My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2848: Chaos

Su Jin's heart tightened--

Now any news is not as important as Stone Snake, especially for a city lord like Ye Nantian who covers the sky with only one hand, the news is far more informed than him.

"Dare to ask the city lord, is there a pagoda on top of the stone snake's head?" Su Jin became nervous unconsciously.


Ye Nantian said with great certainty, "And it's still a stupa that is always bright, but let me persuade me to say that there are many disasters in the Great Desolate Gorge. You have also seen it. It is difficult to accommodate monks and monks here. If the little brother is willing, I can live in the ancient house, and my night house also welcomes my little brother to go—"

The meaning in his words is very clear.

Only in the Great Desolate Gorge, it is difficult for Su Jin to survive here. Besides, there are a lot of people coming here. The God's Cave of the Dharma King is a place where many strong people must fight. How to fight for the stone snake and the pagoda?

Su Jin gently clenched his fists, stood up and said, "Lord Night City, the pagoda is extremely important to me, and I remember the favor this time."

"Do you want to go there?" Ye Nantian frowned first, then showed an expression of admiration.

"No, it will be meaningless for me to come here--" Su Jin nodded.

"Papa Papa."

Ye Nantian clapped his palms and sighed lightly. A purple token appeared on the palm of his hand, and said: "In times of distress, shatter this order, and it may be a disaster."

Su Jin and Ye Nantian drank two drinks.

It is impossible for Yecheng Master to follow Su Jin all the time. This trip is a farewell. Perhaps the God of God Cave can see you again, but who knows if Su Jin can walk there alive?

After Ye Nantian walked away and disappeared, Concubine Yu stuck out her tongue.

"Our city lord is so stingy--" Concubine Yu whispered.

"The lord of the city, he is busy with his work, and it is not easy to help once. It must be impossible for him to be with us. This time, please be careful at any time." Shengcai Peacock knew not to persuade Su Jin.

Upon hearing this, Su Jin smiled lightly.

"Big brother, how are we going to do it? Or, let's hurry up, you show off your power and take away the entire Faking God Cave——" Long Yuhao said.

"Take it away?" Concubine Yu and Gu Tangyan were a little far away from this dragon.

Really superb.

Shengcai Peacock glanced at Long Yuhao and said, "Don't say it's your eldest brother in the God Cave of the Fa King, even if it's 10,000 star Nirvana powerhouses, it can't shake the root, let alone take it away."

"So powerful?" Long Yuhao's arrogance suddenly disappeared.

Su Jin shrugged and said: "I will sacrifice the exquisite ancient pagoda first. Now I have no time to be distracted. Please pay attention to your surroundings. We will leave in a quarter of an hour."

After speaking, Su Jin walked to the open space.

The ground was dry, Su Jin swept away a piece of rubble, sat cross-legged under the gaze of a few people, and then took a single hand. The forty-five-story exquisite ancient pagoda slowly grew up and flew up.

Chi Chi -

The several blue electric lights entwined in the sky struck straight down, and the electric lights kept shining on the exquisite ancient tower.

Long Yuhao was almost envious. When he saw the Linglong ancient pagoda turned into a small building the size of a small building, it slowly fell on top of Su Jin's head when it was wrapped in electric light, and the first floor of the bottom of the tower turned out to be empty——

Su Jin sat still, and when the ancient tower enveloped him, the scene on the first floor also fell into his eyes.


On the first floor of the Linglong ancient pagoda, there are eight stone troughs on the wall, each of which is several meters high, corresponding to one corner of the octagon. What surprised Su Jin was the existence of the stone trough.

There are eight **** jade statues, each of which is a female nun, all of them are in the same proportions as a real person, and there is a mysterious mysterious light that shuttles between the jade female statues, and there is an inexplicable connection.

Where Su Jin sat coiled, the black and red yin and yang fish circulated and chased, gradually turning into a distinct "dao" character, his soul swam around, and white mysterious writings floated out of the tower wall.

"Linglong Profound meaning?" Su Jin touched his chin, and immediately closed his eyes, leaving it alone, at least for the initial practice, and there is not much time left for him.

A faint white light with two colors of pink and blue began to linger, Su Jinyi robe hunting, the state of the mysterious, the more he sacrificed, the more terrifying he felt!

