My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2868: Don't take a step back!

"Looking at your brother's dignity, but his tone is really not small—"

Su Jin smiled, and the words were very comfortable, but soon he took the smile immediately: "What about Nima?"

Su Jin, a noble man, has seen him a lot, and he is so refreshing and refined, and he is still rare. What is the representative of the so-called "Haoran Taoist"? I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue!

Gusu Lingye frowned slightly, "Just now, I see all your skills, ordinary star nirvana, it is indeed difficult to conquer you, but I use at most three kinds of Taoism, it is difficult for you to accept——"

Su Jin gently wiped his face.

The three star-nirvana powerhouses, including the city lord of the sunset, now have a dark face. This Gusu Lingye is like saying that they are not good, and that's fine behind it. In the presence of so many spectators, it is really not for them. face!

"Stop talking nonsense, all three techniques and four techniques are displayed, and this king will continue!" Su Jin said calmly!

"You retreat—" Gusu Lingye looked at the two Daotongs next to him, and then at the three of the City Lord Sunset: "So are you."


The three people of Sunset City Lord were shocked!

"Master Lingye, this person is a fellow practitioner of the Nine Dao, each of which is very extraordinary. Although your Dao is good, you may not be able to compete with him! Let's do it together with the four of us!" Sanxu Zhenren said with solemn expression.

"Yeah! This guy is extremely cruel. Since stepping into the Great Desolate Gorge, two fellow Xingni Daoists have been wiped out by him. The son must not underestimate him!" Feng Shitian also said softly.

"Just now, I have a full view of his magic. It's easy to cut him. Let's retreat. If he is cut off by then, I will be called a siege by the Taoist school, I am afraid it is wrong." Gu Su Ling Ye said.

The Lord of Sunset frowned tightly, and quietly transmitted his voice: "Let's step back and let him take action!"

"This!" Feng Shitian was a little upset, "We have spent so much time on Ye Di, this Gu Su Lingye wants to pick something ready!"

"Indeed, he must have seen that the night emperor has the'Fuxi Dao Mark' on his body, otherwise he would not appear like this, ah! He is willing to come forward, then let him fight by himself!" The true person Sanxu was also annoyed. But while still communicating, the three of them retreated together.

Gusu Lingye was very satisfied with the three people's actions.

Withdrawing his eyes from the three of the Lord of the Sunset, Gu Su Lingye made an inviting gesture, "Please~~~"

Su Jin has indeed consumed a lot of strength, but he recovers quickly, and his current state is about 80% at the peak, which is enough!

For Gusu Lingye, Su Jin paid a little attention to it!

Gusu Lingye's **** of right hand close together in front of him, gently waved in front of him, and a trace of silver tracing across his fingertips, those traces of brilliance continued!

This Gu Su Lingye has something!

Su Jin can see it!

While Gusu Lingye commanded, a mysterious large handprint catalogue condensed in front of him, spinning constantly, the gods glowing!

"Tie Dao!" Gu Su Lingye pointed at the terrifying nine-headed dragon horse above Su Jin——

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Shenxia turned into a sky full of "Tao" characters, ups and downs, and the void, those Dao characters formed a shining Tao net, and they even netted the nine-headed dragon horse!


The nine-headed dragon horse screamed violently!

Horrible! In this state, the nine-headed dragon horse is difficult to break through the weird Taoist network!

The spectators sighed--

"Haoran Taoism is still amazing! I heard that Gu Su Lingye is the most outstanding genius in the last 30,000 years. Some people call him the youngest Taoist god. Back then, the young Fuxi was nothing more than that!" There are spectators. I feel that I have gained insight, and I sigh with emotion.

"Isn't it! If this Gu Su Lingye is impatient, can he drink back other star nirvana powers and fight the ghost king alone?"

"Emperor Ye really doesn't know good or bad. There are so many Star Nirvana nearby. There are at least 300 people. I don't know how many people like Gusu Lingye are—"

"No way, this ghost king failed to restrain his temper. He came to the heavens as soon as he became a god, and he was unlucky when he met Lord Lingye!"

"Not necessarily, Ye Di is the existence of the Nine Paths fellow practitioners. It's really hard to tell the outcome now!"

"The night emperor will lose—"


Crackling crackling~~

Outside the Daozinet, there was a burning sound. Gusu Lingye's pupils shrank slightly. He actually underestimated the power of this extinguished sacred fire. You must know that he stood up very confidently. Very mysterious, unlikely to be melted down, now--

With a trace of disdain at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, he shook his whole body slightly, and said softly: "Broken!"


The word in the sky was shattered and turned into a little fluorescence and disappeared!

"I look down on you, but it doesn't matter--" Gu Su Lingye looked at the angry nine-headed dragon horse, then looked at Su Jin, "You have to be careful next blow!"

After speaking, Gusu Lingye dropped her hands, and slowly raised her arms up again, two rainbow lights like snakes drew a perfect path on his hands!

Gusu Lingye’s body seemed to be submerged in a clear ripple, and the ripples gradually emerged in a circular array. The seemingly transparent divine power condensed two yin and yang fish on it, and his entire avenue seemed to be It's working!


Gusu Lingye was floating in the disc, his deity slowly closed his eyes, but soon the six transparent him woke up on the disc and opened his eyes directly!

Seeing this situation, Shengcai Peacock was shocked: "This person's understanding of the Tao has reached the extreme! This is the main soul separation method. Under the blessing of the perfect road, the six souls have no less than The strength of the deity!"

"So strong?" Long Yuhao was shocked and couldn't help worrying about Su Jin.

"Haoran Taoists treat him like a treasure, and the entire Gusu City is relying on him to prop up some face, how can it not be great." Gu Tangyan said slowly.

"Can't even deal with Divine Fire? These gods dare to approach Divine Fire?" Yu Fei became curious.

"Look at it, he deserves to be hailed as the'Young Taoist God'. His avenue is enough to resist the extinguished sacred fire, and the six souls will directly act, which is simply impossible to defend!" Sheng Cai Peacock said.

"Then what to do? It's impossible to defend against!" Long Yuhao looked surprised.

Su Jin's full gaze--

I didn't relax a little bit! Don't look at him usually arrogant, but has he ever underestimated anyone? No wonder this Gusu Lingye has confidence!

"Ye Di! I hope you can take this blow from me, and force me to use the third kind of original Taoism that has been condensed throughout my body, but you will not have a 10% chance to escape under the might of my soul!" Gu Su Lingye looked at Su Jin and said, "Even if you have a secret, you can't escape it!"

Su Jin was really disgusted by this person, with a face that seemed to be inferior to him, and then he coldly shouted: "Escape? Put Nima's shit! If this king takes a step back, I will write my name backwards!"

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