnation sent by the city lord. Over the years, I have been searching for the night family and found him from outside the sky, but because of his special practice, he has not yet entered the Mu Shenchi for training." Ye Nan Tian smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, you can check it, or you can ask what his name is now?"

Real Person Sanxu felt a little worried, Ye Nantian, looked at Su Jin——

"The Lord Yecheng is right. I can testify. His name is Yedi, and he is very famous in the fairy capital!" Sheng Cai Peacock shouted again and again.


True person Sanxu looked at Barefoot Kutuo.

"If you still want to waste time here with my nephew, I advise you to dispel this idea! The Death Whisperers around are hidden in the dark, and King Panaxe is missing, I am afraid that he has already rushed to the God's Cave of the King."

Ye Nantian hummed, and looked at the two of them and said: "You are not vacant and Kutuo is replaced by King Panaxe. If you can fight with my Yejia, you still have to go as far as you can."

This is nothing to save face!

The barefoot Kutuo and Sanxu Zhenren suddenly couldn't get off the stage——

Su Jin was curious, why did Ye Nantian choose to help him? This is the first time he saw this city lord~~~


In the black leaf forest, a rainbow rushed to the God Cave of the King, and then someone left.

Real person Sanxu was discouraged, and the Lord of the Night City came forward. He had nothing to say, and he clasped his fists and quickly walked towards the God's Cave of the Fa King——

"Boy, don't let me find a chance in the God Cave of the King of Faith, otherwise I will let you die!" The barefoot Kutuo transmitted a voice to Su Jin, threatening, and then his face turned black, and he glanced at the night with a vengeance. Nantian, leave directly.

Shengcai Peacock also led people out at this time...

"Lord Ye City, long time no see." Sheng Cai Peacock said with a smile.

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk on the road." Ye Nantian looked at Su Jin's eyes, a little strange, but he still invited with a smile.

This is a big city owner!

Concubine Yu and Long Yuhao were very worried, but Gu Tangyan didn't feel much, her Gu family had a good relationship with Ye family, although she knew that the status was very different, but she wouldn't panic.

Gu Tangyan is not surprised by this result, think about it-

Although Ye Nantian and Barefoot Kutuo are both Star Nirvana powerhouses, Ye Nantian raised his arms and all the monks in the city should listen to his orders. Obviously, this kind of power is not at the same level, and it is normal for the other party to be jealous.

South of the Black Leaf Forest--

When Su Jin and his group were rushing to the Cave of the God of the King, a long ice-colored bridge directly isolated the devil's vortex, and almost 90% of the monks were rushing to the Cave of the King of the King.


On a boulder, Su Jin took out a fine wine and quietly listened to the relative who emerged, with a strange expression.

"Single Ye Family’s Wudao was cut to death by you. It’s worth saving you like this. How could the city lord be a good man? When Patriarch Gu saw me, I also became curious about you. I'm disappointed--" Ye Nantian said with a smile while drinking some wine.

Gu Tangyan stared at Su Jin's eyes, as if to say, look! Didn't my ancient family save your life?

"Thank you, the city lord, I don't know if the city lord has any other news about the Fawang Divine Cave--" Su Jin sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, he didn't think he was bound to die just now, but this saved a lot of things, and it was a great favor.

Ye Nantian shook his head and said: "Fawang God Cave was born unexpectedly, we suspect it is related to that stone snake..."

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