My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2873: Who wakes up


Ninety percent of the spectators were all stunned by the exquisite ancient tower with the word ‘death’ on that side, and the trembling and fear that seemed to originate from the soul grew.

On the top of the Linglong ancient pagoda, a little girl was sitting there, dangling her legs, her expression was so relaxed, she even reached out her hand, caught a few "death" words, and blew it lightly, those death words were like butterflies Fly away.



"Old Patriarch! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Among the spectators, a team of eighty people gathered together, with red eyes and fierce gleams. They unexpectedly appeared strange at this time, and their skin was red.

That red, very conspicuous——


The transparent blood was burning, as if it were implicated by fate, it burned on eighty people, and every cry made people pale!

In the eyes of every spectator, the 80 people of Fengshitian are rolling, trying to escape in the weird flame, but it is of no avail!

In just three breaths, a skeleton was still making a terrible cry, and finally, with blue smoke on the skeleton, it fell heavily to the ground, and a pile of broken bones fell!

"The Dead Man's Sutra is so terrible! That Feng Shitian watched the clansman being wiped out, and he closed his eyes at the last moment! This Dead Man's Sutra deserves to be called a masterpiece, no wonder other Star Nirvana powerhouses dare not step out of the night against the night. Emperor!"

"Slaying the heart! Feng Shitian is the Xingni powerhouse! He is the fourth power to die in the hands of the Yedi, and what we see is only the eighty clansmen killed at the scene, his true clan world, It is estimated that it has become a dead place now, this is the most terrifying place of the dead man!"

"Hey! Don't say that I have reached the point of Ye Di, even if I have 1% of his power, I guess I can dominate one side!"


The Linglong ancient pagoda is spinning, gradually shrinking, turning into an afterimage and falling into Su Jin's palm——

The Lord's face was gloomy and uncertain.

"I know, why didn't I kill you?" Su Jin asked, looking at the sunset city lord.


City Lord Sunset felt that if Feng Shitian was replaced by himself just now, his chances of surviving would not exceed 10%, and even saying that was a bit exaggerated. After all, he was just a star nirvana, and his strength was far inferior to that of Gusu Lingye.

"I want you to watch, your royal city will be overthrown by me!" Su Jin sneered.


Many people are looking at each other-

No wonder!

Just now, the Lord of Sunset City was clamoring more than anyone else. First stepped out from Shi Tian to call on the other great powers to stand up. Who would have thought that Su Jin could be so forbearing, and even let him live for more time to destroy the'Sunset City'!

"I'm waiting!" The eyes of the city lord of Sunset were vicious.

"Real Man Sanxu!" Su Jin pointed at Real Man Sanxu and said, "You are the next one!"

Real people are extremely vigilant.

Judging from this situation, it would be impossible for the Lord of the Sun to speak with Su Jin in this way, and even if he did, it was only two of them.

How to do?

This seems to be an unsolvable situation-

"Ye Di! I and you are in a dignified battle! I have condensed the strength of my lifelong avenue, and I don't believe that you can't kill you!" Sanxu snarled.

"I really didn't put you in my eyes." Su Jin sneered with disdain.

Real Man Sanxu clenched his fists and suddenly raised his head——

If you look closely, True Man Sanxu's eyes have a circle of yin and yang fish condensing and spinning, and the position of his eyebrows seems to be slowly spinning!


Real Man Sanxu waved his hands gently in front of him, and the void seemed like a sea! Ripples in circles, like water waves, the power of 100,000 miles around is absorbed and condensed into a circular formation!

Su Jin's face was calm, standing silently on the so-called transparent road map, quietly waiting for the attack from the real Sanxu!

The whole environment seemed to be changing slightly, and a white star with a diameter of thousands of miles appeared above the sky, like the moon, it felt like it was within reach! Very low!

"Ah! Who are you! Who are you?" The scream of the old man screamed, pulling many spectators back to reality.

The three blood-colored crosses seemed to be wrapped in the corpse-free world. The vitality of the old man was being quickly taken away, and his original endless life was evaporating!

"This is a living sacrifice!" Shi Meiren's face became serious.

"Live sacrifice to Star Nirvana, a rare scene..." Shengcai Peacock took a deep breath. She traveled many places and saw so many great battles. Xing Nirvana was sacrificed for life, and she had not resisted at all. Power, how terrible is this green-faced corpse?

Gu Tangyan glanced at Shi Meiren--

Even Shi Meiren's face is very dignified, you can imagine how powerful the educated youth face corpse is!

The old man is panicking to death now.

I personally felt the feeling of power being taken away, and his Dao soul began to weaken! The key point is that this is the location covered by the Dao of Dispersing Void Reality, that Wuxiang Corpse Realm has not been affected at all!


The old man turned blue all over, and his eyes seemed to have a layer of white cornea, and strands of blue corpse air floated out!

"The corpse control method!" Sheng Cai Peacock was shocked.

If it is an ordinary corpse, many people can control it, and even use a corpse talisman, but this is a master of star nirvana, and the old man is not a simple star nirvana! The strength even suppresses the Lord of the Sunset!

This is terrible-

"I have a hunch that the heavens are about to start chaos, and the changes here will be spread out soon, but the son controls the soul and Laozi controls the corpse. This family is really strange." Shi Meiren muttered slowly.

Seeing Shi Meiren saying this, Gu Tangyan did not refute the slightest rebuttal. In fact, if the pagoda fell into the hands of others, Su Jin would have to do everything in the first place to fight! Many people can see this strangeness!

Su Jin stepped on the magical formation of Dao power like a river, with ripples on his feet, and walked towards the real Sanxu——

Bang bang bang--

Sudden unexpectedly!

The real person Sanxu trembled in his heart, and he felt a terrible strangeness at the position of 30,000 miles to the north!

The ground there was swelling, a stone arm cracked the ground, and then a head protruded from the ground!

Su Jin stood sideways impressively, his face solemnly looking towards the north!

The sky has changed!

This kind of celestial phenomenon is extremely rare, and the surroundings are all black with invisible fingers, but the red wind blowing around seems to be shining with **** Xiahui!


The earth trembled, as if some terrible, unworldly powerhouse had awakened, stepping on the ground, the surrounding area was trembling for hundreds of thousands of miles!

"Who is awake?" Shengcai Peacock's face was flustered, as if her heart was being held down by a huge rock, extremely uncomfortable.

The green-faced corpse held the pagoda, and roared towards the north!

A stone shadow 100,000 feet high gradually jumped into the eyes of all monks~~~

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