My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2869: Don't kill me, brother!

Bi drag?


Su Jinping recovered his state of mind. After seeing Gusu Lingye's face like this, he immediately raised his hands and slowly folded his palms together——


The sacred Sanskrit singing faintly sounded from nothingness, and everyone in the audience was looking for the position of the Buddha's sound, but it seemed like the Buddha was in his ears!

Huh huh~~

The golden body is exposed, not only the golden body of the king and Buddha! The upper body also condensed and spread out six Buddha arms, three on the left and three on the right!

"Eight arms to Buddha!" ​​Someone's eyes were hot, and in the crowd watching the battle, there seemed to be people who were eager to move, and even a few Buddhas put their hands together and knelt down slowly.

"Master Hede! He is an enemy of the world! Why do you worship the ghost king!" Someone asked an old man in a monk's robe.

"There is a way for good and evil, so what about the ghost king, you are a demon cultivator, do you dare to consider yourself a good person?" Master Hede asked calmly.

"I am naturally a good person!" The cultivator who should be inquiring responded without thinking.

"You are the big demon in the mortal world. The demon can be a good person. Why can't the ghost king? Power is strong and weak, no matter how bad the great road is, as long as it doesn't hurt the heavens and the reason, you are a good person——" Master Hede said.

"You are so irrational! You bald donkeys are hypocritical. Knowing that he is the king of ghosts, they want to kneel down and worship him. It is simply unreasonable!"

A small number of Buddhas like this are also being questioned in this way, but the Buddha is pure, pure, and be himself...

Su Jin looked at Gusu Lingye in the almost transparent disk, and then looked at the spirits of the six Gusu Lingye, his great wisdom Buddha pupils were gradually filled with a little blood blue color!

"Dou, Dou Zi Mi!" Gusu Lingye's spirit, all spoke unanimously, with some incredible tone.

Su Jin's current aura makes people afraid to look straight! He originally had the tyrannical strength to fight the four great star nirvana, although he had consumed a lot in the battle just now, his power skyrocketed as soon as the word "Tian Mi" appeared!

Gu Su Lingye nodded: "I should be able to take this blow to me—"

He really dare to speak!

Su Jin has never encountered such a shameless person. Compared with those wicked faces, the hypocritical nobility is more disgusting. There is no doubt that this Gu Su Lingye is of this kind!

The six great spirits of Gusu Lingye are like feathered flying immortals. A transparent and rotating gossip picture swirls around each of the heads of Gusu Lingye, turning into six profound lights, making people unable to trace their trajectory to rush to——

The nine-headed dragon horse roared, pulling the huge carriage, directly found the position of the soul, and rushed over in an instant, the **** flame spurted from his nine dragon heads~~


The imaginary transparent gossip on the heads of the six great spirits turned into a transparent barrier. Although the barriers melted layer by layer, they could not hurt the spirit of Gusu Lingye in a short time!

In a blink of an eye, Gusu Lingye drove the spirits, and the six spirits appeared around Su Jin almost at the same time, each extending a finger and pointing towards Su Jin!

Su Jin closed his eyes slightly, then opened again——

The blue eyes are as deep as the sky!

Su Jin separated his hands, and his right hand lightly probed the void, and with a light grasp, the void shook suddenly!

At that moment, Gu Su Lingye was shocked, and the deity opened his eyes. He had heard that Su Jin had a secret secret before, but it was also an extremely mysterious wordless secret secret!

Ok! He hadn't seen the wordless Tian Mi, but he saw the blood blue fighting word Tian Mi!

Douzi Tian Mi is not over yet--

Ma! Zhetian Mi was used by Su Jin again! Gusu Lingye almost wanted to cry without tears! Seeing this, Su Jin actually wanted to fight to death! It depends on who can hold it!

"Three kinds of secrets! You actually have three kinds of secrets!" Gu Su Lingye gritted his teeth.

"Kill!" Su Jin said softly.

"Kill!" Gusu Lingye knew even if he didn't even look at it, the void above his head was already covered by a big blue hand, he couldn't escape at all! After all, Su Jin's strength is not weak, this can be seen from the fact that he has cut off the two Star Nirvana before!


There was an incredible exclamation, and the hustle and bustle rose-

"Is this the real strength of Ye Di! Three kinds of secrets, three kinds of secrets!" Someone blushed, but in his heart he dared not make Su Jin's idea.

"No word secret, fighting word secret, covering the sky secret! Especially the fighting word secret, I heard that it is precious and extraordinary, but as long as the sky secret, every one is a rare magical technique, this Ye Di has three kinds! I want I'm so jealous!"

"It's hard to say, Ye Di is really courageous. This is a life-for-life style of play. Gusu Ling Ye's technique, if you don't kill Ye Di, you will die! Similarly, Ye Di's gold The body may not be able to hold this Dao skill of Young Master Ling Ye!"

"I really envy you, but the stronger the Ghost King, the less the Star Nirvana powerhouses around him will let him go. Even if Gusu Lingye is killed by him, he will be seriously injured, and it will still be difficult to live by then!"


At present, Concubine Yu's face is pink, her heartbeat is like a deer, and she is restlessly hitting her heart——

Shengcai Peacock's face is solemn, Su Jin is really ruthless, playing bloody!

"Ah~~~" Gusu Lingye blessed his strength. His six spirits, desperately, shuttled through the extinguished fire, each of the six spirits stretched out a claw and slammed Su Jin's golden body fiercely!

Su Jin's golden body of King Buddha shook fiercely, Gusu Lingye was stupid, how could this golden body be so powerful! His spirit, six hands, five of them were stopped by Tongfo's eight arms, and the dangerous and dangerous four fingers scratched the top of Su Jin's back——

Gusu Lingye was stunned, and then cold sweat ran, the hand that covered the sky above slammed it down, his deity was madly blending into the disk, and wanted to survive this strike as much as possible!


Gusu Lingye's back was sticking to the virtual rotating disc, and under that loud noise, his entire body was shattered more than ten times in an instant, and the virtual disc was hard to maintain!


The deity was wounded, and the six spirits returned instantly. Su Jin vomited blood and stepped towards Gusu Lingye.

"Big brother don't kill me! I'll give you whatever you want!" Gusu Lingye screamed directly after being hit hard.

But what greeted him... was a shoe sole!


Su Jin was like a **** descending to the earth, the whole person stepped on Gusu Lingye's face, descending rapidly, falling from the void to the ground! The soles of his shoes kept kicking on Gusu Lingye's face!

In a short time, more than a hundred feet? Gusu Lingye's cheekbones were kicked to pieces!

"Pretend! Pretend with Lao Tzu again! Lao Tzu's full body of gold, how can you break it if you want to scratch it?" Su Jin was crazy, the face that kicked and kicked was already bloody!

Gusu Lingye clenched his fists, and the slight Daohua began to shine on him——

Please forgive me, don't you let it go! Gusu Lingye was deeply hit, Daohua all over her body was glowing with glow, and the glow began to glow with imaginary white flames——

"I will die with you!" Gu Su Lingye let out a heart-piercing roar, and the entire void turned into a chaotic vortex. Around that vortex, a terrifying "Dao" gradually formed!

Gusu Lingye, burn the origin! He, who is said to be the most likely to become a ‘Tao God’, must not bear the blow of being kicked!

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