My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2849: Abduct the princess?

This is definitely the most promising time for Su Jin-

Missed, I am afraid there will be no chance again!

The surrounding chaos makes it hard to affect Su Jin. Even if the sky is falling and the earth is sinking, his determination cannot be shaken in the end!

Someone who robbed the treasure did not know Su Jin. After all, many people had already lost their eyes. Regardless of who he was, there was exactly a gray black light that sprayed from the cave of the King of God to Master Su like an arrow.

"Go away!" There was a young man with a wicked expression on his face, thinking that Su Jin was going to grab the divine treasure, so he hit him in the face with a punch!

In the next instant, the youth turned pale.

Su Jin grabbed his fist, as if not using any force, the young man suddenly howled, watching his arms turn into magma, and then he was terrified to discover that his strength was no match for the opponent!

The whole person turned into a ball of magma and exploded, and after exploding, there were gray-red lumps, splashing towards the surroundings——

Su Jin did not change his expression from beginning to end, his raised right hand did not fall, his fire **** arm swung lightly, and a terrifying giant fire arm was immediately condensed with divine power in front of him!

That arm was like a mountain falling sideways, swept fiercely, thousands of miles ahead, all the people and things that blocked Su Jin's road were swept away!

"He! He is the night emperor from the fairy capital! The one who bought the fairy descended from the heavens in the Tianji Pavilion!" Someone calmed down and felt extremely distressed about the black light divine treasure, and that arm even shattered the divine treasure.

"Just now he met a great opportunity and took away the Linglong Ancient Pagoda!"

"True? The Linglong ancient tower is on him?"

"It's true, it's definitely on him now! But I feel that only the strong star Nirvana above the nebula have a chance. You alone are afraid that it will not be enough!"

"Ye Di? He is the big enemy of our Ye family, that is, he wiped out our heir Ye Wudao. This man is so powerful that even our four elders can't live with him!"


Faced with all kinds of discussions, Su Jin walked in the void as if he hadn't heard anything.

In addition to worrying about his mother, Su Jin had some phenomena that he couldn't understand. What exactly is the cave of the Fawang God, and why does the stone snake seem to be very painful inside?

Su Jin couldn't make a judgment before he saw the stone snake stupa in person. Soon, the Dharma King's cave had appeared in his field of vision normally, and there were fewer and fewer monks.


On the ground, a pool of green poisonous water was popping up one by one, and when it burst, a strand of magical poison floated out, and each pool of poisonous water represented a dead person!

Su Jin suddenly felt that every time the God’s Cave was shaken, some evil miasma would be spewed out when the God’s treasure was sprayed. No wonder there were so many people in the periphery. In the place closest to the God Cave, except for some star-nirvana strong Besides, monks of low realm, I am afraid that they can only survive with strong protective divine treasure.

And at close range, Su Jin saw the appearance of the God Cave for the first time--

This cave of the Fawang God is like a moat, the surface is pitch black, and there are big holes everywhere, but from the left and right, you can't see the edge at a glance, just like a continent! No wonder the sacred peacock said before that no one can remove this cave of the King of God-

Su Jin even noticed a trace of pattern walking on the ground. This cave of the God of the Dharma King seemed to have formed naturally, very mysterious.


A majestic sound appeared in the direction of Su Jin's left hand. He looked up and saw that a magnificent temple had actually landed.

When the dust settled, six people walked down the temple. In the center was a middle-aged man wearing a crown and noble clothes.

"But Brother Ye?" The middle-aged man walked up with a smile.

"Do you know me?" Su Jin frowned. These six are four men and two women, and they are the strongest middle-aged people!

"I don't know, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the lord of Jiuyi Tiancheng——"

"What's the matter?" Su Jin only felt that the other party was unkind. Although this person didn't feel any malice towards him for the time being, there was a young man who showed killing intent in the eyes of the Lord of Heaven. .

"I heard that Brother Ye obtained the Linglong Ancient Pagoda. I didn't think about it myself, but I am a father. My daughter loves it very much. I want to get it. I wonder if Brother Ye can bear the pain to cut love?" Sorry to say.

"Linglong ancient tower has been refined by me, it is impossible to give it away--" Su Jin responded indifferently.

"You are so courageous!" The young man with murderous intent in his eyes suddenly screamed and just wanted to stand up.

"Song Tianao, you retreat to me." The Lord of Heaven suddenly showed dislike.

"City Lord! He actually dared to refine the divine treasure that the princess wanted, I don't think I need to be polite with him, just cut him off and regain the Linglong Ancient Pagoda!" Song Tianao said coldly.

Su Jin dug his ears, just like hearing the sound of farting, he didn't take Song Tianao seriously at all, and at this time, he looked at the girl next to the Lord of Heaven, and seemed a little uneasy--

She wore a light-colored Xia Yi, dressed very fresh, but with a little beauty, but not as good as Gu Tangyan and Shengcai Peacock, and even worse than Yu Fei.

"Brother Ye, as long as you bear the pain and give up your love, I, the treasure of Jiuyi Tiancheng, choose whatever you want! What you want, money, treasures, promises, this town lord can satisfy you all!" The gods promised.

Su Jin is dumb, there is still such a difficult thing?

"I have a method that has the best of both worlds. How about the city lord?" Seeing the other party's seriousness, Su Jin naturally became serious too.

"Please speak!" The Lord of the Heavenly City focused his head.

"Let the princess and me be a Taoist companion, my exquisite ancient pagoda is naturally hers, how can I divide each other? What do you think?"

This was what Su Jin said casually, and he was a little anxious. This Fawang Divine Cave seemed extremely unstable, and the other great powers hadn't set off yet, so I didn't know what was sinister.


There was silence.

The Shengcai Peacock and others who paid close attention to Su Jin were almost astonished by Su Jin's bold idea!

"Huh!" Gu Tangyan moved his lips and teeth slightly, not knowing what he was talking about, twisting around as if extremely angry.

"Ye Di is amazing -" Concubine Yu praised her.

"The other party is the city lord of Jiuyi Tiancheng. Does this guy know who he is talking to." Although Shengcai Peacock admires Su Jin's courage, this kind of unsympathetic, even slightly ridiculous dialogue is definitely not suitable other people.

"The eldest brother is naturally amazing. I found that compared to the eldest brother, I am absolutely useless! Why don't I have the appreciation of beautiful women?" Long Yuhao sighed, "I don't know how this city lord would respond, and I was bluffed by the eldest brother."

At this moment, Song Tianao's eyes seemed to kill people--

This guy wants to abduct the princess? !

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