My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2874: Burn your body

Shiying is a hundred thousand feet!

Compared with the tens of millions of monks, they are just like a group of black ants that are not worth mentioning. They are extremely weak.

"I have a big trouble! You little guys, don't leave me!" Shi Meiren's face changed sharply.

"Senior knows the identity of this stone man?" Long Yuhao's heart thumped and wanted to jump out.

"No need to ask more." Shi Meiren glanced at Long Yuhao.

Long Yuhao's face was embarrassed, and it was indeed an era where strength was the highest priority. If he hadn't recognized Ye Di as the boss, Shi Meiren would not even have the thought to look at him.

Shengcai Peacock's mind is moving fast, except for Long Yuhao and Shi Meiren, Yu Fei and Gu Tangyan are all looking at her!

After all, except for Shi Meiren, Sheng Cai Peacock is above her two girls in terms of qualifications and knowledge!

"Could it be--" Shengcai Peacock raised her head slightly, her face was dumbfounded, her tone couldn't conceal horror when she said these two words!

Concubine Yu immediately transmitted to Gu Tangyan and Shengcai Peacock, and asked: "What did Master Shengcai guess?"

"Have you forgotten where is this place?" Shengcai Peacock's face was ugly, and Voice Transmission asked.

After reminding.

Gu Tangyan and Yu Fei directly numb their scalp a bit.

This is the Holiness of the King God!

"Is it the Dharma King?" Gu Tangyan asked.

"Yes, Master Shengcai, although there are quite a few records in the ancient books of the God Cave of the King of the Faith, we are all coming in for the first time. It is not the same at all."

"It should be one of the Kings of the Fa. There are 36 Kings of the Fa in the God Cave of the Kings of Fa. Some people have never met one here in their entire lives. This is different from God!" Sheng Cai Peacock said.

"Ah? Is the legend of Thirty-Six Law Kings true?" Of course, Concubine Yu knew about this. Before coming, she deliberately searched for several ancient books, but she didn't believe the things recorded in the ancient books.

"Do you think that thirty-six kings are powerful? Don't be afraid, because there is still something that scares you. Of course, the thirty-six kings can't let the sacred cave have such a bad name, and there is also a shackled king god. Existence is also called the **** of shackles to dominate here." Shengcai Peacock sighed.

"How strong is it?" Yu Fei asked.

"My instinct is driving me to escape from here..." Shengcai Peacock's face was ugly, "I feel that if the'Shackles and Shackle God' appears, I might fall if I face it--"


Gu Tangyan and the two women were stunned.

"It is rumored that the ruler is in the hands of the **** of shackles, think about it, and leave here as soon as possible, otherwise these people will not be enough for the king to kill." Shengcai Peacock saw the two women not talking, and directly retreated.


The skeletal war horse screamed, and there were bunches of weird cyan corpses crisscrossing the blue-faced corpse statue. His face was furious, the entire corpse statue swelled, and the pagoda was carefully held in his mouth, and his body force rushed over— —

The old man tilted his head and was surrounded by circles of corpse power. He was accused of being out of the corpse-free world, burning corpse power all over his body, and was controlled by the green-faced corpse, and was thrown to the one hundred thousand feet tall. Giant stone man!

"Roar—" The giant stone man raised his fist and shook slightly, and the old man was shaken out of shape, turned into ashes and scattered.

Su Jin's face was extremely ugly.

How to fight this?

The old man is a strong star nirvana. Although he has been killed, the power loss of the corpse that has just been controlled is not large. This is a real nirvana corpse! but! But this star nirvana was shattered like an egg touching a stone?

The scene is in chaos!

"Run! Run back! The Xingni corpse is easily shaken to death. This method is too terrible. If we don't run, I'm afraid we will all die here!" The monks who watched the battle became extremely frightened, and began to communicate without thinking about it. Road rushed away.

"There are only a few who can run! This must be a Dharma King! The real Dharma King! What night emperor, blue-faced corpse statue, and panaxe king are not his enemy!"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! We actually want to find a ruler here, we can't deal with a Dharma King!"

"Go! Let's go! The last three births in the God Cave of the King of the Gods have not awakened a King. We are too careless. It must be the war that awakened a King of the Kings just now. Run! The ruler can no longer conspire."

"Look at those Star Nirvana Powers, they are all gone--"


During the chaos, Su Jin could no longer think about it anymore. He put away the exquisite ancient pagoda, and his figure flickered. The wanton and unrestrained demeanor faintly attracted some people's attention...

Su Jin is the second to rush towards that stone man Law King!

"Stupid!" Shi Meiren frowned.

"What to do? It's impossible for Ye Di to escape!" Yu Fei shouted again and again.

"You can't live by yourself." Shi Meiren said lightly.

The few people of Shengcai Peacock were speechless:...

Su Jin has appeared not far from the Stone Man Law King!


Put your hands together, ten thousand Buddhas are flourishing, and the light of ten thousand zhang Buddha bursts out, as if this place has become a world of Buddha country in a flash.

"The void is one!" Su Jin's face became solemn, his body trembled lightly, and his eight arms connected to the Buddha!

The huge corpse of the green-faced corpse was revealed, and it hit the stone man with a fist——

Rumble, loud noise is long!

A few people left the same way, but when most people saw this scene, they couldn't help but a little hope.

"That green-faced corpse is really strong!! As expected, a strong man who can also wave his hand to sacrifice to the star nirvana, actually fought the stone man Law King!" Someone was surprised inexplicably.

"Wait a second, we can't come back empty-handed when we come to this cave of the King of the Faith. This is only the awakening of a King of the Fa. If the green-faced corpse can contend with the King of the Stone Man, then we may still have a chance to measure the sky!"

"Hope, but in this case, hope doesn't feel great—"


The Stone Man Law King kept roaring, and the strong red hurricane swept directly! Its fist was raised, and circles of red power condensed out, and it hit the green-faced corpse with respect--

The skeletal warhorse of the green-faced corpse, under the influence of that weird red divine power, gradually melted like a paper skin, and even the green-faced corpse did not expect this stone man to be so fierce! That kind of power made him feel desperate and suffocated! There is a feeling that this blow will definitely fall!


A piece of Buddha wheel rose up around Su Jin, and at that instant, he turned into a beam of golden light and stopped in front of the terrible stone fist!

Nine-colored lotus flowers swirled around him in a flash!


Every lotus burns a ball of ‘Desperate Fire’!

Around Su Jin’s golden body, the same nine-colored fire began to blaze, his clothes instantly turned into flying debris, and his golden body was hazy, emerging in that raging flame——

Suddenly looking back, in the Mogu God Prison, perhaps his father wanted to kill him because he was a ghost king and refused to awaken the ghost king and cause chaos...

"The original cause, today's fruit. The flesh and blood body was given to him by his parents... now I have to pay it back..." Su Jin's face was sideways, and there were faint tiger tears dripping from the burning fire.

"Emperor Ye—" Sheng Cai Peacock's face turned gloomy.

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