This exquisite ancient tower-

After just sitting cross-legged for such a loss of time, Su Jin felt that his energy and spirit were approaching the peak, and the nine realms of his practice seemed to be speeding up!


Boom boom boom -

After a quarter of an hour, Linglong Ancient Tower shook and shrank quickly. Su Jin was still sitting cross-eyed and closed his eyes, but he raised his hand gently and grabbed it, and Linglong Ancient Tower was placed in his palm.

Just in the initial practice, Su Jin used the "Huangnan Dao Zang Sutra" to open up the Daozang Purple Mansion on the right palm of the Vulcan arm. He accidentally discovered that there was some space in the Purple Mansion, so he simply placed the Linglong Ancient Pagoda in his palm. It can also be taken out in time when used.

Su Jin opened his eyes-

The sacred peacock who looked at her heart jumped.

In just a quarter of an hour, Su Jin's temperament has changed faintly, and it seems that the nine avenues are more suitable. Although this feeling is very subtle, all Gu Tangyan have noticed it.

"No wonder everyone wants to **** the Linglong Ancient Pagoda." Su Jin said with emotion.

"Boss! Let's set off now! How many people do you see rushing to the Dharma King's Cave? And during your worship of the Linglong Ancient Pagoda, I heard people on the road saying that the King God Cave will spew out gods, and it will be too late if you don't go. !"

Long Yuhao was in a hurry. Especially after seeing Su Jin's acquisition of the Linglong Ancient Pagoda, I even wanted to get one or two treasures! Even if it's not as good as the Linglong Ancient Pagoda!

Su Jin got up, the gravel on the ground began to tremble slightly——

It’s not far from the ‘Farwang’s Cave’.

There are so many people in front of them, and they feel terrible at the first glance. There are gods who step on the sword in the mountains, trees, and heaven!

"The more you go in, the death will rise by 10%. Do you want to wait for the stone snake to show up before doing it?" Sheng Cai Peacock asked Su Jin.

"The stone snake is in the God Cave of the King of Fa -" Su Jin shook his head.

"It's even harder to live inside." Gu Tangyan straightened his eyes, listening to Su Jin's meaning, he still wanted to walk into the Fawang God Cave? Think of King Panaxe, the top ten city masters, and the Death Whisperer! Which Su Jin can contend?


The ground trembled more and more violently. Looking at the direction of Wangshen Cave from a distance, the sky and the earth gradually dimmed, and circles of colored light began to escape!

"There must be a powerful person who has entered the Fawang Divine Cave! It has caused the Fawang Divine Cave to start spraying divine treasures!" Sheng Cai Peacock couldn't hide her excitement, she did not expect to encounter such a good thing.

"Spit!" Long Yuhao rubbed his hands, "God treasure will come, **** treasure will come!"

"It's still the way it was at the beginning. Sister Shengcai protects them. The monks in the periphery are not a big threat to you." Su Jin said, stepping into the void.

Shengcai Peacock has no time to stop it!

Su Jin is already walking to the Fawang God's Cave——

On the other hand, Gu Tangyan stomped his feet and became impatient unconsciously.


The magnificent light, like iridescent, and the artifacts around the God's Cave of the King of God, like black spots, quickly sprayed out in all directions!

Tens of millions of monks were instantly crazy--

Boom buzzing, one after another magic soldiers wrapped in the wind, glowing with different colors of magical power, turned into a Changhong and washed away from the other side, and many people began to chase and intercept them, and fierce battles began to appear in all areas!

"Ah! Do you dare to fight against Xuanzong?" There was a monk wearing a green robe, who turned into a **** arm, and suddenly grabbed a very fast **** treasure, and his other hand was a man's neck. Stop, with a click, the body fell to the ground.

"Who dares to **** this tourmaline with me!" Another person chased the red light of the magical soldier, and the power of the sky directly pushed back hundreds of people, and the strong attitude made people afraid to fight with it.

"You grab my **** treasure, kill my imperial treasure heaven pavilion, you wait—"


The chaotic situation did not let Su Jin pay more attention.

Su Jin walked towards the void step by step, without the intention of fighting for those squirting divine treasures, his eyes were firm, and the stone snake screamed in his ears, as if it were the most beautiful voice in the world——


I'm coming!

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